100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000Subtitles by Soompi TV200:00:21,710 -->  terjemahan - 100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000Subtitles by Soompi TV200:00:21,710 -->  Melayu Bagaimana mengatakan

100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000Subti

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000
Subtitles by Soompi TV

00:00:21,710 --> 00:00:23,250
Be alert.

00:00:23,250 --> 00:00:24,440
He's extraordinary.

00:00:50,340 --> 00:00:51,610
Never trust anyone.

00:00:53,810 --> 00:00:54,650
Never trust...

00:00:56,610 --> 00:00:57,460

00:00:58,590 --> 00:00:59,220

00:01:01,460 --> 00:01:03,770
People are made to lie.

00:01:06,190 --> 00:01:09,780
How many times do we tell
and hear lies a day?

00:01:10,450 --> 00:01:11,540
Three to four times?

00:01:13,300 --> 00:01:16,260
According to research,
most people come across

00:01:17,060 --> 00:01:18,890
about 200 lies.

00:01:20,580 --> 00:01:22,590
Three times in ten minutes.

00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:26,660
You can't believe it?

00:01:27,330 --> 00:01:30,030
If the questions I ask apply to you,

00:01:30,840 --> 00:01:32,570
please be honest and raise your hand.

00:01:32,930 --> 00:01:34,510
I've cheated on exams.

00:01:43,130 --> 00:01:47,200
Rolling your eyes to the left
means you're trying to remember.

00:01:48,440 --> 00:01:50,870
Your body temperature increases
and heartbeat speeds up.

00:01:50,870 --> 00:01:52,120
Your defensive behavior.

00:01:52,660 --> 00:01:53,420

00:01:57,600 --> 00:02:00,050
I've stolen money before.

00:02:15,990 --> 00:02:17,420
I have a crush on...

00:02:18,840 --> 00:02:20,150
someone in this lecture hall.

00:02:38,050 --> 00:02:39,070
Two in the back!

00:02:47,940 --> 00:02:49,550
With thirty people in this room,

00:02:49,550 --> 00:02:50,750
within a minute...

00:02:51,650 --> 00:02:53,690
total of nine lies came up.

00:02:53,690 --> 00:02:55,420
If I calculate ten minutes per person,

00:02:55,980 --> 00:02:56,640
three times...

00:02:58,440 --> 00:02:59,600
Do you acknowledge this?

00:03:02,770 --> 00:03:06,160
So, if we were to include white lies,

00:03:06,160 --> 00:03:09,100
most people lie more often.

00:03:10,670 --> 00:03:11,280

00:03:12,290 --> 00:03:12,870

00:03:14,100 --> 00:03:14,700

00:03:15,280 --> 00:03:16,140

00:03:25,020 --> 00:03:28,780
This is what I want to leave
with you at my last lecture.

00:03:29,600 --> 00:03:30,690
Your last?

00:03:42,620 --> 00:03:44,090
I killed someone.

00:04:18,830 --> 00:04:21,220
One year later

00:04:29,510 --> 00:04:30,080

00:04:31,570 --> 00:04:35,170
I'm bad with directions. How do I get here?

00:04:35,170 --> 00:04:37,920
I'm really sorry, but I'm in a hurry.

00:04:37,920 --> 00:04:38,980

00:04:39,360 --> 00:04:40,270
I'm sorry.

00:04:45,090 --> 00:04:45,960
Oh, no...

00:04:45,960 --> 00:04:46,490

00:04:46,990 --> 00:04:48,270
What should I do...

00:04:51,500 --> 00:04:52,760
Excuse me.

00:04:52,760 --> 00:04:54,510

00:04:54,510 --> 00:04:55,660
I'll help you.

00:04:56,420 --> 00:04:58,340
- I thought you were busy.
- It's okay.

00:05:01,170 --> 00:05:02,880
Please be careful.

00:05:25,530 --> 00:05:26,980
It must be heavy.

00:05:26,980 --> 00:05:27,700
It's okay.

00:05:28,680 --> 00:05:30,890
It's my fault for not
tending to your business.

