Sudah hampir dua bulan nggak publish fic Kurobasu. Kangen banget karen terjemahan - Sudah hampir dua bulan nggak publish fic Kurobasu. Kangen banget karen Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

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Sudah hampir dua bulan nggak publish fic Kurobasu. Kangen banget karena fandom Kurobasu udah kayak rumah buat saya. XD Kangen juga sama manga-nya yang baru tamat berminggu-minggu lalu, hiks. So, let me guide you to Akashi and Furihata's little story. Enjoy. ^^

Kuroko no Basuke and all identifiable characters and situations are created and owned by Fujimaki Tadatoshi. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, earn profit from the story and no copyright infringement is intended.

Akashi Seijuurou adalah cintanya.

Ia menyukai lelaki itu, tidak pernah berhenti barang sedetik pun sejak pertemuan pertama mereka yang kurang menyenangkan. Karena meski lelaki itu menguarkan aura tidak bersahabat padanya, lelaki itu juga lah yang membuat hatinya berdetak cepat. Membuatnya gugup dan panik. Bodoh memang, tapi ia menyukai sensasi yang diciptakan lelaki itu terhadapnya—Akashi-san, aku menyukaimu.

Akashi Seijuurou adalah cahayanya.

Hidupnya tidak istimewa. Datar. Tidak ada memori khusus yang dapat membuatnya tersenyum senang atau pun menangis sedih. Bagai terombang-ambing di tengah gelapnya samudera. Dan lelaki itu adalah orang yang menyalakan lilin di tengah kegelapannya. Berdiri di atas sana, nun jauh di tepat yang tidak mampu ia jangkau, dikelilingi cahaya yang terdiri dari tujuh gemerlap pelangi yang indah—Tetaplah di sisiku. Tolong.

Akashi Seijuurou adalah segalanya.

Ia—Furihata Kouki—tidak mampu membayangkan hidupnya tanpa lelaki itu. Ia tahu ia sudah hidup selama enam belas tahun, baik-baik saja dan tidak kurang suatu apa pun meski lelaki itu tidak ada. Tapi kini segalanya berbeda. Lelaki itu mencuri hatinya, mengambil napasnya, dan terus bermain di pikirannya. Akibatnya ia mulai merasakan ketergantungan. Mungkin ini lah yang dirasakan seorang pecandu terhadap narkotika—Aku menyukaimu.

Kedatangan Akashi di gedung olahraga SMU Seirin yang tengah dipenuhi anggota klub basket jelas menggemparkan. Tidak ada satu pun dari mereka yang menyangka tamu tak diundang itu akan mendatangi mereka di sekolah. Mereka sudah tidak tahu mana yang lebih parah: Akashi mengunjungi Seirin, atau Akashi mengunjungi Seirin untuk bertemu Furihata. Pikiran mereka dipenuhi satu pertanyaan yang sama, sejak kapan hubungan Akashi dan Furihata jadi akrab?

Point guard cadangan Seirin tersebut tahu mana yang lebih parah, yakni bahwa mereka semua tertipu dengan alasan kedatangan Akashi. Lelaki bersurai merah itu tidak mengunjunginya melainkan mengunjungi orang lain. Lelaki itu memanggil namanya namun menatap pada orang lain. Lelaki itu tersenyum saat ia menyapa tapi sejujurnya senyum itu ditujukan untuk orang lain.

Tidak apa. Ia sudah biasa mengalami yang lebih parah dari ini. Seperti ketika mereka berjalan pulang bersama dan kebetulan melewati jalan yang sepi. Lelaki itu akan menggandeng tangannya ke tempat yang ditutupi bayangan, kemudian mengecup mesra bibirnya. Ia bahagia. Andai saja lelaki itu tidak selalu mendesiskan nama orang lain setelah mereka bertukar ciuman.

Ada kalanya, tentu saja, ketika ia lelah menghadapi Akashi. Ada kalanya ketika ia akan menolak segala kemesraan yang ditawarkan lelaki itu. Ada kalanya ketika ia ingin berhenti bersandiwara, membahagiakan lelaki itu dengan berpura-pura menjadi orang lain dan mengorbankan kebahagiaannya sendiri. Ada kalanya ketika ia berharap lelaki itu akan melihat dirinya seorang.

"Akashi-san, tolong." Tenggorokannya tercekat menahan isakan. Kedua tangannya meremas kerah baju Akashi dengan erat, berusaha menghentikan upaya lelaki itu untuk meraup bibirnya. Ia tidak begitu berhasil karena lelaki itu tetap saja dapat menciumnya.


