1.2.1 Izin pemakaian lahan hutanPeraturan Mentri Kehutanan Republik In terjemahan - 1.2.1 Izin pemakaian lahan hutanPeraturan Mentri Kehutanan Republik In Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

1.2.1 Izin pemakaian lahan hutanPer

1.2.1 Izin pemakaian lahan hutan
Peraturan Mentri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Nomor P.16/Menhut-II/2014 Tentang Pedoman Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan pasal 9 Tata Cara dan Persyaratan Permohonan Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan adalah izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan diberikan menteri berdasarkan permohonan. Kemudian kewenangan pemberian izin pakai kawasan hutan dilimpahkan kepada Gubernur. Permohonan izin pinjam kawasan hutan harus dilengkapi dengan persyaratan adminstrasi dan teknis. Adapun persyaratan administrasi adalah :
1. Surat permohonan
2. Izin usaha atau perizinan yang diterbitkan oleh pejabat sesuai kewenangannya, kecuali untuk kegiatan yang tidak wajib memiliki perizinan/perjanjian
3. Rekomendasi dari
a. Bupati untuk pinjam pakai kawasan hutan bagi perizinan di luar bidang kehutanan yang diterbitkan oleh gubernur atau
b. Bupati untuk pinjam kawasan hutan yang tidak memerlukan perizinan sesuai dengan bidangnya
4. Penyataan dalam bentuk nota riil
5. Tambahan persyaratan seperti akta pendirian dan perubahannya, profile badan usaha, NPWP dan laporan keuangan terakhir yang telah diaudit oleh akuntan publik
Surat rekomendasi untuk melengkapi persyaratan administrasi ini memuat persetujuan atas pengunaan kawasan hutan yang dimaksud berdasarkan pertimbangan dari SKPD terkait dalam hal ini yang membidangi kehutanan.
Selain persyaratan administrasi ada juga persyaratan teknis yang harus dipenuhi oleh pemohon. Adapun persyaratan teknis yang dimaksud adalah :
1. Rencana kerja penggunaan kawasan hutan dilampiri dengan peta lokasi skala 1 : 50.000 atau skala terbesar pada lokasi tersebut dengan informasi luas kawasan hutan yang dimohon
2. Citra satelit terbaru paling lama liputan 2 (dua) tahun terakhir, namun untuk kegiatan instalasi pembangkit, transmisi dan distribusi listrik serta energy tabarukan dapat ditiadakan.
3. Izin lingkungan dan dokumen AMDAL atau UKL-UPL yang telah disahkan oleh instansi yang berwenang
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
1.2.1 Permit the use of forest landRegulation of the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Number p. 16/Menhut-II/2014 Regarding guidelines for Loan Use forested areas article 9 of Ordinance and the requirements of the application for the use of forest area is forest area borrowed permits use given the Minister based on the petition. Then the authority granting consent use forest area assigned to the Governor. Application for permit borrow forest area should be equipped with the technical and administrative requirements. As for the administrative requirements are:1. Application letter2. Business license or permit issued by the appropriate officials of those powers, except for activities not required to have the approval/agreement3. The recommendations of the a. Bupati to borrow use forested areas for permissions outside of forestry issued by the Governor orb. the Bupati to borrow forest areas that do not require licensing in accordance with the respective fields.4. Revelation of real note in the form5. Additional requirements such as the deed of establishment and its business entity, profile, TAX ID and the last financial statements have been audited by public accountantA letter of recommendation to supplement the terms of this agreement the administration over the use of forest areas is based on consideration of the SEGWAY is related in this wing of forestry. In addition to the requirements of the administration there is also technical requirements that must be met by the applicant. As for the technical requirements in question are:1. the work plan of the use of forest area with enclosed location map scale of 1:50,000 or the largest scale at that location with extensive forest area information that is requested2. the latest satellite image of the longest coverage of 2 (two) years, but for the installation of generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy and tabarukan can be removed.3. Environmental Permits and documents AMDAL or UKL-UPL certified by authorized agencies
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
1.2.1 Permit the use of forest land
Regulation of the Ministry of Forestry Republic of Indonesia Number P.16 / Menhut-II / 2014 on Guidelines Borrow and Use of Forest Areas of Article 9 Procedures and Requirements for Application Forest Area is forest use permit granted upon the request of the minister. The authority permits use of forest areas delegated to the Governor. Applications for permission to borrow the forest area should be equipped with the administrative and technical requirements. The administrative requirements are:
1. A letter of application
2. Business license or permit issued by the appropriate official authorities, except for activities that are not required to have licenses / agreements
3. Recommendations from
a. Regent to borrow and use for the forest areas outside the field of forestry permit issued by the governor or
b. Regent to borrow forest areas that do not require licensing in accordance with its field
4. The real revelation in the form of a memorandum of
5. Additional requirements such as the deed of establishment and its amendments, profile business entity, TIN and financial statements, audited by public accountants
letter of recommendation to complete administrative requirements this includes approval for use of the forest area is under consideration of the relevant SKPD in this case the charge of forestry.
In addition to administrative requirements there are also technical requirements to be met by the applicant. The technical requirements are:
1. The work plan shall be accompanied by the use of the forest area location map scale of 1: 50,000 or the largest scale at that location with information requested forest area
2. Recent satellite imagery longest coverage of two (2) years, but for activities generating plant, transmission and distribution of electricity and energy tabarukan can be eliminated.
3. Environmental permits and EIA documents or UKL-UPL which was approved by the competent authority
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