00:05:30,890 --> 00:05:32,970
Oh, no. It's okay.

00:05:33,490 --> 00:05:35,030
I think it's around here.

00:05:38,510 --> 00:05:42,330
Miss, can you wait for me here?

00:05:42,330 --> 00:05:43,530
I have to...

00:05:43,530 --> 00:05:45,200
...use the restroom.

00:05:45,200 --> 00:05:47,000
Ah, sure. Go ahead.

00:06:00,200 --> 00:06:02,310
I think it's around here.

00:06:20,840 --> 00:06:21,750

00:06:22,550 --> 00:06:23,590

00:06:47,310 --> 00:06:48,940
Sung Ja

00:06:50,010 --> 00:06:51,150

00:06:51,150 --> 00:06:53,520
Nam Da Jung, you're too much.

00:06:53,520 --> 00:06:55,680
Why are you waiting over an hour?

00:06:56,630 --> 00:06:58,390
She left her bag with me.

00:06:58,870 --> 00:07:01,670
It's probably her clothes and blankets.

00:07:01,670 --> 00:07:02,590
Just leave it there.

00:07:04,130 --> 00:07:05,750
Should I leave it at the police station?

00:07:05,750 --> 00:07:09,650
Hey, would she have left it with you
if it was valuable in the first place?

00:07:10,600 --> 00:07:13,380
Why don't you open it if it bothers you?

00:07:14,430 --> 00:07:15,470

00:07:57,550 --> 00:07:59,110
JVN Broadcasting Station

00:08:05,980 --> 00:08:07,280
Everyone wears...

00:08:08,110 --> 00:08:09,760
...a mask.

00:08:10,890 --> 00:08:11,620

00:08:11,620 --> 00:08:12,320

00:08:12,510 --> 00:08:13,160

00:08:13,160 --> 00:08:13,910

00:08:13,910 --> 00:08:14,960

00:08:15,550 --> 00:08:16,650
Names of these masks.

00:08:17,900 --> 00:08:19,830
From time to time,

00:08:19,830 --> 00:08:22,530
we mistake those masks to be our real selves.

00:08:23,490 --> 00:08:26,350
But here, without any exception...

00:08:27,170 --> 00:08:28,300
we take off...

00:08:29,370 --> 00:08:31,390
...all those masks.

00:08:33,910 --> 00:08:34,750

00:08:35,380 --> 00:08:35,810

00:08:47,150 --> 00:08:50,430
Your true self looking at this money...

00:08:51,770 --> 00:08:53,420
what would it be?

00:09:01,050 --> 00:09:02,570
I'm the host of this show...

00:09:03,730 --> 00:09:04,850
Kang Do Young.

