CHAPTER IVTHE RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH AND THE DISCUSSION Introductory chapter has been dikemukankan that the purpose of this research is to know the relationship between the ability of reading English language and achievement of students, so that the required data analysis and interpretation of research results. The following will be described about the results of research and discussion. Analysis Of Results Of Research Data Reading skills Data collected from respondents, showed that the score variable reading skills of students toward English lessons (X) and data achievement learning English students (Y). On the results of the tests the ability to read English students XI IPS 2 obtained an average score of students amounted to 69,75 (69,75% from the score i.e. ideal 100), standard deviation = 7,517, lowest score (x_min) = 60 highest score (x_maks) = 85, median = 70 and mode = 70 (see annex 4). As for the recapitulation of data the test results of the ability to read English students can be seen in table 4.1.Table 4.1Recapitulation Of Data Reading Skills Test ResultsClass test results N x ̅ SD x_min x_maks Median ModeXI IPS 2 20 69,75 (69,75%) 7,517 60 85 70 70If the score variable is the ability to read grade XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau grouped into intervals, then the category based on the criteria of value and frequency distribution obtained percentage as stated in table 4.2:Table 4.2The Interval Value Of The Reading Skills Of StudentsClass XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 BaubauThe Classification Of The Reading Skills Of Students Number Of Students Percentage Categories(%)80 ≤ Y ≤ 10060 ≤ Y < 80Y ≤ 60 HighIs beingLow 4124 206020The number of 20-100 The table above shows that the reading skills of students of Class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau in the interval 80 ≤ Y ≤ 100 with category 4 or higher of 20% and at intervals of 60 ≤ Y < 80 by category were as many as 12 people or by 60% while in the interval Y ≤ 60 with a low category 4 people or by 20%. Based on the description, then it can be said that most of the reading skills of students of Class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau are on the low category. Data Description Of Achievements Bhasa United Kingdom Students (Y) The English student achievement data retrieved through the eleventh semester students complete class x. class students report of the results X obtained half of the even-numbered score averages – average of students = 69,25 (69,25% of the ideal score i.e. 100), standard deviation = 9,215, lowest score (x_min) = 60, the highest score (x_maks) = 90, median = mode = 60 and 65 (see annex 4). As for the recapitulation of data value perstasi results English students can be seen in table 4.3.Table 4.3Recapitulation United Kingdom Language Student Achievement DataIngris Language Student Achievement classroom N x ̅ SD x_min x_maks Median ModeXI IPS 2 20 69,25 (69,25% 9,215 60 90 60 65Jika skor variabel pengetahuan dasar matematika siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau dikelompokkan kedalam interval kategori, maka berdasarkan kriteria diperoleh distribusi frekuensi nilai dan persentase seperti dinyatakan pada Tabel 4.4 berikut :Tabel 4.4Interval Nilai Variabel Prestasi Bahasa Inggris SiswaKelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 BaubauKlasifikasi Prestasi Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kategori Jumlah Siswa Persentase(%)80 ≤ Y ≤10060 ≤Y<80Y≤60 TinggiSedangRendah 4106 205030Jumlah 20 100 Tabel diatas menunjukkan bahwa prestasi bahasa inggris siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau yang berada pada interval 80 ≤ Y ≤100 dengan kategori tinggi sebanyak 4 orang atau sebesar 20% dan yang berada pada interval 60 ≤Y<80 dengan kategori sedang sebanyak 10 orang atau sebesar 50% sedangkan yang berada pada interval Y≤60 dengan kategori rendah sebanyak 6 orang atau sebesar 30%. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa sebagian besar prestasi bahasa inggris siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau berada pada kategori rendah. Hasil Pengujian HipotesisHipotesis yang telah dirumuskan pada Bab II, dibuktikan dengan melakukan pengolahan data dan analisis data dari lapangan. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS 16 for windows.Test results correlation between disposition terhadappengetahuan mathematical foundations of mathematics grade V by using the SPSS program can be seen in Appendix 6. Based on the results of these tests, the unknown coefficients of correlation between reading skills against students of English achievement 0,187. With the value of the sig (2-tailed) = 0,430 > 0.05, so the "H" _ "0" is received. Thus, there is no significant positive relationship between the ability of reading and English achievement grade XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau. Discussion Of Research Results Based on the results of the descriptive analysis appears that variable reading skills of students turned out to give an overview of 20% have reading skills is high, 60% have reading skills are and the remaining 20% showed a low reading skills. While the variable preatasi English students provides an overview of 20% have a high English achievement, 50% have the achievements of the English medium and the rest 30% had low English language achievement. Of the percentage, it can be seen that the level of reading skills for students of Class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau are in the category of being, while for English achievement levels of students of Class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau mostly still low. If, however, in view of the average score of the acquired reading skills students amounted to 69,75 where score ideal that is 100, then the student's ability that can be categorized as a whole are at a medium category. In view of the average score students ' English achievements obtained by students of 69,25 where the ideal score that is 100, then it can be categorized, it is visible from the value of the student report. As for the correlation of test results by using the SPSS program show that the coefficient of correlation between reading ability and English language for the whole achievement of the students of 0,187. The correlation coefficient 0,187 shows that correlation between reading ability and achievement of English grade XI IPS 2 belongs to the low-value significance 0,430 > 0.005. This means that both these variables are not mutually correlated significantly between one another.Then the research results it can be concluded that there is no significant positive relationship between reading skills (X) and the achievements of the English students (Y) Class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau. CHAPTER VCONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS CONCLUSIONBased on the results of data analysis and discussion of the results of the study, the conclusion that there is no significant positive relationship between the ability of reading and English achievement grade XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau. The correlation coefficient between reading ability and achievement of English grade XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 4 Baubau is 0, 187 with a value > 0.05 0,430 significance then H0 and H1 accepted rejected. ADVICE
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