Dampak Negatif :1. PornografiAnggapan yang mengatakan bahwa internet i terjemahan - Dampak Negatif :1. PornografiAnggapan yang mengatakan bahwa internet i Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Dampak Negatif :1. PornografiAnggap

Dampak Negatif :
1. Pornografi
Anggapan yang mengatakan bahwa internet identik dengan pornografi, memang tidak salah. Dengan kemampuan penyampaian informasi yang dimiliki internet, pornografi pun merajalela.Untuk mengantisipasi hal ini, para produsen browser melengkapi program mereka dengan kemampuan untuk memilih jenis home-page yang dapat di-akses.Di internet terdapat gambar-gambar pornografi dan kekerasan yang bisa mengakibatkan dorongan kepada seseorang untuk bertindak kriminal.
2. Violence and Gore
Kekejaman dan kesadisan juga banyak ditampilkan. Karena segi bisnis dan isi pada dunia internet tidak terbatas, maka para pemilik situs menggunakan segala macam cara agar dapat menjual situs mereka. Salah satunya dengan menampilkan hal-hal yang bersifat tabu.
3. Penipuan
Hal ini memang merajalela di bidang manapun. Internet pun tidak luput dari serangan penipu. Cara yang terbaik adalah tidak mengindahkan hal ini atau mengkonfirmasi informasi yang Anda dapatkan pada penyedia informasi tersebut.
4. Carding
Karena sifatnya yang real time(langsung), cara belanja dengan menggunakan Kartu kredit adalah carayang paling banyak digunakan dalam dunia internet. Para penjahat internet pun paling banyak melakukan kejahatan dalam bidang ini. Dengan sifat yang terbuka, para penjahat mampu mendeteksi adanya transaksi (yang menggunakan Kartu Kredit) on-line dan mencatat kode Kartu yang digunakan. Untuk selanjutnya mereka menggunakan data yang mereka dapatkan untuk kepentingan kejahatan mereka.
5. Perjudian
Dampak lainnya adalah meluasnya perjudian. Dengan jaringan yang tersedia, para penjudi tidak perlu pergi ke tempat khusus untuk memenuhi keinginannya. Anda hanya perlu menghindari situs seperti ini, karena umumnya situs perjudian tidak agresif dan memerlukan banyak persetujuan dari pengunjungnya.
Secara garis besar dampak negatif internet adalah :
Mengurangi sifat sosial manusia karena cenderung lebih suka berhubungan lewat internet daripada bertemu secara langsung (face to face).
Dari sifat sosial yang berubah dapat mengakibatkan perubahan pola masyarakat dalam berinteraksi.
Kejahatan seperti menipu dan mencuri dapat dilakukan di internet (kejahatan juga ikut berkembang).
Bisa membuat seseorang kecanduan, terutama yang menyangkut pornografi dan dapat menghabiskan uang karena hanya untuk melayani kecanduan tersebut
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Negative Impact:1. PornographyThe assumption that says the internet is synonymous with pornography, did no wrong. With the capability of delivering information that owned the internet, pornography was rampant.In anticipation of this, the browser manufacturers equip their programs with the ability to choose the type of home-page can be accessed.On the internet there are images of pornography and violence that could lead to the urge to someone for a criminal act.2. Violence and GoreCruelty and malice is also widely displayed. Because these terms of business and content on the internet is not restricted, then the site owner to use all kinds of ways to be able to sell their site. By showing things that are taboo.3. FraudIt is indeed rampant in any field. The Internet has not escaped the onslaught of charlatans. The best way is not to heed it or confirm the information you get on the providers of such information.4. CardingBecause of its real time (direct), how to shop using a credit card was carayang most widely used in the world of the internet. Internet criminals are most numerous crimes in this field. With an open nature, criminals are able to detect any transaction (using credit card) on-line and noted the code Card is used. Henceforth they use the data they get for the benefit of their crimes.5. GamblingThe other is the widespread impact of gambling. With an available network, the gamblers don't have to go to a special place to fulfill his wish. You just need to avoid sites like this, as it is generally not aggressive and gambling sites require a lot of approval from visitors.Outline the negative impact the internet is:Reduce the social nature of human beings as it tends to prefer dealing via the internet rather than meet in person (face to face).From the nature of the social change may lead to changes in the pattern of community interaction.Crimes such as stealing and cheating can be done on the internet (a crime also thrive).Can make someone addicted, mainly involving pornography and can spend the money because the addiction only to serve
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Negative Impact:
1. Pornography
assumption which says that the Internet is synonymous with pornography, it is not wrong. With the ability to deliver information that is owned by the internet, pornography was merajalela.Untuk anticipation of this, the browser manufacturers equip their programs with the ability to choose the type of home page that can be akses.Di internet there are images of pornography and violence that could lead to a boost to someone for a criminal act.
2. Violence and Gore
cruelty and sadism too many displayed. Because the business side and the content on the internet is not limited to, the site owners use all sorts of ways to be able to sell their sites. One of them by showing things that are taboo.
3. Fraud
It is indeed rampant in any field. Internet was not immune from attack fraudsters. The best way is not to ignore it or confirm the information that you get at the information provider.
4. Carding
Because it is a real time (live), how to shop using credit cards is the most widely used ways in the internet world. The internet criminals were most committed crimes in this field. With the open nature, the criminals were able to detect the presence of the transaction (which uses credit card) on-line and record the card code is used. Henceforth they use the data they get to the interests of their crimes.
5. Gambling
Other impacts are widespread gambling. With a network that is available, the gamblers do not have to go to a special place to fulfill his wish. You just need to avoid sites like this, because the gambling sites are generally not aggressive and require a lot of approval from the visitors.
Broadly speaking negatively impact the Internet is:
Reduce the social nature of man because it tends to prefer to connect via the Internet rather than meet in person (face to face).
of the social nature of change can lead to changes in the patterns of community interaction.
Crimes like cheating and stealing can be done on the internet (also growing crime).
It can make a person addicted, especially those involving pornography and can spend the money because the addiction only to serve
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