Penurunan dari 2014 ke 2015 sebesar 96% atau sebesar %6.211,14 disebabkan karena 2014 adalah angka audit yang sudah diadjustmen dan reklas, sedangkan angka 2015 merupakan angka non- audit.
The decline from 2014 to 2015, amounting to 96% or 6,211.14% of due 2014 is the number of the audit that is already diadjustmen and reklas, while the figures for 2015 is the number of non-audit.
The decline from 2014 to 2015 by 96% or 6211.14% due 2014 is the number of audits that have been diadjustmen and reklas, while the 2015 figure is the number of non-audit.