Bulir-bulir cairan bening mengalir menuruni wajahnya ketika sebuah nama yang bukan namanya lagi-lagi terucap dari bibir Akashi. Sebenarnya harus sampai kapan ia diperlakukan semena-mena seperti ini? Harus sampai kapan ia diam sampai Akashi sadar dengan perasaannya?

Perlahan-lahan—karena ia makhluk yang sangat bodoh—ia balas mencium Akashi. Tidak peduli seberapa dalam ciuman itu akan melukainya nanti, ia tetap balas mencium. Ia tidak peduli sebab yang ia pedulikan hanya satu: kebahagiaan lelaki itu. Ia ingin lelaki itu bahagia maka ia berkorban. Meski lelaki itu menganggapnya orang lain, ia senang lelaki itu menciumnya. Meski jantungnya berdenyut nyeri, ia pikir ia ikut bahagia. Semua sandiwara yang ia lakoni sudah lebih dari cukup untuknya, sungguh.


Sentuhan jemari Akashi yang bukan untuknya tapi ia terima. Kehangatan tubuh Akashi yang bukan untuknya tapi ia rasakan. Kenikmatan pemberian Akashi yang bukan untuknya tapi ia dapat. Entah sudah berapa kali mereka melebur menjadi satu di gang-gang kecil, gelap, dan sembab; lagi-lagi sesuatu yang tidak pantas ia terima.

Namun ia pantas merasa perih dan sakit, ia pantas terkulai lemas tanpa topangan kedua lengan Akashi, ia pantas dibiarkan teronggok begitu saja sementara Akashi merapikan diri. Sudah menjadi tugasnya untuk berbaring di aspal yang mengotori pakaiannya, diam tak bergerak ketika Akashi mengecup bibirnya sebagai makanan penutup, menahan air mata saat Akashi membiarkannya.

Sekali lagi, tidak apa-apa. Ia sudah biasa. Karena biasa, maka rasanya tidak sesakit pertama kali. Karena biasa, maka air matanya sudah hampir kering. Karena biasa, maka ia akan tersenyum seolah tak ada hal baru yang terjadi. Memang tak ada hal baru karena yang mereka lakukan sudah menjadi sebuah kebiasaan. Ia hanya berharap Akashi akan menunjukkan sedikit perhatian padanya. Satu kalimat 'sampai jumpa' pun tak masalah.


Kedua iris merah yang satunya terkadang berubah kuning menusuk lembut ke iris biru langitnya. Ya, iris biru langit. Ia tahu seberapa besar Akashi menyukai warna mata orang itu, maka ia menirunya. Dengan lensa kontak.

Tubuhnya gemetar saat jemari Akashi menyentuh wajahnya. Jantungnya berdegup cepat saat Akashi memberinya seutas senyum. Dirinya sendiri ikut tersenyum. Ia merasakan… harapan.



Harapan yang tidak pernah bertahan lebih dari sepersekian detik. Harapan yang diciptakan dan dihancurkan oleh satu orang yang sama—Akashi. Tubuhnya sakit namun hatinya jauh lebih sakit. Rupanya ia salah. Air matanya sama sekali tidak hampir kering. Air matanya tidak akan pernah kering selama Akashi masih hidup. Selama dirinya masih hidup.

Dan ia menangis, mengeluarkan bendungan air matanya yang kelewat banyak. Menangis tanpa menahan suaranya hingga lelaki bersurai merah itu agak terkejut. Lelaki itu agaknya sadar bahwa ia bukan 'orang itu'. Ia bisa melihat iris merah itu membeku, dingin.

"Kenapa menangis?" Datang pertanyaan dari suara yang tidak kalah dingin dengan kedua iris merah tersebut. "Apa kau mau berhenti—"

"Tidak!" Ia menggeleng cepat. "Aku… tidak mau berhenti." Sebab kalau ia berhenti, ia tidak bisa merasakan kehangatan Akashi lagi. Kalau ia berhenti, ia yakin Akashi akan mencari penggantinya.

"Kenapa menangis?"

Akashi mungkin tidak berperasaan, tapi Furihata sudah tahu itu sejak lama. Jadi ia tidak keberatan dengan pertanyaan bodoh dari jenius macam Akashi. Lelaki itu tahu kenapa ia menangis namun masih bertanya seolah tidak tahu apa-apa. "B-Badanku sakit." Bila Akashi ingin basa-basi, maka ia akan meladeninya. Lagipula ia tidak berbohong. Sekujur tubuhnya memang sakit sekali. "S-Sepertinya lecet." Oh, bagaimana mungkin tidak lecet bila Akashi memperlakukannya dengan kasar? Dengan orang itu, Akashi pasti akan bertindak jauh lebih lembut.

