Tradisi tujuh bulanan atau tingkeban atau disebut juga mitoni yaitu up terjemahan - Tradisi tujuh bulanan atau tingkeban atau disebut juga mitoni yaitu up Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Tradisi tujuh bulanan atau tingkeba

Tradisi tujuh bulanan atau tingkeban atau disebut juga mitoni yaitu upacara tradisional selamatan terhadap bayi yang masih dalam kandungan selama tujuh bulan. Tradisi ini berawal ketika pemerintahan Prabu Jayabaya. Pada waktu itu ada seorang wanita bernama Niken Satingkeb bersuami seorang pemuda bernama Sadiya. Keluarga ini telah melahirkan anak sembilan kali, namun satu pun tidak ada yang hidup. Karena itu, keduanya segera menghadap raja Kediri, yaitu Prabu Widayaka (Jayabaya). Oleh sang raja, keluarga tersebut disarankan agar menjalankan tiga hal, yaitu:

Setiap hari rabu dan sabtu, pukul 17.00, diminta mandi menggunakan tengkorak kelapa (bathok), sambil mengucap mantera: “Hong Hyang Hyanging amarta martini sinartan huma, hananingsun hiya hananing jatiwasesa. Wisesaning Hyang iya wisesaningsun. Ingsun pudya sampurna dadi manungsa.
Setelah mandi lalu berganti pakaian yang bersih, cara berpakaian dengan cara menggembol kelapa gading yang dihiasi Sanghyang Kamajaya dan Kamaratih atau Sanghyang Wisnu dan Dewi Sri, lalu di-brojol-kan ke bawah.

Kelapa muda tersebut, diikat menggunakan daun tebu tulak (hitam dan putih) selembar. Setelah kelapa gading tadi di-brojol-kan, lalu diputuskan menggunakan sebilah keris oleh suaminya.

Ketiga hal di atas, tampaknya yang menjadi dasar masyarakat Jawa menjalankan tradisi selamatan tingkeban sampai sekarang. Sejak saat itu, ternyata Niken Satingkeb dapat hamil dan anaknya hidup. Hal ini merupakan lukisan bahwa orang yang ingin mempunyai anak, perlu laku kesucian atau kebersihan. Niken Satingkeb sebagai wadah harus suci, tidak boleh ternoda, karenanya harus dibersihkan dengan mandi keramas. Akhirnya sejak saat itu apabila ada orang hamil, apalagi hamil pertama dilakukan tingkeban atau mitoni. Tradisi ini merupakan langkah permohonan dalam bentuk selamatan.

Batas tujuh bulan, sebenarnya merupakan simbol budi pekerti agar hubungan suami istri tidak lagi dilakukan agar anak yang akan lahir berjalan baik. Istilah methuk (menjemput) dalam tradisi jawa, dapat dilakukan sebelum bayi berumur tujuh bulan. Ini menunjukkan sikap hati-hati orang Jawa dalam menjalankan kewajiban luhur. Itulah sebabnya, bayi berumur tujuh bulan harus disertai laku prihatin. Pada saat ini, keadaan ibu hamil telah seperti ‘sapta kukila warsa’, artinya burung yang kehujanan. Burung tersebut tampak lelah dan kurang berdaya, tidak bisa terbang kemana-mana, karenanya yang paling mujarab adalah berdoa agar bayinya lahir selamat.

Beberapa pantangan yang patut dicatat oleh ibu hamil maupun suaminya, juga mengarah pada budi pekerti Jawa luhur. Yakni, seorang ibu hamil dilarang makan buah yang melintang (misalnya buah kepel), dimaksudkan agar posisi bayi di perut tak melintang. Jika posisi melintang akan menyulitkan kelahiran kelak. Hal ini sebenarnya ada kaitannya dengan kesehatan, karena buah kepel sebenarnya panas jika dimakan, sehingga bila terlalu banyak akan berakibat pula pada keadaan bayi. Orang hamil, misalkan tidak boleh duduk di depan pintu dan di lumping tempat menumbuk padi, sebenarnya memuat nilai etika Jawa. Yakni, agar sikap dan watak ibu hamil tak dipandang tidak sopan, karena posisi duduk demikian juga akan memalukan dan tidak enak dipandang.

