Menurut The Liang Gie ada 4 macam Cara Belajar Efektif yaitu: Keteratu terjemahan - Menurut The Liang Gie ada 4 macam Cara Belajar Efektif yaitu: Keteratu Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Menurut The Liang Gie ada 4 macam Cara Belajar Efektif yaitu: Keteraturan Cara Belajar Efektif, Disiplin belajar, Konsentrasi dan Pemakaian perpustakaan (The Liang Gie, 1988 : 57 – 65)
Ada beberapa Tips/Cara Belajar Efektif, silahkan disimak:
1) Keteraturan dalam belajar
Cara belajar yang efisien mengandung asas-asas tertentu yang tidak saja untuk dipahami melainkan lebih dihayati sepanjang masa dalam belajarnya. Asas adalah suatu dalil umum yang dapat diterapkan pada suatu rangkaian kegiatan untuk menjadi petunjuk dalam melakukan tindakan-tindakan.
Dalam belajar yang baik / cara belajar yang efektif efi­sien, yang menjadi pokok pangkal pertama ialah adanya suatu keteraturan, baik dalam belajar, mencatat ataupun menyimpan alat-alat perlengkapan untuk belajar.
2) Disiplin belajar
Asas lain cara belajar yang baik ialah disiplin. Dengan jalan berdisiplin untuk melaksanakan pedoman-pedoman yang baik di dalam usaha belajar, barulah seseorang mempunyai cara belajar yang baik. Karena berdisiplin selain akan membuat seseorang memiliki kecakapan mengenai cara belajar yang baik juga merupakan suatu proses kearah pembentukan watak yang baik yang akan menciptakan pribadi yang luhur. Dengan demikian cara belajar yang baik adalah suatu kecakapan yang dapat dimiliki seseorang dengan jalan latihan.
3) Konsentrasi
Setiap orang yang sedang menuntut ilmu harus melakukan konsentrasi dalam belajarnya, karena tanpa konsentrasi dalam belajarnya, tak mungkin berhasil menguasai pelajaran yang diberikannya. Konsentrasi adalah pemusatan pikiran terhadap suatu hal dengan menyampaikan semua hal lainnya yang tidak berhubungan.
4) Pemakaian perpustakaan
Selain keteraturan, disiplin dan konsentrasi masih ada satu hal lagi yang perlu dijadikan pedoman, yaitu perpustakaan, sebab tidak ada belajar yang dapat dilaksanakan tanpa bacaan dan gudang bacaan itu hanya terdapat dalam perpustakaan .
Perlunya pemakaian kepustakaan sebab tidak ada belajar yang dapat dilaksanakan tanpa buku bacaan, minat baca untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
According to The Soe Liang there are 4 different Ways of effective Learning are: Learning Effective ways of Regularity, discipline, concentration and Learning Library Usage (The Liang Gie, 1988:57 – 65)There are some Tips/how to learn Effectively, please note:1) Regularity in learningHow to learn efficiently contain certain principles not only to understand but rather lived of all time in his studies. The principle is a general proposition can be applied to a series of activities to be instructions in performing actions.In a good learning/how to learn effective efi sien, who became the principal base of the first is the presence of a regularity, both in learning, noted or store equipment tools to learn.2) Discipline learningAnother basic way of learning is a good discipline. With its disciplined to implement good guidelines in an attempt to learn, that someone has a good way of learning. Because the disciplined in addition will make someone have skills on how learning is also a process towards the establishment of good character who will create a personal sublime. Thus a good way of learning is a skill that can be owned by a person with the exercise.3) ConcentrationEvery person being studied should concentrate in his studies, because without a concentration in education, it is not possible to successfully master the lessons they provide. Concentration concentration is the thought of a thing by passing all the other things that are not related.4) the use of the libraryBesides the regularity, discipline and concentration there is still one more thing that needs to be used as guidelines, i.e. library, for there is no study that can be implemented without reading and reading it just the warehouse contained in the library.The necessity of usage of the library because there is no study that can be implemented without reading books, reading interests to improve learning achievement.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
According to The Liang Gie there are four kinds of How to Learn Effective namely: Regularity How Effective Learning, Discipline learning, concentration and use of the library (The Liang Gie, 1988: 57-65)
There are several Tips / How to Learn Effectively, please be listened to:
1) Regularity in learn
How to learn efficiently contain certain principles, not only to understand but to be fully appreciated all time in learning. The principle is a general proposition that can be applied to a series of activities to be a clue to perform actions.
In a good learning / learning effective efficient, which became the principal base of the first is the existence of an order, both in learning, record or store appliance gear-tool for learning.
2) discipline learn
Asas another good way to learn is discipline. With a disciplined way to implement the guidelines are good in learning the business, then the person has a good way of learning. Because disciplined in addition will make a person have the skills on how good learning is also a process towards the formation of good character who will create personal sublime. Thus a good way of learning is a skill that can be owned by a person with the exercise.
3) Concentration
Everyone who is studying to be doing concentrations in the study, because without concentration in the study, could not be successfully mastered the lessons that it provides. Concentration is the concentration of a thing to convey all the other things that are not related.
4) Use of the library
addition regularity, discipline and concentration there is still one more thing that needs to be used as guidelines, namely the library, because no learning can be implemented without reading and warehouses reading it is only found in the library.
the need for the use of literature because no learning can be implemented without reading books, reading interest to improve learning achievement.
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