Lelaki itu tampak bosan dengan jawabannya. Apa tidak ada sedikit pun rasa peduli di hati Akashi? Apa setelah berminggu-minggu lamanya mereka bersama, Akashi tidak pernah melihatnya sebagai Furihata Kouki?

"Lensa kontakmu geser."

Ah, benar juga. Yang dipedulikan Furihata hanya lah kebahagiaan Akashi, namun yang dipedulikan Akashi hanya lah Kuroko Tetsuya.

"Akashi-san…." Pandangannya buram, terlalu banyak cairan bening menggenangi matanya. "Aku suka—"

"Kau," potong lelaki itu, seakan tidak ingin mendengar kelanjutan kalimat Furihata. "Tidak akan pernah bisa menyaingi Tetsuya."

Furihata tahu Akashi tidak berperasaan. Ia tahu.

"Semakin kau berpura-pura menjadi dia, semakin aku menginginkannya."

Tidak kah Akashi mengerti bahwa Furihata juga demikian? Semakin Akashi mendekapnya, semakin ia menginginkan Akashi. Tidak peduli Akashi menganggapnya sebagai orang lain atau tidak.

"Aku tidak butuh perasaanmu."

Tidak, Akashi bukannya tidak berperasaan. Lelaki itu kejam.

"Tapi aku—" Dirinya kacau. Tangisannya semakin tidak terkontrol. "—bukan Kuroko Tetsuya."

"Kalau begitu kau mati saja, Furihata Kouki."

Keheningan meliputi mereka berdua. Teganya Akashi berkata seperti itu padanya. Teganya lelaki itu memintanya mati semudah itu. Tidak ada orang lain di dunia ini yang mampu menandingi kekejaman Akashi. Tidak ada.

"Apa kau… memintaku mati, Akashi-san?"

Pergilah Furihata. Diantar Akashi dengan senyuman.