Seorang suami yang dilarang menyembelih hewan, sebenarnya terkandung makna budi pekerti agar tidak menganiaya makhluk lain. penganiayaan juga merupakan tindakan yang tak baik. Di samping itu, lalu ada kata-kata ‘ora ilok’ kalau meyembelih hewan, ini dimaksudkan agar bayi yang akan lahir tak cacat. Watak dan perilaku yang dilarang ini merupakan aspek preventif agar suami lebih berhati-hati. Di samping itu, baik suami maupun ibu hamil diharapkan tidak mencacat atau membatin orang-orang yang cacat, agar bayinya tidak cacat, adalah langkah hati-hati. Perilaku ini merupakan upaya agar pasangan tersebut tidak semena-mena kepada orang lain yang cacat.

Proses selamatan mitoni dilakukan di kebun kanan kiri rumah pada suatu krobongan. Krobongan adalah bilik yang terbuat dari kepang (anyaman bambu) dan pintunya menghadap ke timur, dihiasi dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Krobongan adalah lambang dunia, yaitu bahwa ibu hamil dan suami ketika melahirkan anak nanti harus menghadapi tantangan berat. Kelahiran anak nanti ibarat memasuki sebuah hutan (pasren). Adapun maksud pintu krobongan menghadap ke timur, dapat dikaitkan dengan asal kata timur dari bahasa Jawa wetan (wiwitan). Artinya, timur adalah permulaan hidup (sangkan paraning dumadi).
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The tradition of seven monthly or tingkeban or also called mitoni i.e. traditional ceremonies celebrate against babies still in the womb for seven months. This tradition dates back to the reign of Lord Jayabaya. At that time there was a woman named 2011 Satingkeb husband of a young man called Sadiya. The family has given birth to a child nine times, but the one no one alive. Therefore, both immediately before the King of Kediri, namely Prabu Widayaka (Jayabaya). By the King, recommended that the family run three things, namely:Every Wednesday and Saturday, at 17.00, prompted the bath using the skulls of coconut (bathok), giving the mantra: "Hong Hyang Hyanging amarta martini sinartan huma, hananingsun hiya hananing jatiwasesa. Wisesaning iya wisesaningsun Hyang. Pudya sampurna Ingsun dadi manungsa.After a bath and then change clothes clean, how to dress in a manner menggembol a ornamented kelapa gading Sanghyang Kamajaya and Rati or Sanghyang Vishnu and Goddess Sri, then in-brojol-kan down.The young coconut, is bound to use sugar cane leaves tulak (black and white) a sheet. After the kelapa gading earlier on-brojol-kan, then decided to use a keris by her husband.The third of the above, it seems that is the basis of the Java community celebrate the tradition of running the tingkeban until now. Since that time, it turns out that 2011 Satingkeb can get pregnant and her son live. This is a painting that people who want to have children, need to conduct purity or cleanliness. 2011 Satingkeb as a container should be a Saint, should not be stigmatized, should therefore be cleaned with the shower shampooing. Finally since that time if one is pregnant, let alone the first pregnant tingkeban or mitoni. This tradition is a step of the petition in the form of holding ceremonial meals. The limit of seven months, is actually a symbol character so that the husband and wife relationship is no longer done in order for the child to be born a good run. The term methuk (pick up) in Javanese tradition, can be done before the baby was seven months. It shows the attitude of caution of Javanese people in carrying out the obligations of the sublime. That is why, seven months old baby must be accompanied by conduct was concerned. At this time, the circumstances of pregnant women have been as ' sapta kukila nearly ', meaning the bird kehujanan. The bird looked tired and less helpless, unable to fly everywhere, hence the most efficacious is praying that her baby was born. Some noteworthy abstinence by expectant mothers as well as her husband, also leads to the Java character of the sublime. I.e., a pregnant women were forbidden to eat the fruit of the transverse (e.g. fruit kepel), intended to position the baby in the stomach does not transverse. If the transverse position would complicate the birth later. This actually has to do with health, because the heat actually kepel fruit if eaten, so when too much will result in a State of a baby. People conceive, for example should not be sitting in front of the door and place the rice pounding lumping in, actually contains the ethical values of Java. Namely, in order that the attitude and character of pregnant women is not deemed disrespectful, because a sitting position so will also not outrageous and unsightly. A husband who is forbidden to slaughter animals, actually contained the meaning of manners in order not to molest any other creature. persecution is also an action that is not good. In addition, then there are the words ' ora ilok ' if meyembelih animals, is intended to let the baby to be born is not disabled. The character and behavior of this preventative aspect is prohibited in order that the husband is more cautious. In addition, neither the husband nor the expectant mothers are expected not to mencacat or membatin people who are disabled, so that her baby is not flawed, is a step carefully. This behavior is an attempt to let the couples do not arbitrarily to other people who are disabled.The process is done in the selamatan mitoni right left home on a krobongan. Krobongan is a booth made of braid (plaited bamboo) and door facing East, decorated with plants. Krobongan is the symbol of the world, namely that the expectant mother and the husband of childbirth later had to face heavy challenges. Child birth later like entering a forest (pasren). As for the intent of the krobongan door facing East, the origin of the Word can be associated with the East Javanese wetan (wiwitan). That is, the East is the beginning of life (sangkan paraning dumadi).
