Origins of the Village Ujungsemi Ujungsemi is a village whose name is taken from the name of the person who bebabak or build a village. People who build Ujungsemi village is Nyi Mas Queen Tunjung Semirah (name provided by Mbah Kuwu Cirebon) whose real name Nyi Zainatul Khafsah, she was the wife of an Islamic Empire Patih Cirebon who then put on the back of his wife's name is Ki Patih Semi. Surname Patih Islamic empire of Cirebon itself was Syarif Thoyib / Sheikh Jamalullah / Sheikh Abdus Salam. Ki Patih Semi and Semi Patih Nyi are couples who came from the Children of Israel. Said that the story after Syarif Hidayatullah son Nyi Mas Rara Santang which was renamed Syarifah Mudaim perkawinanya results with the late Sultan Hut of the Children of Israel. His mother permission, Syarif Hidayatullah go to Java to help Uwaknya Ki Somadullah / Prince Walang Breech / Mbah Kuwu Cirebon to broadcast Islam in Java. After the departure of Syarif Hidayatullah, Nyi Syarifah Mudaim feel the heart and worry, then the mother instructed relatives to search for traces of Syarif Hidayatullah, among the family members participate Ki Patih Semi and his wife. The family's departure from the Children of Israel by boat through the ocean, but Ki Patih Semi aerospace by climbing through a turban while Nyi Semi Patih through the ocean with her hood up as a boat. When Sheikh Jamalullah (Ki Patih Semi) with his wife to the ground java, Syarif Hidayatullah has been appointed and crowned Sultan in Cirebon Islamic kingdom with the title of Sunan Gunung Jati. Sunan Gunung Jati get excited over the presence of a couple who had been on the ground dikenalya Children of Israel as the powerful knight mandraguna. Ki Patih Semi Gets Assist Task kingdom of Demak. One day after Jamalullah Sheikh and his wife settled in the Palace Cirebon in Cirebon palace of the kingdom of Demak envoy that means asking for help to Sunan Gunung Jati respect Demak Kingdom was chaotic. Vandals in Demak kingdom called Sunda Lelanang admitted that the arrival of the mountain stretch of Padjadjaran. Sunda Lelanang want Princess Sultan of Demak named Nyi Ratu Mas Life, but Princess Sultan of Demak reject so Sunda Lelanang make noise and chaos in the Sultanate of Demak. The Knights of Demak itself has not been able to membekuknya, so that recourse to the Sultan of Cirebon. Shaykh Jamalullah and some Gegeden Cirebon who had orders from the Sultan of Cirebon to capture Pengacau Sunda Lelanang immediately go to Demak and was well received by the Sultan of Demak. Furthermore, Sheikh Jamalullah fought match against Sunda Lelanang, they shoot magic on land, at sea and in the air. In the contest of the match both very powerful and invincible. But finally a duel that takes a long time and each issued kedigjayaan science and magic, Sunda Lelanang can be immobilized by Sheikh Jamalullah and dragged to the palace Demak. Ki Strike Portuguese Patih Semi Participate in Sunda Kelapa. In the year 1521 AD, when the Islamic kingdom of Demak is being undermined by the Portuguese colonists based in Malacca, the Portuguese had held a friendship with the Hindu Kingdom Blambangan located in the east of the kingdom of Islam Demak, Portuguese also hold friendship with the Hindu kingdom of Padjadjaran next to the West Islamic kingdom of Demak and Cirebon. Portuguese would create a fortress in the eastern region, based in Pasuruan permission Blambangan Hindu king, and will create a fortress in the western region, located in the Sunda Kelapa permission of the King of Hindu Pajajaran. The Portuguese plan after the founding of the fortress will hold Demak Sultanate kewilayah attack from the east and from the west Cirebon sultanate. Hearing the Portuguese plan that has been cooked, the Sultan of the Sultanate of Demak Trenggono not stay silent, he prepared a large army to be sent in both directions are. Delivery forces to the east (Pasuruan) will be led by Sultan Trenggono himself, while sending troops to the west (Sunda Kelapa) will be led by Commander Young very pious namely Fadhillah Khan named Fatahillah. He was the son-in-law brother Sultan Trenggono descent from the State of Aceh are still no family relationship with Sultan Syarif Hidayatullah Cirebon of lines that Nyai Subang Basket grandmother, mother of Prince Walang Breech and Nyi Mas Rarasantang (Syarifah Mudaim). In 1523 AD, War troops led by Commander Fatahillah departing leave palace Demak towards Sunda Kelapa, departure Trenggono released by the Sultan of Demak and prayers of all the people in the hope that Fatahillah in very heavy duties that can survive with the result that a glorious victory. Fatahillah commander set off towards the bar
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