agustina, Ndraha, 2013, the implementation of inquiry learning strategies to improve student learning outcomes in biology subjects sma 1 Telukdalam country learning year 2013/2014, thesis, supervisor: (1) torozatulo Zega, S.Pd., mm (2) of college duha, M.Pd.
Keyword: inquiry learning strategies, and learning outcomes.
efforts to improve the quality of education will not be separated from the responsibility of teachers who directly implement the learning. one way to do is through the implementation of inquiry learning strategies in the learning process.inquiry learning is learning that emphasizes student activity fully to find himself the subject matter learned in real life.
This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes and learning processes as well as describe biological inquiry through the application of learning strategies in class x-country 1 Telukdalam year asthma study 2013/2014.
This research is a classroom action research (ptk).research subjects were students of class 1 xa sma country Telukdalam learning year 2013/2014, amounting to 40 people.
In the process of data collection, research instruments used were (a) the observation sheet activities that engage students actively in the learning process, (b) the learning process the observation sheets respondents teacher / researcher (c) questionnaires, (d) documentation of the learning process,and (e) achievement test.
processing based achievement test on cycle i gained an average of 63.25 learning outcomes (category enough) with the percentage of students' mastery learning ketidaktuntasan 65% and the percentage of 35%. while the implementation of the research on cycles ii gained an average of 80 learning outcomes.12 (both categories) with the percentage of students achieving mastery learning percentage of 85% and 15% ketidaktuntasan. thus it can be concluded that by implementing inquiry learning strategies can improve student learning outcomes in biology subjects in class 1 x sma country Telukdalam learning year 2013/2014.
Based on the results of this study,the author provides some suggestions: (1) the teacher should be able to apply the learning process of biological inquiry learning strategies, (2) students in the learning process should be more active in reviewing the subject matter being studied, (3) the results of this study should be taken into consideration to advanced researchers in conducting relevant research,(4) the results of this study should be able to experience and new insights for researchers in preparing a biological subject teachers in the future, (5) the results of this study should be more useful in the development of knowledge, especially in southern Nias STKIP.
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