Tugas bahasa inggrisHay, guysPerkenalkan nama saya efi wulandari. Saya terjemahan - Tugas bahasa inggrisHay, guysPerkenalkan nama saya efi wulandari. Saya Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Tugas bahasa inggrisHay, guysPerken

Tugas bahasa inggris
Hay, guys
Perkenalkan nama saya efi wulandari. Saya lahir di kabupaten purworejo, kecamatan pituruh, desa ngampel pada tanggal tuju belas juli seribu se,bilan ratus Sembilan puluh enam. Saya anak ke empat dari tiga saudara, kakak pertama dan kedua saya adalah laki-laki dan kakak ketiga saya adalah perempuan. Saya adalah sosok pendiam, periang, sering tertawa yang menurut saya lucu, banyak orang merasa saya aneh, karena kepribadian saya yang berbeda tetapi saya orang serius jika diberi tanggung jawab. Ini lah sifat saya sekarang yang berasal dari masa lalu, saya mempunyai hobi membaca fanfic, membaca buku, mendengarkan musik, menonton film dan drama korea, volyy, badminton, agama saya adalah islam, golongan darah saya adalah O. Sekarang saya kuliah di UNS jurusan ilmu sejarah. Prestasi yang saya miliki adalah kita saya mengikuti perkemahan pramuka dan kelompok saya mendapatkan juara 2 saat itu saya menjadi ketua. volly adalah hobi saya dari SD sampai saat ini, Selama saya ikut lomba olahraga yaitu volly, lompat jauh, cakram, lompat jangkit saya selalu mendapatkan juara 4 tingkat kabupaten dan maksimal pasti di tingkat kabupaten, kadang saya merasa sedih, apakah saya kurang bekerja keras atau alasan lain. Tapi saat ujian sekolah saya mendapatkan juara 2 di kelas, padahal biasanya menadaptkan peringkat 4/5. Saya juga pernah menjadi sutradara drama kelas itu pengalaman luar biasa.

Saya mendapatkan pendidikan formal pertama di TK Dharma Siwi Ngampel saat umur saya lima tahun. Saya saat di TK sangatlah pendiam, jarang bicara sangatlah berbeda dengan teman–teman saya yang lain.saya pulang sekolah dengan empat teman saya namanya yeni, saroh dan imam. Setelah pulang kami selalu bermain bersama. Hal yang menarik dari saya TK adalah sewaktu kami sedang bermain di depan kelas, tiba-tiba ada orang gila yang masuk ke area sekolah dengan berteriak-teriak keras seketika kami ketakutan dan guru kami membimbing kami masuk kelas, banyak dari teman-teman yang menangis ketakutan. Hal menarik itu selalu terkenang dalam ingatan ku
Setelah saya lulus dari TK, saya melanjutkan sekolah saya di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Ngampel, pada saat umur saya enam tahun pada tahun dua ribu dua. Selama saya SD, saya selalu bermain dengan teman-teman saya, saat SD teman-teman saya banyak yang laki-laki, memancing adalah hobi kami, bermain sampai puas tidak ada batasan kami bermain itu yang membuat aku bebas dan menjadikan ku sosok yang berani mengambil resiko, berani, tidak pantang menyerah. Kami bermain dari resiko yang ringan seperti bermain masak-masakan sampai memancing di sawah-sawah yang kadang terdapat ular, lewat sungai yang dalam sampai ketempat-tempat yang dianggap menakutkan. Memang tidak menarik tetapi kami belajar menjadi orang yang berani dan kerjasama kelompok. Dan juga itu yang menjadikan saya mempunyai sifat tomboy, berani dan merasa tertantang untuk mencoba hal baru. Ayah saya adalah orang yang sangat keras tetapi berbeda ibu saya adalah orang yang lembut dan tegas. saya lulus Sekolah Dasar tahun 2008 dengan peringkat lima.

