One day there lived a man named latinro prayer has a wife and a anak.suatu when latinro go fishing in the river but he did not get the fish was because he was always asleep when memancing.lalu when he got home his wife and son also asked about the fish in the failure by but he did not at all get his damn wife tersebut.akhirnya fish was starving, because kasian latinro see his wife and son had promised to his wife and children that someday he will bring a lot of food untuknya.beberapa days later heard in the village that there was a grandmother eater kids who want to do a celebration by collecting 40 children, 40ayam females, 40ayam male, 40ketan white as well as black to be made to make sesajaan for rituals, hear oitu latinro also have an idea, right on the eve of Friday grandmother pakande will perform ritual latintro went fails the right rituals to scare grandma feed and nene pakande ran away and off to do a celebration and latintro is exempt children were swept by nene pakande and the food was served nene pakande latintro else picks it up and mberinya to his wife and children as the promise he had tell
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