Words of Spiritual set of Best
"Man can not be happy is dependent of his choice" (Abraham Lincoln).
"I am the source of the driving myself. I am the captain of my life. I can choose sikapyang responsible for their own happiness or unhappiness. I am sitting in the driver's seat toward destiny, rather than the passengers. "
"What is important is not what happens to you in life, but bagaimanaresponmu to the incident." (W. Mitahell)
"Do or do not. There was no trial and error nature. "(Yoda)
"Indecision we are our traitors, which often makes us lose the opportunity to win because of fear to try it." (William Shakespeare)
"The most urgent question in life: What do you do for the others. "(Martin Luther King)
"A kind word can warm three winter months." (Japanese proverb)
"good intentions are not disclosed no meaning." (Ken Blanchar)
"Well ourselves where we tawaria out, often times we are full of tears. Increasingly in our sorrow ditampungnya the greater joy. "(Kahlil Gibran).
"We are the best when we become ourselves." (Kimberly Kirberger)
"When one door closes, another door that openly. Yet we often only regret is closed so as not to realize that open to us. "(Alexander Graham Bell)
"True Beauty is in the heart, but true intelligence is how to realize it." (Jenna Butrenchuk)
"When everyone left, leave alone them and walk alone. "(Dan" Rudy "Mulhausen)
"The only way to recover from the grief is to accept it as a reality and are willing to start something to heal and change it." (Colin Mortensen)
"If we can be honest and admit our mistakes instead defensively, we will get a greater opportunity to be forgiven. "(KK)
"Time and distance do not mean. Closeness is affairs of the heart. "(Flavia)
"Friendship ties are present adalan unuk help overcome the difficult moments in life. The friend is a person who membuatmubersedia do anything for them and are willing to do anything for you. A friend is someone who you can not help but get to know his personality. Friendship interwoven up in any way that you live. "(Britany Kusserow)
"If you were dumped by a friend, know that a true friend will soon fill the empty places in you." (KK)
"Love is not love until we give it up."
"Friendship True similar to our body's health value is rarely recognized sebelumkita ultimately lose. "
"Do not walk in front of me, I will not follow you. Do not walk behind me, I will not show in your way. Walk my side and be my friend. "(Albert Camus)
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% stream of sweat." (Thomas Edison)
"Change your stumbling stones into stepping stones."
"We do not know how tomorrow, we can do is do my best and be happy today. "(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
"Always bear in mind that your determination to succeed is more important than anything." (Abraham Lincoln)
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin the lagidengan smarter. "(Henry Ford)
"The greatness of a person lies in the power of thinking." (Blaise Pascal)
"The highest award for the hard work someone bukanlahapa he gained from his business, but what would he by his efforts." (John Ruskin)
"People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. "(John Maxwell)
"99% of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." (George)
"The means to be wise is to know what should be forgiven." ( William James)
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