lovers education and Gentlemen
Education is a way to be able to direct someone kepeda things that are good and true, or having the character.
providing knowledge to everyone in order to menetahui or recognize objects in its intent, because that without education there will not be da progress in various fields especially in the era of the all-powerful is a lot of education institutions which organize educational activities both formal education and non-formal education have all been around us and we should also be able to memenfaatkan all of this because it is required of us to be able to explore the science of science that certainly is in need to explore the riches of this earth more hususnya our beloved country.
This has become a challenge and demands for all of us in answering a question about how to create quality human resources so as to bring him personally or can carry our beloved country in the world can talk internationally and can be aligned with countries that already seyogyannya maju.maka of us contribute to advancing education, especially education in the early childhood period because during that period berkembangya memory in the brain so that the brain also young and fast can accept incoming files on the brain and because at that time also a human being or a human growth began to develop his thinking so that any entry on him can be received quickly and can immediately practice the good education and the right to be able to be the The first entry in the brain that sense pum could provide something good for themselves or for others. The lovers of the world of education that I respect her a goal to materialize the noble ideals that can not be separated from the quality of a quality education as an example of a lot of a person who success in their respective fields of education it is all thanks to one who has strong credibility in accordance with the motto of the national education and the Constitution 45 therefore let us together uphold and education in order to make progress in all aspects of life so that it can become a liability for us all in accordance with religious norms and Pancasila so it could be something useful for all of them all and such examples may be a speech about education can be beneficial aminn.
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