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Tradition seven monthly or tingkeban also called mitoni namely the traditional ceremony of salvation for infants who are still in the womb for seven months. This tradition started when the reign of King Jayabaya. At that time there was a woman named Niken Satingkeb married a young man named Sadiya. This family has given birth to nine children, but none no life. Therefore, both of them immediately went to the king of Kediri, namely King Widayaka (Jayabaya). By the king, the family suggested that runs three things, namely: Every Wednesday and Saturday, at 17.00, asked to shower using skull coconut (bathok), while praising the incantation: "Hong Hyang Hyanging AMARTA martini sinartan huma, hananingsun hiya hananing jatiwasesa. Wisesaning Hyang yes wisesaningsun. Ingsun pudya sampurna dadi manungsa. After showering and changing clothes are clean, how to dress in a way menggembol ivory palm decorated Sanghyang Kamajaya and Kamaratih or Sanghyang Vishnu and Dewi Sri, and on-Brojol-right to bottom. Coconuts are, fastened using a leaf tulak cane (black and white) sheet. After earlier in the ivory palm-Brojol-kan, then it was decided to use a keris by her husband. All three of the above, it seems that the basis for running the Java community tingkeban selamatan tradition until now. Since then, it Niken Satingkeb be pregnant and her child live. This is a painting that people who want to have children, need to sell sanctity or cleanliness. Niken Satingkeb as a container to be sacred, not to be tainted and should be cleaned with a shower shampooing. Finally, since then, if someone is pregnant, especially pregnant or mitoni tingkeban first performed. This tradition is a step in the petition in the form of salvation. Limit of seven months, it is actually a symbol of character that the marital relationship is no longer carried out so that a child will be born went well. The term methuk (pick) in the Javanese tradition, can be done before the baby is seven months old. This suggests caution in implementing obligations Javanese sublime. That is why, seven-month-old baby should be accompanied conduct concerned. At this time, the state of pregnant women have such 'sapta Kukila warsa', meaning that birds caught in the rain. The bird looked tired and less helpless, unable to fly anywhere, and therefore the most efficacious is praying that the baby was born alive. Some restrictions noteworthy by pregnant women and her husband, also lead to the Javanese noble character. Namely, a pregnant woman is forbidden to eat the fruit of the transverse (eg fruit Kepel), is intended to position the baby in the stomach was transverse. If the transverse position will complicate future births. It is in fact nothing to do with health, as Kepel fruit is actually hot if eaten, so if too much will result also in a state of infants. Pregnant person, let's say should not be sitting in the front door and in lumping a pound rice, actually load the Java ethical values. Namely, that the attitude and disposition of pregnant women was seen as disrespectful, because the sitting position as well be embarrassing and unsightly. A husband who banned animal slaughter, actually contained the meaning of manners not to persecute others. persecution is also an action that is not good. In addition, then there are the words 'ora Ilok' if meyembelih animals, this meant that the baby would not be born deformed. Character and conduct that is prohibited is that the preventive aspect of the husband to be more careful. In addition, both the husband and the pregnant woman is not expected to criticize or thought people with disabilities, so that the baby is not disabled, are steps carefully. This behavior is an effort that the couple does not arbitrarily to other people with disabilities. The process of salvation mitoni carried out in the garden either side of the house on a krobongan. Krobongan is a chamber made ​​of braids (woven bamboo) and the door facing east, decorated with herbs. Krobongan is the epitome of the world, namely that the pregnant woman and her husband when to bear children later have to face a formidable challenge. Later child birth is like entering a forest (pasren). The purpose krobongan door facing east, can be associated with the origin of the word east of the Java language wetan (wiwitan). That is, the east is the beginning of life (sangkan paraning dumadi).

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