freedom of expression in Indonesia began in the reign of president bj Habibie who sets people free to express their opinions in public. legislation relating to it is uu no. 19 of 1998 on freedom of expression in public. in chapter III of the law, explained about the rights and obligations of the protesters.
chapter iii uu no.19 of 1998 on freedom of expression in public.
Article 5 "of citizens who express opinions in public entitled:
a. to dispense freely mind.
b. obtain legal protection. "
Article 6 citizens who express opinions in public duty and responsibility to:
a. respect the rights of freedom of others.
b.respect the rules of a recognized moral law.
c. obey the laws and provisions of laws and regulations that apply.
d. maintain and respect the security and public order.
e. maintain the integrity and unity of the nation. chapter 7
citizens of expression in public by private citizens, government officials with responsibility for kewajibanan bertnggung:
a. protecting human rights.
b.mengahrgai principle of legality.
c. mengahargai prinsp presumption of innocence.
d. organize security.
Article 8 right to participate in the community is responsible for working on making penyarnpaian in public opinion can take place in a safe, orderly, and peaceful.
Article 9, paragraph 1 pendapatdi advance form submission can be implemented urnum:
a. demonstrations or dermonstrasi.
b. parade.
c. general meeting.
d. free speech. Article 9, paragraph 2
delivery in public opinion as referred to in paragraph (1). implemented in places open to the public
. except:
a. in the presidential palace, a place of worship. military installations, hospitals, air or sea ports, railway stations. land transportation terminals, and national vital objects;
b.on national holidays.
article 9, paragraph 3 actors or participants in the delivery of public opinion referred to in paragraph (1) are prohibited from carrying objects that could endanger public safety.
Article 10
1. delivery in public opinion as referred to in Article 9 shall be notified in writing to the national police.
2.written notice referred to in paragraph (1) shall be submitted by the individual, the leader, the group responsible Alau.
3. notification referred to in paragraph (1) not later than 3 x 24 (three times twenty-four) hours before the event was received by the local national police.
4.written notice referred to in paragraph (1) shall not apply to activities on campus scientific and religious activities.
restriction of freedom to express opinions freely and responsibly written in chapter 6, chapter 7, and chapter 8 uu no. 9, 1998 as described above.
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