SCENE 7Raden Inu who has acquired the truth of the story, immediately came to the Palace of Daha.Raden Inu: "my Lord, it's actually what happened to Chandra Kirana? Why did you leave? "The King of Daha: "I am sure you would not trust this news. He's been menghianatimu! "Raden Inu, "Is Not! That's not true, my Lord! Candra Kirana already vilified by Galuh Maya! "The King of Daha: "why do you talk so? Many of you know from where? "Raden Inu: (Carrying both the Witch King of Daha kehadapan)"This is! These are two wizards paid by Galuh Candra Kirana Maya to condemn. And of the witch this is I know that the Maya also Galuh menfitnah Candra Kirana! Heh, Let's admit it. ... " (Pressing the witch)The sorcerer 1 and 2: "Yes, that's right, my Lord ..."The King Of Daha: (Angry)"SASI MAYA!!!!"Maya: "Yes, Daddy. What is it? Why is dad to yell-yell so? "(Enters the room and was surprised to see the witch)"The tablets, you guys?"The King of Daha: "why shocked? Her friend right? Now the father already knows everything! You have your own menfitnah! Now, you go out of the House! Go! "
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