The impression of seeing you for the first time

As if the time has stopped, my eyes has got only you

Even if there are so many aching wounds and painful recollection

Although I could turn back in time, I won't change anything

Those exhausted days…

For the sake of you, I will forget

Should I make a sequel in Akashi's POV? :D
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
It's almost two months do not publish Kurobasu fic. Kangen banget udah kayak Kurobasu fandom because of home for me. Klezmer is also the same manga XD its recently completed weeks ago, hiks. So, let me guide you to Akashi and Furihata's little story. Enjoy. ^^Kuroko no Basuke and all identifiable characters and situations are created and owned by Fujimaki Tadatoshi. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, earn profit from the story and no copyright infringement is intended.Akashi Seijuurou is her love.He liked men, never stopped stuff incertitude of their first meetings since the less fun. Because even though the man's unfriendly to her aura of menguarkan, the man also was the one who made her heart beat faster. Make him nervous and panic. Stupid indeed, but she liked the sensation created man upon it — the Akashi-san, I menyukaimu.Akashi Seijuurou is light.His life is not exceptional. Flat. There are no special memory that can make her happy smile or cry sad. Like bobbing amid the darkness of the ocean. And the man is the one who lit the candle in the middle of kegelapannya. Standing up there, far right of nun who could not afford it range, surrounded by light consisting of seven sparkling beautiful Rainbow — Remains at my side. Please.Akashi Seijuurou is everything.He — Furihata Kouki — unable to imagine his life without the man. He knew he had lived for sixteen years, fine and no less a anything though man does not exist. But now everything is different. The man stole his heart, took her breathing, and continued to play in his mind. As a result he began to feel a dependence. Perhaps this was the one who felt an addict of narcotics — I menyukaimu.Akashi arrival in HIGH SCHOOL gyms which Seirin met members of the Club's basketball definitely tumultuous. None of them would have thought that uninvited guests will go to them at school. They have no idea which ones are more severe: Akashi visit Seirin, or visit Seirin to meet Akashi Furihata. Their minds were filled with one of the same question, since when relations Akashi and Furihata so familiar?The backup point guard for the Seirin know which is worse, that they were all fooled by reason of Akashi's arrival. Red bersurai man did not visit him but rather visit others. The man called his name but stare at other people. The man smiled as he greeted but to be honest that smile aimed at someone else.Not what. He has always suffered more severe than this. Like when they walk home together and happen to pass through the deserted streets. The man will employ his hands where it covered the shadow, then kiss the lips of lovey-dovey. She was happy. If only the man is not always mendesiskan someone else's name after they exchanged kisses.There are times when, of course, when he is tired of dealing with Akashi. There are times when he'll be rejected all kemesraan offered men. Sometimes when he wants to stop the man's happiness, an act by pretending to be other people and sacrificing his own happiness. There are times when the man she hopes will see her a."Akashi-san, please." His throat tercekat hold isakan. Both hands squeeze collar Akashi closely, trying to stop the man's efforts to scoop up her lips. He was not so successful because the men were still able to kiss her."…"Ears of clear liquid flowed down his face when a name that is not his name again and again spoken from the lips of Akashi. Actually have to until when he treated haphazardly like this? Until when should he shut up his feelings with conscious Akashi?Slowly — because he was a very dumb creatures — he reply kissing Akashi. No matter how deep a kiss that will harm him later, he continued his kiss. He doesn't care because he or she care about just one: the man's happiness. He wanted the man happy so he sacrificed. Although the man took it to others, he is happy the man kissed him. Though his heart throbbing pain, he thought he was happy. All the plays he left out was more than enough for him, really."A-Ah ...."A touch of the fingers is not for him but Akashi he received. The warmth of the body which is not for him but Akashi he feels. The pleasure of awarding him its not but Akashi he could. Heaven knows how many times they have been fused into one in the small alleys, dark, and sembab; again something inappropriate he received.But he deserves to feel sore and sick, he deserves a drooping limp without the second strut arm Akashi, he deserves to be left teronggok for granted while Akashi smoothed away. Already a duty to lay down on the asphalt that soiling his clothes, still motionless when her lips kiss the Akashi as desserts, hold your tears time Akashi let it be.Sekali lagi, tidak apa-apa. Ia sudah biasa. Karena biasa, maka rasanya tidak sesakit pertama kali. Karena biasa, maka air matanya sudah hampir kering. Karena biasa, maka ia akan tersenyum seolah tak ada hal baru yang terjadi. Memang tak ada hal baru karena yang mereka lakukan sudah menjadi sebuah kebiasaan. Ia hanya berharap Akashi akan menunjukkan sedikit perhatian padanya. Satu kalimat 'sampai jumpa' pun tak masalah."Aka—"Kedua iris merah yang satunya terkadang berubah kuning menusuk lembut ke iris biru langitnya. Ya, iris biru langit. Ia tahu seberapa besar Akashi menyukai warna mata orang itu, maka ia menirunya. Dengan lensa kontak.Tubuhnya gemetar saat jemari Akashi