Bank robber robbery and
burglary victims attacked Carrying amount at each locationin Australia has more than doubled since 1993 (when the National crimestatistics first collected), the same price increase armedand both unarmed robbery (ABS 2002b).
Examination of robbery in New South Walesduring 1980s showed that of all kinds of locations, the Bank produced thehighest-average gains for robbers (NSW Bureau of Crime statistics andResearch 1987). Similarly, the human cost which may be quite large. Priorresearch (Mouzos & Carcach 2001) have shown that unlike almost allAustralian Institute of criminology. 2 kinds of other locations, the majority ofarmed involvefirearms.1 bank robbery in this weapon has the potential themost lethal and, althoughinfrequently exhausted, engenderthe most fear in the victim.
In an effort to prevent attacks moreeffectively, attempts have been madeto ofrobbers identify certain basic types. Often this typologiesencompass offenderexperience and planning dimensions (eg, Walsh 1986; Gill 2000), usuallyspanning amateur to professional.Early bank robbers tend engagein Australia showedthat research planning more of them whotarget other kinds of places (Nugentet al 1989) Bank Robbery Since 1998 The data contained in the Armed AttacksDatabase generaldownward trend in the number of hold-ups ofbank, from high in 1998. For example, Matthews (2002, p. 130) recorded a decrease of more than 300 bankrobberies handled by specialistpolice in the London area in 1992, tofewer from 200 in 2000. The risk of a bank robbery has alsodecreased since the 1980s. Approximately 550 robberiesoccurred Bank in 1987 (Marsden 1989) when there were 6,021 bank branches (images per June 1987; ABS 1988), it is estimated that the risk of robbery ofarmed around 91bank robberies per 1,000 branches. Various factors mightunderpin bankrobberies decline. For example, the number reducedbranch, especially in high-risk locations, may limit the proximity of the bank thegeographical tosome actors, so eliminatingsome potential targets for moreopportunistic and spontaneousrobbers. Ispresumably security hardening branch also has intendedeffect and blocking an ofoffenders section. There is a possibility that, ingeneral, robbery in Australia alsoundergoing deskilling, and thereare two ways in which this bank robbery couldaffect. Robber Bank Since 1998 Of the 808 incidents in which thenumber of actors involved in thehold-up was recorded, more thanhalf (55 percent) bylone done perpetrators, about 25 per bypairs percent, and about 20 percent bythree or more robbers (that is, the gang). Weapons Use in Bank Robbery type of firearms favored byAustralian bank robbers have variedover time. The reasonsbehind these changes can not be beascertained, although relatively otherfirearms increasingproportion pistol mirror trends observed inother violent crimes, such as murder. The weapon used in the offendersinvolved alsovaried the number of hold-ups recorded inthe armed attack database. Overall, a greater proportion ofbank CONSEQUENTIAL up current can classifiedas armed robbery (approximately 48 percent) compared with the 1980s. Griffiths (1991) observed that couples and gangswere usually armed, and only loneoffenders trying unarmedrobbery, with this typeresponsible perpetrators for about one-quarterof all the hold-up in 1980. In the1980s, almost all gang employedweapons, with nearly half of theirrobberies involving gun andaround half involve longarms.Between 1998 and 2000, 62 per centof bygangs committed bank robberies involved no weapons, withonly about 10 per involvingpistols per cent and six per involvinglongarms percent. Violence in Bank Robbery victims of violence Actionstowards Offenders' Attack theArmed recorded in the database. Violentacts was done in 713 of thehold-up, with a total of 1,073 separateacts. Fourteen percent of all hold-ups did not involve violence. Justunder half (49 percent) of bankrobberies involving single violentact, while slightly more than a third (37 percent) involved more than one.Violent actions include: • threatening victims (about 85 percent of all the hold-up-presumablyimportant in building threatthat will generate compliance ); • injuring the victim (about six percent); • hold the victim (approximately oneper percent hold-up); • taking hostages (about one percent); and • the use of a weapon (approximately one percent) Victim Injury All negativeimpact act of violence can have on the victim, but perhaps direct effects and tangiblenegative themost arising from victiminjury. In the 1980s, about 77 per centof wounds inflicted by the couple armedoffender and armed lonerobbers, with armed gangsresponsible for 23 percent. In the second period, armed robbers acting aloneinflicted minimal injury. Solo perpetrators of armed violence andpaired may engagein less than 1980scounterparts them for various reasons, such as the perceived increased inpenalties to attack, or security becauseincreased means feweropportunities to come to physicalcontact with the victim. This Possiblefactors not seem to affect unarmedgangs, which seem to be the longer of the perpetrator, particularlywith against andcapacity their willingness to use violence. Note Passing majority of robberies that involved the threat of passive form arelatively (notconsidered above), where theoffender past the cashier a noteoutlining demands, threats and / orweapons. Most 137incidents where records are passedin time analysis carriedout by a single robber (89 percent, or122 hold-up). Incognito perpetrator tries to concealtheir identity through the disguise. Atleast 38 percent of all currentlyanalysed hold-ups involved someform disguise, although thenumber disguised element used inincidents ranging from one andfive. classifiedas further disguise tender (items that can beimprovised of everyday clothing, such as scarves, hats or sunglasses) orhard (which need bearranged before the incident, the despair balaclava or a wig). Failed Bank Robbery Failed to notappear into different types of bankrobber, although they tend actalone (65 percent of the involved actors unsuccessfulrobberies single) and avoid unnecessary violence (73 percent involved in no, or onlyone, acts of violence, which typicallymenacing victim). Majoritycarried weapons (52 percent werearmed, 29 percent with a gun), and39 percent used some form of ofdisguise, but this preparation werenot enough to guarantee success.
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