00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:22,390
Liar Game

00:09:23,200 --> 00:09:25,760
Episode 1 - Half a million dollars game 1

00:09:48,420 --> 00:09:49,680
100 dollar bills.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
100:00:00, 000--> 00:00:04, 000Sub-judul dengan Soompi TV200:00:21, 710--> 00:00:23, 250Boleh berjaga-jaga.300:00:23, 250 – – > 00:00:24, 440Dialah yang luar biasa.400:00:50, 340--> 00:00:51, 610Jangan percaya sesiapa.500:00:53, 810--> 00:00:54, 650Amanah Jangan sekali-kali...600:45:56, 610--> 00:00:57, 460... sesiapa.700:00:58, 590 00:00:59, 220-->Mengapa?800:01:01, 460--> 00:01:03, 770Orang-orang dijadikan untuk berbohong.900:01:06, 190--> 00:01:09, 780Berapa kali yang kita tahu dan mendengar pembohongan sehari?1000:01:10, 450--> 00:01:11, 540Tiga hingga empat kali?1100:01:13, 300--> 00:01:16, 260Mengikut kajian, Kebanyakan orang yang mencari1200:01:17, 060--> 00:01:18, 890terletak kira-kira 200.1300:01:20, 580--> 00:01:22, 590Tiga kali dalam masa sepuluh minit.1400:01:25, 800--> 00:01:26, 660Anda tak percaya?1500:01:27, 330--> 00:01:30, 030Jika saya bertanya soalan yang terpakai kepada anda,1600:01:30, 840--> 00:01:32, 570Sila jujur dan menaikkan tangan anda.1700:01:32, 930--> 00:01:34, 510Saya telah ditipu pada peperiksaan.1800:01:43, 130--> 00:01:47, 200Bergolek mata anda di sebelah kiri bermakna anda cuba untuk mengingati.1900:01:48, 440--> 00:01:50, 870Kenaikan suhu badan anda dan mempercepatkan denyutan jantung.2000:01:50, 870--> 00:01:52, 120Tingkah laku anda bertahan.2100:01:52, 660--> 00:01:53, 420Saraf?2200:01:57, 600--> 00:02:00, 050Aku sudah dicuri wang sebelum.2300:02:15, 990--> 00:02:17, 420Saya telah menghancurkan yang...2400:02:18, 840--> 00:02:20, 150seseorang dalam dewan kuliah ini.2500:02:00 > 38,050--: 02:39,070Dua di belakang!2600:02:00 > 47,940--: 02:49,550Dengan tiga puluh orang dalam Bilik ini,2700:02:00 > 49,550--: 02:50,750dalam seminit...2800:02:00 > 51,650--: 02:53,690sejumlah sembilan pembohongan datang.2900:02:53, 690--> 00:02:55, 420Jika saya mengira sepuluh minit setiap orang,3000:02:00 > 55,980--: 02:56,640tiga kali...3100:02:58, 440--> 00:02:59, 600Adakah anda mengakui ini?3200:03:02, 770--> 00:03:06, 160Jadi, kalau kita termasuk pembohongan putih,3300:03:06, 160--> 00:03:09, 100Kebanyakan orang lebih kerap berbohong.3400:03:00 > 10,670--: 03:11,280Jadi...3500:03:00 > 12,290--: 03:12,870Jangan sekali-kali...3600:03:00 > 14,100--: 03:14,700Amanah...3700:03:00 > 15,280--: 03:16,140... sesiapa.3800:03:00 > 25,020--: 03:28,780Ini adalah apa yang saya mahu meninggalkan dengan anda pada kuliah terakhir saya.3900:03:00--> 29,600:03 30,690:Terakhir anda?4000:03:00 > 42,620--: 03:44,090Saya membunuh seseorang.4100:04:00-> -18, 830:04:21, 220Satu tahun kemudian4200:04:00--> 29, 510:04:30, 080Miss.4300:04:00-> -31, 570:04:35, 170Aku buruk dengan arahan. Bagaimanakah saya boleh mendapatkan di sini?4400:04:00--> 170:04:37 35, 920Aku benar-benar menyesal, tapi aku tergesa-gesa.4500:04:00--> 37, 920:04:38, 