HASIL PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASANBerdasarkan hasil penelitian, guru kela terjemahan - HASIL PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASANBerdasarkan hasil penelitian, guru kela Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan


Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, guru kelas IV B SD Bantul Timur telah membuat RPP sesuai KD dalam tema/subtema yang dijabarkan ke dalam indikator dan dilaksanakan dalam satu kali pertemuan. Guru juga telah merinci KD 1-4 sesuai muatan yang dpadukan dengan pencapaian KI. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan guru yang bersangkutan, RPP dibuat guru secara berkelompok pada kelas yang sama (kelas paralel) untuk kemudian dikembangkan sesuai kemampuan dan kemauan guru itu sendiri. Hasil triangulasi wawancara dengan kepala sekolah juga menjelaskan bahwa guru biasanya membuat RPP secara bersama-sama dengan guru lain yang mengampu pada tingkatan kelas yang sama.
Permendikbud nomor 81 A tentang implementasi kurikulum menyebutkan bahwa: “RPP paling sedikit memuat: (i) tujuan pembelajaran, (ii) materi pembelajaran, (iii) metode pembelajaran, (iv) sumber belajar, dan (v) penilaian.” Merujuk pada standar di atas, RPP yang dibuat guru telah memuat 5 komponen tersebut, hanya saja metode pembelajaran tidak secara eksplisit. Selain itu aspek penilaian juga masih sangat sederhana dengan memuat rubrik-rubrik penilaiaan dan belum terdapatnya penjelasan jenis penilaian yang digunakan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan guru telah menguraikan semua komponen dari RPP meskipun belum secara rinci diuraikan, namun dilihat dari aspek langkah-langkah pembelajaran, guru telah menguraikan langkah-langkah pembelajaran dengan memasukkan pendekatan saintifik di dalamnya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
THE RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH AND THE DISCUSSIONBased on the results of the study, master class IV B SD East Bantul has made appropriate RPP KD in the theme/subtema who elaborated into indicators and carried out in a single encounter. Teachers have also been detailing KD 1-4 fit the charge dpadukan with achievement of KI. Based on the results of the interviews with the teachers concerned, RPP made teacher groups in the same class (the class of parallel) to then be developed according the ability and willingness of teachers themselves. The results of the interviews with the principal triangulation also explains that teachers usually make the RPP jointly with another teacher who educates on the same grade levels. 81 A number Permendikbud on the implementation of the curriculum mentions that: "RPP to at least contain: (i) learning objectives, instructional material (ii), (iii) learning methods, (iv) learning resource, and (v) the assessment." Refer to the above standards, the RPP made teachers have to load 5 that component, it's just not learning method explicitly. In addition to this aspect of the judgment is also still very simple rubric-rubrics by loading penilaiaan and yet there is an explanation of the types of assessment are used.The results showed teachers have outlines all of the components of the RPP outlined in detail though, but seen from the aspect of learning steps, the teacher has been outlining the steps of learning by incorporating scientific approaches in it.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Based on the results, fourth grade teacher and elementary school East Bantul has made ​​RPP according KD in the theme / sub-themes that are translated into indicators and carried out in one meeting. Teachers also have detailed KD dpadukan 1-4 corresponding charge to the achievement of KI. Based on interviews with the teacher, teacher lesson plans created in groups in the same class (class parallel) and then developed according to the ability and willingness of teachers themselves. Results triangulation interview with the school principal explained that teachers usually make lesson plans together with other teachers that administer at the level of the same class.
Permendikbud number 81 A on the implementation of the curriculum states that: "RPP least contain: (i) the purpose of learning, (ii) learning materials, (iii) teaching methods, (iv) learning resources, and (v) assessment. "Referring to the above standards, RPP made ​​teachers have loaded the component 5, it's just learning methods are not explicitly. Besides aspects of assessment is still very simple to load rubrics penilaiaan and yet the presence of explanation of the type of assessment used.
The results showed the teacher has outlined all the components of RPP although not in detail described, but seen from the aspect of the lesson, the teacher has outlines the steps of learning by incorporating scientific approach in it.
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