Aku tersenyum…..Melihat indah senyummu yang buat diri ini bahagia.Aku  terjemahan - Aku tersenyum…..Melihat indah senyummu yang buat diri ini bahagia.Aku  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Aku tersenyum…..Melihat indah senyu

Aku tersenyum…..
Melihat indah senyummu yang buat diri ini bahagia.
Aku tertawa…..
Menyaksikan tawa candamu yang selalu dapat buat aku senang.
Rasa ini adalah rasa yang selalu muncul ketika kau ada disampingku.
Merangkul tubuhku dengan segenap bahagia yang kau ciptakan untukku.
Mengangkat wajah ku yang enggan tertawa atau tersenyum,
karena beban pikiran yang buat aku diam.
Aku tertawa..
Melihat indah dirimu dari dalam jiwamu.
Tenang mu yang selalu buat ku hangat disampingmu.
Sungguh aku bahagia dikala terus berjalan disisimu.
Memandang lekat wajahmu,
hingga tak bosan bibir ini memuji.
Menyaksikan dekat harum tubuhmu,
hingga tak bosan aku berdiri dibelakangmu
walau hanya untuk terus menarik napas panjang untuk berdecak kagum akan harumnya tubuhmu.
aku bahagia……
menyaksikan wajah malaikatmu menyejukan hari-hariku.
terus bersamaku.
jangan tinggalkan aku.
karena sebenarnya hati ini sangat mencintaimu.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
I smile ... ... ... ....See your smile beautiful who create these yourself happy.I laughed ... ... ... ....Watch the candamu laughter can always make me happy.This is the sense of taste that always appear when you were disampingku.Embracing my body with all happy that you created for me.My face was reluctant to raise a laugh or a smile,because the burden of thoughts that make me still.I laugh ... ...See beautiful yourself from within your soul.Calm your always make me warm disampingmu.Really I'm happy at the break goes on disisimu.Look closely at your face,to not get tired of this praise lips.Witness the near fragrant flesh,to not get bored I stand dibelakangmueven if only to keep took a deep breath to berdecak your harumnya will be amazed.I'm happy ... ... ....malaikatmu cool face my days witnessed.continue to be with me.don't leave me.because of this very heart actually love you.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
I smiled ... ..
Seeing the beautiful smile that made ​​this myself happy.
I laugh ... ..
Watching candamu laughter that always can make me happy.
Think this is a taste that always comes up when you're beside me.
Embrace me at all happy that you created for me .
Lifting my face were reluctant to laugh or smile,
because the burden of thinking that made ​​me silent.
I laugh ..
Seeing beautiful yourself from within your soul.
Quiet you are always made ​​me warm beside you.
Really I am happy where they have continued to walk by your side.
Looking at your face sticky,
until he tired of this lip praise.
Watching near fragrant body,
until he tired I stand behind you
if only to continue to take a deep breath for a squeaky will scent your body.
I'm happy ......
watch your angel face soothing my days.
always be with me.
Do not leave me .
because the real heart of this very love.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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