980Benar-benar?4600:04:00->-39, 360:04:40, 270saya minta maaf.4700:04:00->-45, 090:04:45, 960Oh, tidak...4800:04:00--> 45, 960:04:46, 490Ugh...4900:04:00--> 990:04:48 46, 270Apa yang perlu saya lakukan...5000:04:00--> 500:04:52 51, 760maafkan saya.5100:04:00--> 760:04:54 52, 510Nyonya.5200:04:00->-54, 510:04:55, 660Saya akan membantu anda.5300:04:00--> 420:04:58 56, 340-Saya fikir kau sibuk. -Ia adalah baik-baik saja.5412:05:01, 170--> 00:05:02, 880Harap berhati-hati.5500:05:25, 530--> 00:05:26, 980Ia mesti menjadi berat.5600:05:26, 980--> 00:05:27, 700Memang baik-baik saja.5700:05:28, 680--> 00:05:30, 890Memang salah saya tidak cenderung kepada perniagaan anda.5800:05:30, 890--> 00:05:32, 970Oh, tidak. Memang baik-baik saja.5900:05:33, 490--> 00:05:35, 030Saya fikir ia adalah sekitar sini.6000:05:38, 510--> 00:05:42, 330Rindu, boleh anda menunggu saya di sini?6100:05:42, 330--> 00:05:43, 530Saya perlu...6200:05:43, 530--> 00:05:45, 200... menggunakan tandas.6300:05:45, 200 00:05:47, 000-->Ah, pasti. teruskan.6400:06:00, 200 00:06:02, 310-->Saya fikir ia adalah sekitar sini.6500:06:20, 840--> 00:06:21, 750Nyonya.6600:06:22, 550--> 00:06:23, 590Nyonya.6700:06:47, 310--> 00:06:48, 940Ja dinyanyikan6800:06:50, 010--> 00:06:51, 150Ya.6900:06:51, 150--> 00:06:53, 520Nam Da Jung, kau terlalu banyak.7000:06:53, 520--> 00:06:55, 680WAE menunggu lebih sejam?7100:06:56, 630--> 00:06:58, 390Dia meninggalkan beg beliau dengan saya.7200:06:58, 870--> 00:07:01, 670Ianya mungkin dia pakaian dan selimut.7300:07:01, 670--> 00:07:02, 590Hanya biarkan di situ.7400:07:04, 130--> 00:07:05, 750Sekiranya saya meninggalkan balai polis?7500:07:05, 750 00:07:09, 650-->Hei, akan dia tinggalkan ia dengan anda Jika ia adalah berharga di tempat pertama?7600:07:10, 600--> 00:07:13, 380Mengapa tidak anda bukanya jika ia mengganggu anda?7700:07:14, 430--> 00:07:15, 470Baik-baik saja.7800:07:57, 550--> 00:07:59, 110Stesen JVN7900:08:05, 980--> 00:08:07, 280Semua orang memakai...8000:08:08, 110--> 00:08:09, 760... topeng.8100:08:10, 890--> 00:08:11, 620Baik...8200:08:11, 620--> 00:08:12, 320kejahatan...8300:08:12, 510--> 00:08:13, 160belas kasihan...8400:08:13, 160--> 00:08:13, 910hati nurani...8500:08:13, 910--> 00:08:14, 960Keadilan...8600:08:15, 550--> 00:08:16, 650Nama topeng ini.8700:08:17, 900--> 00:08:19, 830Dari masa ke semasa,8800:08:19, 830--> 00:08:22, 530Kami kesilapan mereka topeng telah menjadi diri kita sebenar.8900:08:23, 490--> 00:08:26, 350Tetapi di sini, tanpa pengecualian mana-mana...9000:08:27, 170--> 00:08:28, 300Kita ambil...9100:08:29, 370--> 00:08:31, 390... Semua topeng tersebut.9200:08:33, 910--> 00:08:34, 750Tinggi...9300:08:35, 380--> 00:08:35, 810Kiu.9400:08:47, 150--> 00:08:50, 430Diri anda benar melihat wang...9500:08:51, 770--> 00:08:53, 420Apa yang ia akan?9600:09:01, 050--> 00:09:02, 570Saya tuan rumah acara ini...9700:09:03, 730--> 00:09:04, 850Kang Do-Young.9800:09:19, 920--> 00:09:22, 390Permainan liar9900:09:23, 200--> 00:09:25, 760Episod 1 – setengah juta dolar dalam permainan 110000:09:00 > 48,420--: 09:49,680Bil 100 dolar.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Melayu) 2:[Salinan]
