Jadi sebenarnya apa itu AEC? Mengapa keberadaanya mampu mempengaruhi k terjemahan - Jadi sebenarnya apa itu AEC? Mengapa keberadaanya mampu mempengaruhi k Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Jadi sebenarnya apa itu AEC? Mengap

Jadi sebenarnya apa itu AEC? Mengapa keberadaanya mampu mempengaruhi kondisi perekonomian Indonesia? Inti dari AEC adalah membuka luas pasar arus ekspor-import barang dan jasa ataupun investasi antarnegara ASEAN dimana permasalahan tarif dan non tarif sudah tidak diberlakukan kembali. Dengan diberikannya kemudahan untuk bertransaksi antar negara di Asia Tenggara, diyakini dapat menjadi peluang ataupun tantangan bagi perekonomian masyarakat Indonesia.
Pengesahan AEC sendiri dicantumkan pada pasal 1 ayat 5 Piagam ASEAN dan diperkuat dengan pembentukan Dewan Area Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN (ASEAN Free Trade Council) yang tercantum dalam lampiran I Piagam ASEAN. Itulah dasar hukum yang mengesahkan terbentuknya ASEAN Economic Community.
Indonesia hanya menang dari luas negara yang begitu besar, jumlah penduduk yang banyak, dan sumberdaya yang melimpah.
Setelah diberlakukannya AEC, Indonesia akan “diserbu” barang, jasa, investasi, modal dan tenaga kerja terampil dari negara ASEAN lainnya sehingga hal ini akan menjadi ancaman yang serius.
Atau sebaliknya Indonesia dapat “menyerbu” negara ASEAN lainnya dengan barang, jasa, investasi dan tenaga kerja terampil sehingga hal ini menjadi peluang yang besar bagi kita.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
So in fact what is AEC? Why his presence was able to influence the condition of Indonesia's economy? The core of the AEC is opening wide the market flow of export-import goods and services or the ASEAN Inter-State investment where the problems of tariff and non tariff has not been enforced again. With ease they provide to Transact among countries in Southeast Asia, is believed to be be opportunities or challenges for the economy of Indonesia society.Endorsement of the AEC himself noted in article 1 paragraph 5 of the ASEAN Charter and the establishment of the Council strengthened by a free trade Area ASEAN (ASEAN Free Trade Council) that are listed in the Appendix I of the ASEAN Charter. That's the basic laws that legalize the formation of the ASEAN Economic Community. Indonesia's only win of the vast country that is so big, a lot of the population, and a rich resource.After the establishment of the AEC, Indonesia would be "overrun" goods, services, investment, capital and skilled labor from other ASEAN countries so that this would be a serious threat. Or otherwise Indonesia can "invade" other ASEAN countries with goods, services, investment and skilled labor so that this becomes a great opportunity for us.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
So what is the AEC? Why existence is able to affect the Indonesian economy? The core of the AEC is to open a wide market of export-import flows of goods and services or investment between countries of ASEAN where tariff and non tariff issues had not reinstated. Given the ease to trade between countries in Southeast Asia, is believed to be an opportunity or a challenge for the economy of the people of Indonesia.
Ratification of the AEC itself listed in article 1, paragraph 5 of the ASEAN Charter and strengthened by the formation of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (ASEAN Free Trade Council) listed in annex I of the ASEAN Charter. That is the legal basis authorizing the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community.
Indonesia only win of the vast country so large, the number of people a lot, and resources are abundant.
After the enactment of AEC, Indonesia will be "overrun" of goods, services, investment, capital and skilled labor from other ASEAN countries so that it will become a serious threat.
Or conversely Indonesia can "invade" other ASEAN countries with goods, services, investment and skilled labor so that it becomes a great opportunity for us.
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