The hearing Friday, June 12, 2015 Room Attendant The Tribunal Judge entered the courtroom, attendees were asked to stand. Once the judge is seated, the attendees are welcome to sit back. Chief Justice Moot Court judge: Faculty of Law, eleven Maret University that examine and prosecute criminal cases Number 365/Criminal/2012 Faculty of Law, University Eleven Maret, on behalf of dr Dewa Ayu Sasiary Prawani (defendant I), Dr. are Handry Simanjuntak (the defendant), and Dr. Hendy Siagian (Defendant), was opened and open to the public. (Tap the hammer three times). JPU: brother of the defendant, the welcome sign in the proceedings (the defendant in a State free and accompanied the ruling power and then sitting in a Chair that had been prepared). Judge: For brother Ipda Natasha Olga as a representative of the police are welcome to read out Event Pemeriksaannya File, is it ready? Police: Yes bu the judge.
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