Setelah lulus SD , saya melanjutkan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri dua puluh purworejo pada tahun dua ribu delapan di kelas VII D. Sekolah saya mendapatkan peringkat ke empat atau lima terbaik di purworejo walaupun tempatnya di desa bukan kota. Hal yang paling menarik adalah saya pernah mendapatkan nilai 0 untuk mata pelajaran matematika dan menjadikan saya termotivasi untuk memperbaikinya. Saya bukan orang yang menyerah begitu saja, pada dasarnya saya bukanlah orang yang pintar hanya saja saya orang yang berkerja keras dalam belajar. Walaupun tidak bisa saya akan belajar selalu saya paksa dan berusaha disiplin dalam belajar. Saat kenaikan kelas dari kelas VII ke kelas VIII, kakak laki-laki saya yang pertama meninggal karena sakit di usia dua puluh sembilan tahun. Kakak laki-laki yang sangat saya sayangi, yang selalu mengerti saya selalu memberikan apa yang saya inginkan. Saat itu saya terpuruk saya sedih luar biasa an menjadikan saya lebih pendiam dan lebih cuek, saat di marahi saya diam dan cuek, saya suka menyendiri dan sering menangis, apalagi saat saya merasa sendiri daan tidak mempunyai teman. Saat itu saya memang tidak mempunyai banyak teman. . Saya benar-benar terpuruk, saya bahkan berfikir jika saya lebih baik tidak ada dunia ini dan menyusul kakak laki-laki saya yang meninggal. Saat ujian saya sakit tipes, menjadikan saya tidak bisa fokus mengerjakan ujian. Saya lulus SMP tahun 2008.

Setelah itu, saya masuk ke SMA Negeri sepuluh Purworejo. Saya berada di kelas X-1. Saya berusaha merubah segala kepribadian saya dari pendiam menjadi lebih banyak bicara, dari cuek menjadi lebih peduli. Membuat orang-orang disekitar saya merasa nyaman. Dan saat di SMA saya mempunyai banyak teman, berusaha mengerti mereka memahami setiap teman saya yang berbeda sifat saat di SMA juga saya bertemu sahabat saya Trisnowati ketika kami masuk organisasi pramuka dan teman-teman yang saya sayangi . Di sinilah saya memperbaiki segala hidup saya, sifat, kepribadian, dan tujuan hidup saya, semua berubah dan merubah segala hidup saya. Pengalaman unik di SMA adalah saya pernah meminta uang kepada enam orang guru saya untuk jajan satu kelas minimal tiga puluh lima ribu per guru, pada saat itu saya ketua kelas. Dan itu juga yang membuat saya dikenal oleh wali kelas saya preman kerena saya juga tomboy, panggilan itu sampai sekarang melekat pada saya, saya tidak lulus SNMPTN lalu mendaftar SBMPTN. Saat pengumuman sehari sebelum saya ulang tahun tertulis saya diterima di jurusan Ilmu sejarah UNS. Saya lulus SMA tahun dua ribu empat belas.

Sekarang inilah saya, mahasiswa Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, jurusan ilmu sejarah. Orang sekitar saya binggung, atas jurusan yang saya ambil mau bekerja dimana,,?. Tapi saya tidak peduli, yang penting ini takdir yang harus saya jalani dan saya menikmati kehidupan saya sekarang terlebih lagi saya mempunyai temann-teman yang saya sangat saya sayangi, mereka menyebut kami GDT 48 yang dulu berjumlah dua belas orang sekarang tiga belas orang, sifat kami sangat berbeda tetapi kami saling menghargai satu sama lain. Saya bertemu sahabat baru nama panggilnya adalah aviv, dia sahabat yang menyebalkan, tapi saya berusaha memahami sifat dia dan dia memahami sifat saya. Hal paling menarik adalah ketika saya meminjam sandal teman saya dari sekre ke mushola bersama sahabat(aviv) jaraknya memang tidak teralu jauh tapi itu malam hari. Tetapi saat mau balik ke sekre, sandal yang saya pakai diminta oleh pemiliknya, otomatis saya harus jalan tanpa alas kaki tetapi sahabat saya membagi sandal
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
English taskHay, guysIntroduce my name efi wulandari. I was born in purworejo, kecamatan pituruh, ngampel village on July one thousand twelve go se, bilan hundred ninety-six. I am a child to four from three siblings, older brother is my first and second male and my third sister are women. I was reticent, Jolly figure, often laugh which I think is funny, many people find me strange, because my personality is different but I am serious people if given the responsibility. This is my current properties that come from the past, I have a hobby of reading fanfic, reading books, listening to music, watching Korean movies and drama, volyy, badminton, my religion is islam, my blood type is o. I now lecture at the UNS Department of history. The achievements that I have is we follow the Scout camp I and my group get the champion 2 then I became Chairman. volly is my hobby of SD until recently, during my regatta sports namely volly, long jump, discus, long jump and skipping games I always get 4th district level and the maximum is definitely on the district level, sometimes I feel sad, if I lack of hard work or other reasons. But when the school's exam I get 2 champion in class, but usually menadaptkan rating 4/5. I also used to be the Director of the drama class was an amazing experience.I get the first formal education in kindergarten Dharma Siwi Ngampel while I am five years old. My time in kindergarten is very subdued, rarely talk is very different with friends-my friend else. I came home from school with four of my friends name yeni saroh, and priests. After coming home, we always played together. The interesting thing I TK is when we're playing in front of the class, all