Saat capek atau lelah setelah bekerja, membunyika leher, tangan, pungg terjemahan - Saat capek atau lelah setelah bekerja, membunyika leher, tangan, pungg Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Saat capek atau lelah setelah beker

Saat capek atau lelah setelah bekerja, membunyika leher, tangan, punggung atau lainnya memang terasa sangat nikmat. Banyak orang percaya bahwa kegiatan tersebut dapat membantu menghilangkan rasa pegal dan capek, dan mungkin memang ada benarnya juga.

Namun tahukah anda bahwa terlalu sering membunyikan persendian tulang dapat meningkatkan risiko stroke?

Para ahli mencoba membuat sebuah model persendian untuk mengetahui darimana asalnya sumber bunyi ketika kita meretakkan buku-buku jari dan bagimana efeknya pada persendian.

Berdasarkan hasil riset tersebut, diketahui bahwa membunyikan buku-buku jari dapat memicu keluarnya cairan sinovial yang akan berubah menjadi udara bersamaan dengan keluarnya bunyi seperti retakan.

Pendekatan lain menyebutkan bahwa suara retakan berasal dari gesekan otot dengan permukaan. Apapun sumber bunyi tersebut, namun para peneliti mengingatkan bahwa meretakkan buku-buku jari tetap saja berbahaya.

Ada banyak bahaya yang menanti dibalik kegiatan membunyikan persendian tulang leher, jari tangan & kaki dan punggung, diantaranya adalah:

1. Dr. Brian Cazzasa, M.D dari Universitas California, mengatakan bahwa membunyikan tulang bisa membuat syaraf terjepit di sela-sela tulang ekor leher atau lainnya. Jika itu terjadi, efek yang ditimbulkan bermacam-macam, tergantung jaringan saraf itu menuju kemana.

2. Bisa mengakibatkan organ tubuh seperti kaki dan tangan sulit dikomando oleh otak. Efek yang ditimbulkan biasanaya orang tersebut akan berjalan seperti robot, karena otak gagal memberi instruksi kepada organ-organ tubuh untuk melakukan apa yang diinginkan.

3. Membunyikan persendian tulang adalah kegiatan yang salah karena menyalahai aturan persendian normalnya dan dapat menghancukan tulang-tulang rawan didalamnya.

4. Jika terus menerus dilakukan, hal ini dapat menyebabkan penyakit sendi yang kronis di kemudian hari.

Cara Alternatif Selain Membunyikan Persendian Tulang Untuk Menghilangkan Sakit atau Pegal

1. Jika dirumah anda ada shower, gunakan tekanan air shower (hangat) itu untuk mengurangi sakit karena leher yang mengejang. Biarkan tekanan air hangat dari pancuran tercurah di bagian belakang leher.

2. Jika tidak mempunyai shower, leher belakang bisa dikompres dengan air hangat menggunkan washlap atau handuk kecil. Lakukan terus menerus dan ulangi jika air sudah mulai dingin. Ingat! Air harus dalam keadaan hangat.

3. Menurut Dr. Cassaza, cara lain untuk menyembuhkan leher yang pegal adalah dengan bersandar di tembok. Tempelkan bahu di leher, lemaskan bahu dan sandarkan ke belakang, lalu tekan punggung bagian bawah ke tembok.

4. Atau gerakan leher perlahan, 4 atau 5 kali. Putarlah kepala ke kanan atau kekiri dengan perlahan dan hati-hati.

5. Jika anda menggunakan AC saat tidur, pastikan suhu yang dikeluarkan serendah mungkin. Sebab jika terlalu dingin, otomatis anda akan menarik selimut, dan posisi tidurpun meringkuk. Hal ini akan membuat leher atau badan anda pegal esok harinya.

6. Jika sedang menonton tv, bekerja didepan komputer, atau membaca buku sambil tiduran, pastikan kepala tidak menekuk ke depan, kebelakang atau kesamping. Posisi kepala tetap harus lurus.