menyentuh wajahnya. Jantungnya berdegup cepat saat Akashi memberinya seutas senyum. Dirinya sendiri ikut tersenyum. Ia merasakan… harapan."Akashi-sa—""Tetsuya."Harapan yang tidak pernah bertahan lebih dari sepersekian detik. Harapan yang diciptakan dan dihancurkan oleh satu orang yang sama—Akashi. Tubuhnya sakit namun hatinya jauh lebih sakit. Rupanya ia salah. Air matanya sama sekali tidak hampir kering. Air matanya tidak akan pernah kering selama Akashi masih hidup. Selama dirinya masih hidup.Dan ia menangis, mengeluarkan bendungan air matanya yang kelewat banyak. Menangis tanpa menahan suaranya hingga lelaki bersurai merah itu agak terkejut. Lelaki itu agaknya sadar bahwa ia bukan 'orang itu'. Ia bisa melihat iris merah itu membeku, dingin."Kenapa menangis?" Datang pertanyaan dari suara yang tidak kalah dingin dengan kedua iris merah tersebut. "Apa kau mau berhenti—""Tidak!" Ia menggeleng cepat. "Aku… tidak mau berhenti." Sebab kalau ia berhenti, ia tidak bisa merasakan kehangatan Akashi lagi. Kalau ia berhenti, ia yakin Akashi akan mencari penggantinya."Kenapa menangis?"Akashi mungkin tidak berperasaan, tapi Furihata sudah tahu itu sejak lama. Jadi ia tidak keberatan dengan pertanyaan bodoh dari jenius macam Akashi. Lelaki itu tahu kenapa ia menangis namun masih bertanya seolah tidak tahu apa-apa. "B-Badanku sakit." Bila Akashi ingin basa-basi, maka ia akan meladeninya. Lagipula ia tidak berbohong. Sekujur tubuhnya memang sakit sekali. "S-Sepertinya lecet." Oh, bagaimana mungkin tidak lecet bila Akashi memperlakukannya dengan kasar? Dengan orang itu, Akashi pasti akan bertindak jauh lebih lembut.Lelaki itu tampak bosan dengan jawabannya. Apa tidak ada sedikit pun rasa peduli di hati Akashi? Apa setelah berminggu-minggu lamanya mereka bersama, Akashi tidak pernah melihatnya sebagai Furihata Kouki?"Lensa kontakmu geser."Ah, benar juga. Yang dipedulikan Furihata hanya lah kebahagiaan Akashi, namun yang dipedulikan Akashi hanya lah Kuroko Tetsuya."Akashi-san…." Pandangannya buram, terlalu banyak cairan bening menggenangi matanya. "Aku suka—""Kau," potong lelaki itu, seakan tidak ingin mendengar kelanjutan kalimat Furihata. "Tidak akan pernah bisa menyaingi Tetsuya."Furihata know Akashi impassibility. He knew."The more you're pretending to be him, the more I want it."Not understand that Akashi kah Furihata also so? The Akashi mendekapnya, the more she wants the Akashi. No matter the Akashi took it for others or not."I don't need you feel."No, Akashi instead of impassibility. The man's cruel."But I —" He messed up. Wept the more uncontrolled. "— not a Kuroko Tetsuya.""Then you die alone, Furihata Kouki."Silence covering them both. Teganya Akashi said like that to her. Teganya the man asked her to die is as easy as that. No one else in this world that is able to rival the atrocities of Akashi. Does not exist."What are you ... you told me to die, Akashi-san?"Go Furihata. Akashi is delivered with a smile..The impression of seeing you for the first timeAs if the time has stopped, my eyes has got only youEven if there are so many wounds aching and painful recollectionAlthough I could turn back in time, I won't change anythingThose exhausted by days of ...For the sake of you, I will forgetShould I make a sequel in Akashi's POV? :D
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
It's been almost two months not publish Kurobasu fic. Kangen really because fandom Kurobasu already like home for me. XD Kangen same also with his new manga finished weeks ago, sob. So, let me guide you to Akashi and Furihata's little story. Enjoy. ^^ Kuroko no Basuke and all identifiable characters and Situations are created and owned by Fujimaki Tadatoshi. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, earn profit from the story and no copyright infringement is intended. Akashi Seijuurou is love. She loved him, never stopped for a moment since their first meeting less pleasant. Because even though the man menguarkan aura hostile to him, he was also the one who makes her heart beat fast. Made him nervous and panic. Foolish indeed, but he liked the sensation that created him against-Akashi-san, I like you. Akashi Seijuurou is light. His life is not special. Flat. No special memory that can make her smile happy or sad cry. Like bobbing in the dark of the ocean. And the man is the one who lit a candle in the middle of darkness. Standing up there, in far right he can not reach, surrounded by light consisting of seven beautiful sparkling rainbow-Stay by my side. Please. Akashi Seijuurou is everything. He-Furihata Kouki-not able to imagine life without him. He knew he had lived for sixteen years, fine and not any less a man even though it does not exist. But now things are different. The man stole his heart, took his breath, and continued to play in his mind. As a result, he began to feel dependency. Perhaps this was the one who felt an addict to narcotics-I like you. Arrival Akashi in Seirin high school gymnasium that was filled with members of the basketball club appallingly obvious. There are none of those uninvited guests who thought it would come to them in school. They already do not know which is worse: Akashi visited Seirin, or Akashi visited Seirin to meet Furihata. Their minds are filled with the same question, since when the relationship Akashi and Furihata so familiar? Seirin backup point guard is to know which was worse, namely that they were all fooled by reason of arrival Akashi. Red maned man was not visited but visiting others. He was calling her name but stare at other people. He smiled as he greeted but honestly smile was addressed to someone else. It's ok. It is common to experience more severe than this. Like when they walked home together