R. Ibrahim (2005) grouped into curriculum: 1. Curriculum as substance, looking as plans and learning activities for students in all schools or as a goal to be achieved. 2. Curriculum as the system, looking at the curriculum as part of the schooling system, education system, and even a system of society. 3. Curriculum as a field of study, looking at the curriculum as a field of study, i.e. majors in the curriculum. Nana Syaiodah Sukmadinata (20015): Curriculum sense posited in terms of three dimensions, namely as a science, systems and as planned. Saeed hamid Hasan (1988) suggests that at the time the term curriculum now has four dimensions of understanding:1. Curriculum as an idea/idea2. Curriculum as a written plan that is actually a manifestation of the curriculum as an idea. 3. Curriculum as an activity that is also referred to by the term curriculum as a reality or the implementation of the curriculum. Theoretically this curriculum dimenasi is the implementation of the curriculum as a written plan.4. Curriculum as a result kurikulumsebagai is a consequence of an activity. The term was first used in the curriculum of the sports world the ancient Greek period that derives from the word curis and curere, at that time the curriculum is defined as the distance that must be reached by a runner. People mengistilahkannya with a gallop or trot from beginning to start to finish. The print looked at that a curriculum covering the planning of learning experiences, the program is an educational institution that is embodied in a document as well as the results of the implementation documents have been drawn up. Understanding the curriculum as a host of the eyes of the journey that must be traveled by learners, is the concept of curriculum that until recently many coloring theory-theory and practice of education. Daniel, stating that the curriculum is American containing about lesson learned as well as the expected results. Donald, stating that the curriculum is essentially a planning or program geared towards students experience at school. According to the CONSTITUTION No 20 yr 2003, curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements concerning the content and learning materials as well as ways that are used as guidelines for the Organization of the teaching and learning activities. Skilbeck, stating that the curriculum is not a separate subject matter should be presented and learned but rather form individual and cultural experience that should be maintained and dimodivikasi. Saylor, consider the curriculum as all uoaya schools to influence students to learn, whether in the classroom, the page of the school, as well as outside school. Learning according to Gagne, 1984, A process by which an organism changed their behaviour as a result of experience. The understanding of the three elements of belajr that is a staple in the process, changes in behaviour and experience. According to Arief Sadiman, learning is a complex process that happens to everyone and it lasts a lifetime, since he was a baby to the liang lahat.
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