Jadi, sebelum hal yang lebih buruk datang menimpa anda, maka ada baiknya bila dari sekarang anda coba untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan buruk tersebut.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
When tired or tired after working, membunyika neck, hands, back or other it feels very scrumptious. Many people believe that such activities can help relieve soreness and tired, and may indeed have a point too.But did you know that all too often ring the joints bones can increase the risk of stroke?Experts are trying to make a model of the joints to know where origin is the source of the sound when we cracked the knuckles and how its effect on joints.Based on the results of such research, it is known that emit knuckles can trigger the release of synovial fluid will turn into the air along with the discharge sound like cracks.Another approach is to mention that voice cracks comes from friction with the surface of the muscle. Whatever the source of the sound, but the researchers warned that cracked the knuckles still dangerous.There are many dangers that await behind the neck bone joints to emit events, fingers & feet and backs, which are:1. Dr. Brian Cazzasa, m. D from the University of California, said that sounded pinched nerves can make the bone on the sidelines other neck or tail bone. If that happens, the effects caused varying depending on neural networks that go where.2. could lead to organs of the body such as the feet and hands of difficult dikomando by the brain. Effects caused biasanaya person will be running like a robot, because the brain failed to instruct the organs of the body to do what you want.3. ring the bone joints is an activity that one because of its normal joints and rule menyalahai may menghancukan bone-cartilage inside.4. If continuously conducted, this can lead to chronic joint disease in later life.An alternative way other than sounding the Bone Joints to eliminate Pain or sore1. If your home there is a shower, use the shower water pressure (warm) to reduce neck pain because mengejang. Let the warm water pressure from shower gushing at the back of the neck.2. If you don't have a shower, rear neck can be compressed with either washlap of warm water or small towel. Do continuously and repeat if water was getting cold. Remember! The water should be warm.3. According to Dr. Cassaza, another way to cure a sore throat is to lean on the wall. Attach the shoulder at neck, relax your shoulders and back to sandarkan, and then press the lower back to the wall.4. neck movement slowly, Or 4 or 5 times. Head to the right or cycle kekiri slowly and carefully.5. If you use AIR CONDITIONING during sleep, be sure the temperature being issued as low as possible. Because if it is too cold, you will automatically pull the blanket, and the position of the tidurpun huddled. This will make your body sore neck or the next day.6. If you are watching tv, working in front of a computer, or read a book while you lay down, make sure the head is not bend forwards, backwards or laterally. The position of the head should still be straight.So, before worse things come upon you, then it's good when you try from now on to get rid of the bad habit.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
When tired or exhausted after work, membunyika neck, arms, back or other it was very delicious. Many people believe that these activities can help relieve sore and tired, and may indeed have a point. , but did you know that too often sounding the bone joints can increase the risk of stroke? Experts are trying to make a model of the joint to find out where they come from sound source when we crack the knuckles and bagimana effect on the joints. Based on these research results, it is known that the finger knuckles can trigger the release of synovial fluid which will turn into the air along with the release of sounds such as cracks. approach mentions that cracking sound comes from the friction of muscle with the surface. Whatever the source of the sound, but researchers caution that cracking knuckles still dangerous. There are many dangers that await behind the activities of the joint ring the neck bone, fingers and legs and back, which are: 1. Dr. Brian Cazzasa, MD from the University of California, said that the bones could make a ring a pinched nerve on the sidelines of the neck or other coccyx. If that happens, the effects vary, depending on the neural network to where. 2. Could result in organs such as the feet and hands is difficult commanded by the brain. The effects biasanaya the person will walk like robots, because the brain fails to give instructions to the organs of the body to do what it wants. 3. Ring the bone joints is wrong because menyalahai activity rules, and can be decimated normal joint cartilage in it. 4. If done continuously, it can cause chronic joint disease in later life. Alternative Ways Besides Bone Ring For Relieving Pain joints or sore 1. If your home is no shower, use the shower water pressure (hot) it is to reduce neck pain due to convulse. Let the warm water pressure of the shower shed at the back of the neck. 2. If you do not have a shower, the back of the neck can be compressed with warm water using the washlap or small towel. Perform continuous and repeat if water was getting cold. Remember! Water must be kept warm. 3. According to Dr. Cassaza, another way to cure a sore throat is to lean against the wall. Paste in the neck shoulders, relax your shoulders and lean back and press your lower back into the wall. 4. Or neck movements slowly, 4 or 5 times. Rotate the head to the right or left to slowly and carefully. 5. If you use air conditioning during sleep, make sure the temperature is issued as low as possible. Because if it is too cold, you will automatically pull the covers and sleep the curled position. This will make your neck or body aches the next day. 6. If you're watching tv, working in front of a computer, or reading a book while lying down, be sure not to bend the head forward, backward or sideways. The position of the head should remain straight. So, before worse things come upon you, so it's good if you now try to eliminate bad habits.

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