and happen to pass through a deserted road. He was going to take her hand to place a shadow covered, then tenderly kissed her lips. He is happy. If only he had not always hissing behalf of another person after they exchanged kisses. There are times, of course, when he got tired of Akashi. There are times when he would reject any intimacy offered him. There are times when he wanted to stop the pretense, it's a happy man by pretending to be other people and to sacrifice their own happiness. There are times when he wished he was going to see him one. "Akashi-san, please." Hold her throat sob. His hands squeezed tightly Akashi collar, tried to stop the man's attempt to scoop up her lips. He was not so successful because he was still able to kiss her. "..." grains of clear liquid flowing down his face when a name that is not his name again spoken from the lips Akashi. Actually to be up when he mistreated like this? Should until when he lived until Akashi conscious feelings? Slowly-because he is very stupid creatures-he kissed Akashi. No matter how deep it will hurt kiss later, he still kissed. He does not care because he cared about only one: happiness that man. She wanted him to be happy then he sacrificed. Although other people think of him, he was kissing her happy man. Although heart throbbing pain, he thought he participated happy. All the drama that he went through was more than enough for him, really. "A-Ah ...." A touch fingers were not for her Akashi but he received. Akashi body warmth that was not for him but he feels. Akashi giving pleasure that was not for him but he can. I do not know how many times they were merged into one in the small alleys, dark, and swollen; again something inappropriate he received. But he deserves to feel sore and sick, he deserves slumped without strut arms Akashi, he deserves to be left piled away while Akashi freshen up. It was his job to lie down on the asphalt that pollutes clothes, motionless when Akashi kiss on his lips as desserts, fighting back tears when Akashi let it. Again, it's okay. He was used. Because normal, then it's not as painful as the first time. Because always, it was almost dry her tears. Because normal, then he will smile as if nothing new has happened. It is no new thing because they do has become a habit. He just hopes Akashi will show little concern to him. One sentence 'bye' is not a problem. "Academy" Both red iris only sometimes turns yellow soft piercing blue iris to the sky. Yes, iris blue sky. He knew how much Akashi liked the color of people's eyes, then he imitate. With contact lenses. He was trembling when Akashi fingers touching her face. His heart beat faster when Akashi gave him a piece of a smile. Himself smiling. He felt ... hope. "Akashi-darling" "Tetsuya." Hope that never last more than a fraction of a second. Expectations were created and destroyed by the same person-Akashi. Her body ached, but their heart is far more pain. Apparently he was wrong. The tears did not nearly dry. Her tears will never dry for Akashi still alive. As long as he was alive. And he cried, tears issued dam is too much. Crying without holding red maned male voice until it was a bit shocked. The man seemed to realize that he is not a 'man'. He could see the red slice frozen, cold. "Why are you crying?" Came the question of sound is no less cold with both the red iris. "What do you want to stop-" "No!" He shook his head quickly. "I ... do not want to stop." Because if he stopped, he could not feel the warmth of Akashi again. If he stops, he sure Akashi will find a replacement. "Why are you crying?" Akashi may not be callous, but Furihata already knew that long ago. So he does not mind the stupid question of genius kinds Akashi. The man knew why he was crying, but still asked as not to know anything. "B-My body was sore." When Akashi want ado, then he will meladeninya. Moreover, he was not lying. Her whole body is aching. "S-looks like blisters." Oh, how could not be scratched when Akashi treat harshly? With him, Akashi would have acted much softer. He looked bored with the answer. Is not there the slightest sense of care in heart Akashi? What for weeks after they were together, Akashi never saw it as Furihata Kouki? "Lens sliding contacts." Ah, that's right. Who cares about only one-happiness Furihata Akashi, but who cares only Akashi was Tetsuya Kuroko. "Akashi-san ...." His eyes blurred, too much clear liquid flooded her eyes. "I volunteered" "You," interrupted the man, as if do not want to hear the rest of the sentence Furihata. "There will never be able to compete with Tetsuya." Furihata know Akashi unfeeling. He knows. "The more you pretend to be him, the more I want it." Did not understand that Furihata Akashi likewise? Increasingly Akashi held her, the more she wanted Akashi. No matter Akashi take it as another person or not. "I do not need your feelings." No, Akashi not unfeeling. He was cruel. "But I-" He messed up. Increasingly uncontrollable crying. "-not Tetsuya Kuroko." "Then you die, Furihata Kouki." Silence covers them both. How could Akashi said something like that to him. How could the man asked her to die so easily. No one else in this world that can challenge Akashi cruelty. Nothing. "What are you ... asked me to death, the Akashi-san?" Go Furihata. Akashi delivered with a smile. . The impression of seeing you for the first time As if the time has stopped, my eyes has got only you Even if there are so many wounds and painful aching Recollection Although I could turn back in time, I won ' t change anything exhausted Those days ... For the sake of you, I will forget Should I make a sequel in Akashi's POV? : D

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