00: 00: 00,000 -> 00: 00: 04,000
Subtitles by Soompi TV 2 00: 00: 21,710 -> 00: 00: 23,250 Be alert. 3 00: 00: 23,250 -> 00: 00: 24,440 He 's extraordinary. 4 00: 00: 50,340 -> 00: 00: 51,610 Never trust anyone. 5 00: 00: 53,810 -> 00: 00: 54,650 Never trust ... 6 00: 00: 56,610 -> 00: 00: 57,460 ... anyone. 7 00: 00: 58,590 -> 00: 00: 59,220 Why? 8 00: 01: 01,460 -> 00: 01: 03,770 People are made ​​to lie. 9 00: 01: 06,190 -> 00: 01: 09,780 How many times do we tell and hear lies a day? 10 00: 01: 10,450 -> 00: 01: 11,540 Three to four times? 11 00: 01: 13,300 -> 00: 01: 16,260 According to research, most people come across 12 00: 01: 17,060 -> 00: 01: 18,890 about 200 lies. 13 00: 01: 20,580 -> 00: 01: 22,590 Three times in ten minutes. 14 00: 01: 25,800 -> 00: 01: 26,660 You can not believe it? 15 00: 01: 27,330 -> 00: 01: 30,030 If the questions I ask apply to you, 16 00: 01: 30,840 - -> 00: 01: 32,570 please be honest and raise your hand. 17 00: 01: 32,930 -> 00: 01: 34,510 I'VE cheated on exams. 18 00: 01: 43,130 -> 00: 01: 47,200 rolling your eyes to the left means you'RE trying to remember. 19 00: 01: 48,440 -> 00: 01: 50,870 Your body temperature increases and heartbeat speeds up. 20 00: 01: 50,870 -> 00:01: 52,120 Your defensive behavior. 21 00: 01: 52,660 -> 00: 01: 53,420 Nervous? 22 00: 01: 57,600 -> 00: 02: 00,050 I'VE stolen money before. 23 00: 02: 15,990 - > 00: 02: 17,420 I have a crush on ... 24 00: 02: 18,840 -> 00: 02: 20,150 someone in this lecture hall. 25 00: 02: 38,050 -> 00: 02: 39,070 Two in the back! 26 00: 02: 47,940 -> 00: 02: 49,550 With thirty people in this room, 27 00: 02: 49,550 -> 00: 02: 50,750 within a minute ... 28 00: 02: 51,650 -> 00: 02: 53,690 total of nine lies came up. 29 00: 02: 53,690 -> 00: 02: 55,420 If I calculate ten minutes per person, 30 00: 02: 55,980 -> 00:02: 56,640 three times ... 31 00: 02: 58,440 -> 00: 02: 59,600 Do you acknowledge this? 32 00: 03: 02,770 -> 00: 03: 06,160 So, if we were to include white lies, 33 00: 03: 06,160 -> 00: 03: 09,100 most people lie more often. 34 00: 03: 10,670 -> 00: 03: 11,280 So ... 35 00: 03: 12,290 -> 00:03: 12,870 never ... 36 00: 03: 14,100 -> 00: 03: 14,700 trust ... 37 00: 03: 15,280 -> 00: 03: 16,140 ... anyone. 38 00: 03: 25,020 - > 00: 03: 28,780 This is what I want to leave with you at my last lecture. 39 00: 03: 29,600 -> 00: 03: 30,690 Your last? 40 00: 03: 42,620 -> 00:03: 44,090 I killed someone. 41 00: 04: 18,830 -> 00: 04: 21,220 One year later 42 00: 04: 29,510 -> 00: 04: 30,080 Miss. 43 00: 04: 31,570 -> 00:04 : 35,170 I'M bad with directions. How do I get here? 44 00: 04: 35,170 -> 00: 04: 37,920 I'M really sorry, but I'M in a hurry. 45 00: 04: 37,920 -> 00: 04: 38,980 Really? 46 00: 04: 39,360 -> 00: 04: 40,270 I'M sorry. 47 00: 04: 45,090 -> 00: 04: 45,960 Oh, no ... 48 00: 04: 45,960 -> 00: 04: 46,490 Ugh ... 49 00: 04: 46,990 -> 00: 04: 48,270 What should I do ... 