DECISION DIRECTOR GENERAL OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND ANIMAL HEALTHNumber: 88/Kpts/PD. 420/F/03/2013 ABOUTTECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS CERTIFICATE ELIGIBLE LIVESTOCK BREEDSWITH THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYDIRECTOR GENERAL OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY,Considering: a. that in order to guarantee the quality of livestock breeds in circulation need to be equipped with a certificate that contains the compliance against standards in the form of Affidavits Worth Livestock Breeds;b. that the implementation of Viable Seeds Certificate issuance of Livestock carried out by the Office of provincial/district/city;c. that in order for the implementation of Certificate Issuance Viable Livestock Breeds more directional, viewed the Technical Instructions need to set Viable Seed Livestock Affidavits with the decision of the Director General of animal husbandry and animal health.Recalling 1. Act No. 8 of 1999 on the protection of the consumer (State Gazette Number 42 in 1999 Additional State Gazette Number 3821);2. Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Governments (State Gazette Number 125 of 2004, an additional State Gazette Number 4437);3. Act No. 18 of 2009 about animal husbandry and animal health (State Gazette Number 84 in 2009, State Gazette Supplementary No. 5015);4. Government Regulation number 16 in 1977 about the livestock business (State Gazette number 21 in 1977, an additional State Gazette Number 3102);5. Government Regulation Number 102 of 2000 about National Standards (State Gazette Number 299 in 2000, State Gazette Supplementary No. 4020);6. Government Regulation Number 38 in 2007 about Government Affairs Divisions between the Government, the Government of The Province and Regional District/city Governments (State Gazette Number 82 in 2007, an additional State Gazette Number 4737);7. Government Regulation No. 48 in 2011 on the genetic resources of animals and Livestock Perbibitan (State Gazette Number 123 in 2011, State Gazette Supplementary No. 5260);8. Presidential regulation Number 47 in 2009 about the formation and organization of the Ministries;9. Presidential regulation Number 24 of 2010 about the position. Tasks, and functions of the Ministries as well as the Organization, duties, and functions of the Echelon I Ministries;10. Presidential Decree No. 84/P in 2009 about the formation of Cabinet Unity Indonsia II period 2009 to 2014 and the appointment of a Minister of State;11. the decision of the Minister of agriculture No. 404/Kpts/OT. 210/6/2002 regarding guidelines for licensing and registration of Farm Businesses;12. Regulation of the Minister of agriculture No. 58/Permentan/OT. 140/8/2007 on the implementation of the national system of Standardization in the field of agriculture;13. the regulation of the Minister of agriculture the number 61/OT Permentan/140/1072010tentang organization and The work of the Ministry of agriculture.14. Regulation of the Minister of agriculture Nomor75/Permentan/OT. 140/11/2011 product certification Agency of Agriculture; and15. Regulation of the Minister of agriculture number 19/Permentan/OT. 140/3/2012 about the requirements of quality Seeds, seeds, Livestock and animal genetic resources.DECIDED:Set: TECHNICAL GUIDE CERTIFICATE WORTH LIVESTOCK BREEDSArticle 1Technical Guide Certificate Worth Livestock Breeds, as noted in the Appendix, are part of the integral part of this decision.Article 2Technical Guide Certificate Worth Livestock Breeds referred to in article 1 a reference to the service centre and carry out the functions of animal husbandry province/district/cities in the implementation of certificate issuance viable livestock breeds.Article 3This decision took effect since the date specified.Established: In JakartaOn: 06 March 2013DIRECTOR GENERAL OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND ANIMAL HEALTH,A COPY of this regulation is submitted to the Designation:1. The Inspector-General of the Ministry of agriculture;2. the Secretary of the Directorate General of livestock and animal health;3. The scope of the Director of the Directorate General of livestock and animal health.Annex: decisions of the Director General of animal husbandry and animal health Number: 88/Kpts/PD. 420/F/03/2013 date: 06 March 2013TECHNICAL CERTIFICATE INSTRUCTIONS LA YAK BREEDS OF CATTLECHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA. BackgroundLivestock breeds is one of the important and strategic means to improve production and the quality of results in the provision of food origin cattle which has competitiveness. At this time, the availability of livestock breeds in terms of both mutunya are still not optimal, so the need for increased efforts in meeting the demand for seed of cattle according to Standard National Indonesia (SNI) or the Minimal technical requirements (PTM).Act No. 18 of 2009 about animal husbandry and animal health mengamanahkan on article 13 paragraph (4) every seed/seedlings in circulation required to have certificates that contain the seeds viable information on genealogy and characteristics of particular excellence and subsection (5) a certificate issued by an accredited certification agency or