After performing the measurement speed to run 60 meters in men's class VII student of SMPN 8 saber obtained frequency distribution of T score as much as 5 class intervals with a length class interval is 0.30. In the first class with a range of 4:55 - 4.85 there are three people with a percentage 21:43%, the class into two with vulnerable 4.86 - 5:16 there are no students in this interval, the class into three with the range of 5:17 to 5:48 there are 7 people or a percentage of 50.00%, on class to four with 5:49 range - there are 3 people or 5.79 percentage 21:43% on the fifth grade with a range of 5.80 - 6:10 No one person or a percentage 7:14% for more details can be seen in the following table.
Then, from the data pengkuran run 60 meters in boys class VII SMP Negeri 8 Saber that the highest value of T score is 6:00, the lowest value is 4.55, the mean (average) is 5, the median (middle value) is 5.31, and the value modes (values often appears) is 5.36, as well as the value of standard deviation (SD) is 0.
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