50 00: 04: 51,500 -> 00: 04: 52,760 Excuse me. 51 00:04: 52,760 -> 00: 04: 54,510 Ma'am. 52 00: 04: 54,510 -> 00: 04: 55,660 I'LL help you. 53 00: 04: 56,420 -> 00: 04: 58,340 - I thought you were busy. - It 's okay. 54 00: 05: 01,170 -> 00: 05: 02,880 Please be careful. 55 00: 05: 25,530 -> 00: 05: 26,980 It must be heavy. 56 00:05: 26,980 -> 00: 05: 27,700 It 's okay. 57 00: 05: 28,680 -> 00: 05: 30,890 It' s my fault for not tending to your business. 58 00: 05: 30,890 -> 00: 05: 32,970 oh, no. It 's okay. 59 00: 05: 33,490 -> 00: 05: 35,030 I think it' s around here. 60 00: 05: 38,510 -> 00: 05: 42,330 Miss, can you wait for me here? 61 00:05 : 42,330 -> 00: 05: 43,530 I have to ... 62 00: 05: 43,530 -> 00: 05: 45,200 ... use the restroom. 63 00: 05: 45,200 -> 00:05: 47,000 Ah, sure. Go ahead. 64 00: 06: 00,200 -> 00: 06: 02,310 I think it 's around here. 65 00: 06: 20,840 -> 00: 06: 21,750 Ma'am. 66 00: 06: 22,550 -> 00: 06: 23,590 Ma'am. 67 00: 06: 47,310 -> 00: 06: 48,940 Sung Ja 68 00: 06: 50,010 -> 00: 06: 51,150 Yeah. 69 00: 06: 51,150 -> 00: 06: 53,520 Nam Da Jung, you'RE too much. 70 00: 06: 53,520 -> 00: 06: 55,680 Why are you waiting over an hour? 71 00: 06: 56,630 -> 00:06: 58,390 She left her bag with me. 72 00: 06: 58,870 -> 00: 07: 01,670 It 's probably her clothes and blankets. 73 00: 07: 01,670 -> 00: 07: 02,590 Just leave it there. 74 00 : 07: 04,130 -> 00: 07: 05,750 Should I leave it at the police station? 75 00: 07: 05,750 -> 00: 07: 09,650 Hey, would she have left it with you if it was valuable in the first place? 76 00: 07: 10,600 -> 00: 07: 13,380 Why do not you open it if it bothers you? 77 00: 07: 14,430 -> 00: 07: 15,470 Alright. 78 00:07: 57,550 -> 00: 07: 59,110 JVN Broadcasting Station 79 00: 08: 05,980 -> 00: 08: 07,280 Everyone wears ... 80 00: 08: 08,110 -> 00: 08: 09,760 ... a mask . 81 00: 08: 10,890 -> 00: 08: 11,620 Good ... 82 00: 08: 11,620 -> 00: 08: 12,320 evil ... 83 00: 08: 12,510 -> 00:08: 13,160 compassion ... 84 00: 08: 13,160 -> 00: 08: 13,910 conscience ... 85 00: 08: 13,910 -> 00: 08: 14,960 justice ... 86 00: 08: 15,550 -> 00: 08: 16,650 Names of these masks. 87 00: 08: 17,900 -> 00: 08: 19,830 From time to time, 88 00: 08: 19,830 -> 00: 08: 22,530 we mistake those masks to be our real selves. 89 00: 08: 23,490 -> 00: 08: 26,350 But here, without any exception ... 90 00: 08: 27,170 -> 00: 08: 28,300 we take off ... 91 00:08 : 29,370 -> 00: 08: 31,390 ... all those masks. 92 00: 08: 33,910 -> 00: 08: 34,750 High ... 93 00: 08: 35,380 -> 00: 08: 35,810 Cue . 94 00: 08: 47,150 -> 00: 08: 50,430 Your true self looking at this money ... 95 00: 08: 51,770 -> 00: 08: 53,420 what would it be? 96 00: 09: 01,050 -> 00: 09: 02,570 I'M the host of this show ... 97 00: 09: 03,730 -> 00: 09: 04,850 Kang Do Young. 98 00: 09: 19,920 -> 00:09: 22,390 Liar Game 99 00: 09: 23,200 -> 00: 09: 25,760 Episode 1 - Half a million dollars game 1 100 00: 09: 48,420 -> 00: 09: 49,680 100 dollar bills.

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