designated by the Minister of agriculture. At present, the certification institution has existed in the Directorate General of livestock and animal health that is product certification Agencies (LSPro) seeds and Livestock Breeds. In carrying out the certification, LSPro seeds and Livestock Breeds judging the suitability of products based on a quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2008 and SNI.Current conditions indicate not all businessmen are able to meet the requirements for its products to mensertifikasikan LSPro. This is because not all the trade carried out the production process refers to Good Breeding Practices (GBP) with a quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2008. While on the other hand, society needs the appropriate seed standards will be progressively increased.On the basis of this, then the necessary steps by seeking the issuance of Certificate Worth Livestock Breeds. These affidavits are published after judging the suitability of products for livestock breeds against standard (SNI/PTM Standard areas) have been there. Hopefully the affidavits can be the beginning of the certification process, after going through formation of businessmen towards the nursery continuously.Therefore, in order for the issuance of the Certificate Eligible Livestock Breeds can be implemented effectively, targeted and sustainable in order to increase the quality of seedlings, then need to set the technical Certificate Instructions Worth of livestock BreedsB. purpose and Objectives1. PurposeReferring to the Technical Instructions ruled Affidavits Livestock Breeds this is Worthy as a reference for The provinces/Counties/cities in performing Certificate Issuance Viable Livestock Breeds;2. PurposeThe purpose of the Technical Instructions ruled Affidavits Deserves this Cattle Breeds to give a guarantee that the cattle have been written that complies with the standard (SNI/PTM/standard Regions) that have been set.C. Scope.The scope of which is set out in the technical instructions include:1. Implementation (object, ownership, executor, team evaluator)2. The procedures for the implementation and supervision of SKLB publishingD. UnderstandingIn this manual are:1. Certificate Worth Livestock Breeds is a letter outlining the suitability of the cattle against standard (SNI/PTM/standard Regions) to clump/strain of cattle that have been assigned or removed;2. Determination of clumps or strain is the recognition of the Government against SDG Animal that has existed in an area source of seeds are hereditary cultivated breeders and belong to the public;3. Release of clumps or strain the State Prize was carried out by the Government against a clump or a new strain breeding in domestic results or the results of the introduction that can be disseminated.4. Standar Nasional Indonesia yang selanjutnya disebut SNI adalah spesifikasi teknis atau sesuatu yang dibakukan termasuk tatacara dan metoda yang disusun berdasarkan konsensus semua pihak yang terkait dengan memperhatikan syarat-syarat keselamatan, keamanan, kesehatan, lingkungan hidup, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, serta pengalaman, perkembangan masa kini dan masa yang akan datang untuk memperoleh manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Standardisasi Nasional dan berlaku secara nasional.5. Persyaratan Teknis Minimal yang selanjutnya disebut PTM adalah batasan terendah dari spesifikasi teknis atau sesuatu yang dibakukan termasuk latacara dan metoda yang disusun berdasarkan konsensus semua pihak yang terkait dengan memperhatikan syarat-syarat keselamatan, keamanan, kesehatan, lingkungan hidup dan/atau pertimbangan ekonomis, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta pengalaman, perkembangan masa kini dan masa yang akan datang untuk memperoleh manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri Pertanian.6. Standar daerah adalah adalah batasan terendah dari spesifikasi teknis atau sesuatu yang dibakukan termasuk tatacara dan metoda yang disusun berdasarkan konsensus semua pihak yang terkait dengan memperhatikan syarat-syarat keselamatan, keamanan, kesehatan, lingkungan hidup dan/atau pertimbangan ekonomis, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta pengalaman, perkembangan masa kini dan masa yang akan datang untuk memperoleh manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya yang ditetapkan oleh dinas.7. Penilaian adalah rangkaian kegiatan yang berkesinambungan untuk memberikan jaminan mutu bahwa produk yang dihasilkan telah sesuai dengan persyaratan standar yang diacu.8. Pengawas bibit ternak yang selanjutnya disingkat Wasbitnak adalah pegawai negeri sipil yang diberi tugas, tanggung jawab, wewenang dan hak secara penuh untuk melakukan kegiatan pengawasan bibit ternak.9. Tim Penilai adalah kelompok kerja yang terdiri dari pengawas Bibit Ternak, Medik Veteriner dan Paramedik Veteriner, atau petugas yang ditunjuk dan ditetapkan oleh Kepala Dinas Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota dan memiliki kompetensi dibidang pembibitan dan reproduksi.10. Ternak layak bibit adalah ternak yang telah memenuhi kesesuaian standar (SNI/PTM/Standar Daerah);11. Peternak adalah perorangan warga negara Ind
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