Cannabis is one kind of plant that can thrive in any climate, especially Indonesia which has a good climate for growing marijuana. Marijuana has a high economic value that is one of the varieties of plants are quite expensive to be traded. Registering the history of man has been utilizing these types of plants from long time ago, even the recorded history of civilization Mesopothamia in Egypt has a portrait of cannabis in the book "papyrus" were believed to have been written since 1550 BC. In this civilization, this nation has been using marijuana as a medical device. Today's modern future, many countries that have not ratified the legalization of marijuana into class addictive. For example, the Netherlands have to legalize marijuana existence since the 1980s. Although in its application of any regulations, which only legalized marijuana and prohibited for use. In the region of Aceh itself many tobacco farmers to remote world-renowned. Unfortunately, legislation banning marijuana in 1961, making many countries ratified it, including Indonesia. In Indonesia the conversation about marijuana seems to be taboo to talk about. Given the Indonesian government is set to the type of narcotic hemp types of one (1). The government only allows the use of marijuana as a research tool, and should not be used as a kind of drug or class of medical usage .. Rim Ganja Nusantara (LGN) is one of the organizations continue doing research on the positive effects of marijuana, and combat the negative stigma society , In the end one of the universities in Indonesia, namely the University of Teunku Umar (UTU) to research the marijuana plant itself. Given Indonesia at this time, marijuana can be used only as a scientific order only.
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