Saya tinggal di kabupaten magelang tepatnya di secang. Magelang adalah kota yang sejuk, dengan penduduknya yang ramah. Ada banyak tempat wisata di kabupaten magelang. Candi botobudur, ait terjun sekar langit, bukit telomoyo dan masih banyak lagi
I live in magelang Regency in secang, Magelang. is cool, with its friendly. There are many attractions in magelang Regency. botobudur Temple, waterfall sekar langit, mount telomoyo and much more
I live in Magelang regency precisely in the cup. Magelang is a cool town, with friendly and welcoming people. There are many tourist attractions in Magelang regency. Candi botobudur, ait plunge sekar sky, hills and much more Telomoyo