of a sudden there are crazy people who get into area schools with a screaming loud instantly to our fears and our teachers guide us go in class, a lot of friends who cried in fear. It's always interesting stuff in my memories relivedAfter I graduated from kindergarten, I continue my schooling in primary schools Country Ngampel, at the moment I am six years old in the year two thousand and two. During my ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, I always play with my friends, when SD my friends many are male, fishing is our hobby, playing until we are satisfied there are no restrictions that kept me playing it and making me figure that dare to take the risk, brave, unyielding No. We play from a mild risk like playing Cook dishes up fish in paddy fields that sometimes there is the Snake River, through to the place-a place that was considered frightening. It's not attractive but we learn to be brave people and cooperation groups. And also it makes me have the nature of a tomboy, courageous and felt challenged to try new things. My father was a very different kind of hard but my mother is the one who gently and firmly. I graduated the primary school in 2008 with a rating of five.After graduating from ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, I continued in junior high school the country twenty purworejo in two thousand eight in Class VII d. School I get to four or five best in purworejo despite its place in the village rather than a town. The most interesting thing is I never get a value of 0 for the subjects of math and makes me motivated to fix it. I am not one to give up, basically I was not the person who's just my clever people who work hard at learning. Although I can not be forced I always learning and trying to discipline in learning. While the rise in class from Class VII to class VIII, my older brother first died of illness at the age of twenty-nine years. Older brother that I hold dear, who always understood I always give me what I want. Then I slumped my sad an amazing makes me more and more reticent to be stoic, while in my silent and marahi be stoic, aloof and often I cry, especially when I feel myself daan has no friends. That time I did not have many friends. . I actually slumped, I even thought if I better no world and catch up with my older brother who died. Time of the test, makes me sick tipes I can't focus working on the test. I graduated JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL in 2008.After that, I got into SMA Negeri ten Purworejo. I was in class X-1. I tried changing all of my personality from reticent to become more talkative, from Justin became more concerned. Make the people surrounding me feel comfortable. And while in high school I had a lot of friends, trying to understand my friends understand each of them different properties while in high school I also met my best friend Trisnowati when we entered the Organization's Scouts and friends that I care about. This is where I fix all my life, nature, personality, and the purpose of my life, all the changed and changing all my life. A unique experience in high school was I ever asked for money to six teachers of mine to run a class a minimum of thirty-five thousand per teacher, at that moment I was class President. And it also made me known to my homeroom thugs because I am also a tomboy, a call that was until now cling to me, I did not pass DEYBAC then register SBMPTN. The time of the announcement the day before my birthday written I received at the Department of history of the UNS. I graduated from high school the year two thousand fourteen.Now this is me, the students of the University Eleven Maret Surakarta, Department of history. People around me was puzzled as, over the course that I took where, willing to work,?. But I don't care, what matters is the destiny I have to live and I enjoy my life now, moreover I have temann of my friends are very dear to me, they call our GDT 48 once twelve people now thirteen people, our properties are very different but we appreciate each other mutually. I met a new friend's name is panggilnya aviv, her best friend who sucks, but I am trying to understand the nature of him and he understands the nature of me. The most interesting thing is when I borrowed my friend's Sandals from sekre to a small mosque alongside best friend (aviv) not too much far away but that night. But when want to back to sekre, I wear Sandals requested by owner, automatic I must way barefoot but my companions split sandals
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
English task
Hay, guys
