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Indonesia-focus.com. is a media portal online information about Indonesia terfocus. As online media, Indonesia focus presents information and news Indonesia in Focus INNEWS include Editorial, Political, Economic, Cultural, Social, Entertainment and more.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country in the world, has a beautiful natural scenery second to none. Also the biodiversity of flora and fauna, and culture of various ethnic groups living in some of the island is a divine gift that is attractive to be enjoyed by all peoples of the world. Through the portal information terfocus, Indonesia-focus to introduce the beauty of it through coverage in the category vacantion distination and LIFESTYLE featuring various lifestyles of various ethnic groups through cultural expression, art, food and crafts products industry works on the trajectory culture primitive to modern in one period .
In Indonesia, there is a slogan "Do not know it was love". As always the commitment of Indonesia-focus will always introduce about Indonesia, in order to maintain the integrity of, and strengthen the sense of tolerance to uphold the dignity of human life among nation. Then we invite to come to know Indonesia closer through vacantion distination which will fully provide guidance visit your tour, which began distinasi tourist attractions, hotels, restaurants - culinary, tour and travel, event & exshibition, ticket booking and agenda of cultural performances, Travel packets, and a variety of things related to travel and entertainment in Indonesia. MEDIA PROMOTION For entrepreneurs in the field of tourism, and other products and services, Indonesia-focus.com an online media is very effective as a marketing medium. Indonesia-focus.com as a website that puts pencintraan good to the outside world through various terfocus information about Indonesia, an important means for the parties to exploit as media campaigns, either in the form of goods and services, tourism, and cooperation. In fact, the local authorities can be used for profiling the characters and the construction area to get investors. Promotion Program Through Website Some promotional programs in the form of promotional advertising such as Banner Tekslink, content conten of a product or profile officials and regional development can be designed professionally to be delivered to the public through the site Indonesia-focus.com This program will be done by the experts who have 'cold hands' mengujudkan dream into a packaging format that is attractive promotional publications, so that what is offered through this promotion can actually get on target target. So that what is desired is met. As a social service institution of course satisfaction over the cooperation relationship a priority. We will be a loyal partner in designing an ad campaign, and the conten products to penetrate the recesses of the heart to the public without boundaries through indonesia.com website. Cost Saving Promotion in the form of advertising, content, profiling and others regarding the price charged will be discussed more flexible to maintain order not to increase the burden on the budget financing. Certainly not ignore the good intentions to give each other the best service service. Many are satisfied to cooperate in the promotion of the site Indonesia-focus.com. This site has a pagerank 3 and have visited more than 10 million people worldwide, is a plus to perform greet the world. Reach Unlimited access information on the Internet is not limited space and time as it can be seen anytime and anywhere with a global scope, the virtual world presented 'never sleeps'. Besides, the products are promoted through the Internet will be more easily accessible information at a much cheaper cost compared to conventional promotional advertising. Especially with the advent of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google and others increasingly provide 'fresh air' to be able to interact in delivering a wide range of information required (BES).
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