---------------------------------------- DIREKSI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PASAL 11 ---------------------------------------1. The company is managed and governed by a Board of Directors composed of.................Member of the Board of Directors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------(the number of members of the Board of Directors must be set. When vacant, required)2. if appointed more than a Director, then one of them can beappointed as (the choice is the main Director or President Director)3. Members of the Board of directors appointed by the general meeting of shareholders, to –-–-time period............................................. years with not---reduce the rights of general meeting of shareholders unutuk dismissnya sewaktu-waktu .----------------------------------------------------------------4. If by any reason a position one or more or all-------Member of the Board of Directors vacancies, then within a period of 30 (thirty) daysSince going on the job must be held at the General meetings of Shareholdersshares, to fill the vacancies with regard ketentukan –legislation and budgetary basis.-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-5. If by any reason whatsoever all positions vacant, Board members-----for a while the company is managed by a Board of Commissioners –-ditujuk by meeting of the Board of Commissioners;-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–6. Members of the Board of Directors is entitled to resign from Office by-------provide in writing to the company's most under-30-------------(thirty) days before the date of his resignation.----------------------7. the Office of Member of the Board of Directors ends, if: –-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-a. resign in accordance with subsection (6);-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-b. no longer meets the requirements of regulation perundangundangan;-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-c. died;-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–d. be dismissed based on the decision of the general meeting of ShareholdersSaham.------------------------------------------------------------------
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