My name efi wulandari. I was born in the district purworejo, sub pituruh, Ngampel village on July twelve thousand headed se, nine hundred and ninety-six. My fourth child of three brothers, my sister first and second male is the third sister and I are women. I was reticent figure, jovial, often laugh that I think is funny, many people find me weird, because my personality is different but I am a serious person if given the responsibility. It was my nature now that comes from the past, I have read fanfic hobby, read a book, listen to music, watch movies and Korean dramas, volyy, badminton, my religion is Islam, my blood type is O. Now I lecture in UNS majors science of history. Achievement I have is our scout camp and I followed my group get 2 champion at that time I became chairman. volleyball is my hobby from SD to date, During my sporting contest, namely volleyball, long jump, discus, triple jump champion 4 I always get the maximum level of the district and certainly at the district level, sometimes I feel sad, if I was not working hard enough or another reason. But when my school exams get 2 champion in the class, but usually rank menadaptkan 4/5. I have also been a director of the classes play an extraordinary experience. I am getting the first formal education in kindergarten Dharma Siwi Ngampel when I was five years of age. I am currently in kindergarten is very quiet, rarely talk is very different from my friends who others..I home from school with four of my friends name yeni, Saroh and priests. Once home we always play together. The interesting thing from my kindergarten was when we were playing in front of the class, suddenly there are crazy people who go to school area with screaming loudly once our fears and our teachers to guide us to go to class, a lot of friends who were crying in fear , Another interesting thing that always remembered in my memory after I graduated from kindergarten, I continue my studies at the State Primary School Ngampel, by the time I was six years of age in the year two thousand two. During my elementary school, I always played with my friends, when SD my friends many men, fishing is our hobby, playing until we are satisfied there is no limit to play it that makes me free and makes me someone who dared to take risk, dare, do not give up. We played from the risk of light as play-cuisine cook until fish in paddy fields that sometimes there are snakes, through deep river to the place of the places that are considered scary. It is not interesting but we learn to be brave and teamwork. And also that which makes me have a tomboy nature, bold and feel challenged to try new things. My father was a very hard but different my mother was the one who gently and firmly. I graduated from elementary school in 2008 with the rank of five. After graduating from elementary school, I continued in the Junior High School twenty purworejo in the year two thousand and eight in class VII School D. I get ranked into four or five best in purworejo although his place in the village instead city. The most interesting thing is that I never get a value of 0 for mathematics and makes me motivated to fix it. I'm not one to give up so easily, basically I am not a smart man only my people who work hard in learning. Although I can not learn always my force and tried to discipline in learning. When the increase in class from class VII to VIII grade, my brother who first died of illness at the age of twenty-nine years. Older brother that I loved, who always understood me always give me what I want. At that time I dropped my sad makes me an extraordinary quieter and more indifferent, when I scold silent and indifferent, I like to be alone and often cry, especially when I feel alone daan not have any friends. At that time I did not have many friends. , I really worse, I even think it's better if I do not exist this world and follow my older brother who died. Currently I am sick typhoid exam, making me do the exam can not focus. I graduated from high school in 2008. After that, I went to the SMA ten Purworejo. I was in class X-1. I tried to change any of my personality become more reticent to speak, of the indifferent became more concerned. Make people around me feel comfortable. And while in high school, I had many friends, trying to understand them understand any of my friends of different nature in high school I also met my best friend when we entered Trisnowati scout organizations and friends who I love. This is where I fix all my life, character, personality, and the purpose of my life, all the changed and changing all my life. A unique experience in high school is I never asked for money to six people my teacher for one class snack at least thirty-five thousand per teacher, at that time I was the head of the class. And it also makes me known by my homeroom teacher thugs, because I am also a tomboy, call it until now clung to me, I did not pass last SNMPTN register SBMPTN. When the announcement the day before my birthday I received a written history of the Department of UNS. I graduated high school in two thousand fourteen. Now here I am, March Surakarta University student, majoring in the science of history. People around me confused, I took over the department who want to work where ,,?. But I do not care, this important destiny should I live and I enjoy my life now I have even more temann my friends who are very dear to me, they call us GDT 48 the first twelve people now thirteen people, our properties very different but we respect each other. I met a new friend called, is the name of aviv, which sucks her friend, but I am trying to understand the nature of her and she understands my nature. The most interesting thing was when I borrowed my friend sandals from sekre to the mosque together with friends (aviv) teralu the distance is not far away but it was night. But when going back to sekre, I wear sandals requested by the owner, automatically I had to walk barefoot but my friend split slippers

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