Dear Mr. Head of ....,We respect the Chairman Mr RW,Bapak2 Chairman RT It. ...Teen and youth rekan2 se-area of ....The audience and the presence of his Majesty,Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.Happy prosperous and happy we also pass on to the audience and the presence of a religion other than Islam.On the morning that this let us be happy together for a moment to pray, reflect and hopefully we are up to this morning is still blessed with happiness by God Almighty, was given power to give thanks always, at the grace and guidance of Dr. God Almighty. Gratitude let us prove by remaining obligations and keep away from the prohibition of God God is fair.Next morning happier this pd, hndaknya jg brsyukur on the occasion of us by God the God of love, who by his grace we can brsama-mmperingati ceremony the same day Kartini ". Kartini, names are familiar. Even in this present life tlah denoted an attitude, in particular the attitude of mothers, teenagers and youth attitudes to the Castle, which reflect Our mother cita2 sublime Kartini.As a woman who certainly can't leave his nature as a female, it is now increasingly it appears that the seat himself as a fellow combatant Nations, have been able to menenmpatkan himself as a fighter for the Indonesia women do not want to say number two against the men.That's the attitude of resolute women that directly reflect the Excellency Kartini's ideals. That attitude also show how human rights Indonesia this very taken care of. What's the right woman in the position itself involved building a homeland and the nation of Indonesia.It is not redundant if the woman may now have been able to talk on equal footing with men. Even in this village we have many women who place even higher than his part. This shows that our people, especially women, have actually been aware of just how important the role and capabilities of women in the life of a nation, enforce the State and society.Kartini day always we commemorate every year. But it should be at moments this warning only we featured the work of and copyright to the women. Nmaun lbh than that, hopefully every day, every time women Indonesia, still struggling and still bercitra, as the fragrance name.May God continue to bless us, especially the women of Indonesia in upholding the life of nation and State. Hopefully women gain increased mighty jaya, in keeping with the great name of the nation, the State, society, and do not forget, may remain victorious in keeping the family's good name. Amen!Suffice the first greeting we, billahitaufiq walhidayah,Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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