The virus is a single-celled creatures, is a very small particles and lifeless. The virus spreads through the air.When someone sneezes, the influenza virus b enters through the nose. A cell that attacked there in the mouth, lungs and throat. Thorns in the viral protein makes cells considers it harmless, so that the virus enters easily to healthy cells then multiply. Every virus out and infect other healthy cells. Holly's body began to fight back. White blood cells squirt poison to turn it off. In the process, many of the viruses and holly's throat. The cells of the dead piled in the throat becomes mucus. The immune system has macropage to clean up viruses that were disposed of by way of eating it.Holly's throat began swelling and pain. Holly hit by flu, but in fact it is the result of the war the body against the virus. Macropage removing the chemical sign for calling a lot more white blood cells, but the mark it makes holly uncomfortable. The nerve becomes sensitive, it moves a bit, ill. Ill aim for a short break. Macropage also send signals to the brain to warm up the body in order to eliminate remaining virus. Any fever, body temperature rising of the body makes blood vessels in brain swelling, so that any throbbing head.Tubuh memiliki sel darah putih khusus yang disebut sel T. Mereka menyerang dan memusnahkan sel-sel yang terinfeksi. Sel T menempel pada duri-duri virus dan membuatnya tidak bisa menginfeksi lagi. Butuh seminggu untuk mengalahkan virus itu. Sel T yang telah selesai bertugas akan mengerut dan mati. Tapi memori sel akan tetap berpatroli, jadi jika ada virus itu, ia akan membasminya.Cara mencegah virus masuk ke tubuh yaitu :1. Tutup mulut saat bersin dan batuk2. Cuci tangan3. Tidak bertukar tempat makan
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