NEWS OF THE EVENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CESSATION OF INVESTIGATION On this day, WEDNESDAY October 24 ___ __ ___ August 2016 ___, housed in BLITAR NEGRI Attorney _ _ _ _ _ _, our District Attorney Investigator ... ... .... Name: SAFI, MH SH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Rank/Nip: ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY (IV/a). 19731109 199303 1003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Position: Attorney at the HEAD of the INTELLIGENCE SECTION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name: AMIRUDDIN, SH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Rank/Nip: ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY (IV/a) 19631231 198603 1017 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Position: Attorney at the HEAD of the SPECIAL CRIME SECTION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _…….. Based on the Warrant Investigation ASSOCIATE Attorney General _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the special criminal act number: Print-19/Fd. 1/12/2016 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date of 06 November 2015 _ _ _ _ _ _ and number: Prin-32/f. 2/Fd. 1/11/2015 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date of 06 November 2015 _ _ _ _ _ _ _, have executed a warrant Termination of investigation of case Number:P rin-01/f. 2/Fd 1/08/2016 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date of 20 August 2016 _ _ _ _ _ _ _, in the following way: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1. Stop the investigation of things criminal acts of corruption in the sale of smooth drum compactor PT peace loving Tbk. In 2012 the disangkakan respectively against the suspect: Afrianti, ST.David Wijaya, SE.Ulfa, SE. 2. Ask the Clerk's register at the Directorate of investigation in order for the investigation and evidence in such cases removed from register investigation and evidence. 3. Notify the termination of the Investigation to the family of the suspect/suspects by passing effluent Warrant Termination of investigation Director Investigation number: Prin-01/f. 2/Fd 1/08/2016 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date of 20 August 2016 ___ __ ___. So the News Event the implementation of the cessation of investigation was made with real given the oath of Office........................................... Afrianti, ST. David Wijaya, SE. Ulfa, SE. Registrar Register investigation and Evidence Supriadi Hasan, SH. LLM Young Darma TU Nip. 230030167
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