The plant is native to tropical areas of durio in South East Asia that belongs to the tribe in the Malvaceae. This clan are found in Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Moluccas, Philippines, New Guinea, and Australia. The center of origin and diversity of Durio in the world are found in Borneo. Durio kutejensis is generally known by the name of lai effort its discretion is growing in Borneo, Java, and Sumatra. Lai has differences with the kinds of Durio others based on some attribute. The hallmark of distinction found in the wider leaves, deep red colored flowers, fruit thorny blunt, and an orange to red colors of aryl.The purpose of this research is to know the diversity of lai and kerabat-kerabatnya good that grows wild or cultivated; construct a tree of kinship between lai and kerabat-kerabatnya based on morphological traits combined, trikoma and the initial work; understand the difference between lai and characteristics kerabat-kerabatnya, persebarannya on the island of Borneo and Bangka, Java, along with key identification; and makes the classification of plant cultivation lai. The results of this research can provide information for new science especially description of cultivar-cultivar of lai and the discovery of a new type. Lai with kerabat-kerabatnya can be separated from kerabat-kerabatnya based on morphological characteristics, trikoma, and molecular. Morphological characteristics of data about potential d needed by the breeder to the Assembly of seeds; farmers and agribusiness entrepreneurs in the effort its discretion in accordance with the development needs of consumers within and outside the country. Molecular analysis can be used to find out the kinship lai as well as for the identification of each cultivar lai.Herbarium specimen observations against the kinds of Durio Herbarium Bogoriense, done at Leiden, and Jutlandicum University of Aarhus Denmark. Search cultivar-cultivar lai cultivation is done in 17 counties and cities in Kalimantan, West Java, Bangka and to get potential characteristics of lai. Morphological characteristics of vegetative and generative used for observations of the morphology. Trikoma leaves lai observed by means of longitudinal and transverse slices make the undersurface of the leaf manually which is then observed under fluorescence microscopy. ISSR molecular marker with the observations consist of DNA isolation, amplification stages with 20 primary product visualization, and ISSR PCR on agarose gel 2%. UPGMA method was used for data analysis, morphology, trikoma, and NTSY with ISSR (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate System) version 2.02. Correlation between two different markers were analyzed with MXComp NTSY version 2.02.Jenis-jenis yang terdapat di dunia berjumlah 34 jenis. Marga ini dikelompokkan menjadi dua anak marga yaitu Boschia dan Durio. Anak marga Boschia terdiri atas 7 jenis, sedangkan 27 jenis digolongkan ke dalam anak marga Durio. Pada anak marga Durio ditemukan dua jenis baru yang tumbuh di Kalimantan yang dibedakan berdasarkan perlekatan benang sari, tekstur duri, dan warna aril. D. zibethinus merupakan jenis yang telah diusahakan budi dayanya di India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Sumatra, Borneo, Jawa, Maluku, Sulawesi, Filipina, New Guinea, dan Australia. Berdasarkan ciri perawakan, bentuk tajuk, tipe percabangan, potongan melintang daun, tempat munculnya bunga dan buah, bentuk kuncup, perlekatan benang sari, susunan benang sari terhadap putik, warna buah muda dan matang, tekstur dan warna aril dapat digunakan untuk membedakan kultivar lai satu dengan yang lain. Ciri morfologi telah memisahkan kultivar ‘Kamundai’, ‘Putih’, ‘Manalagi’, ‘Mentega’, ‘Kayan’, ‘Likol’, dan ‘Mas’ dari kelompok D. kutejensis (lai). Berdasarkan ciri morfologi dapat dibuat kelompok Kamundai yang terdiri atas kultivar ‘Kamundai’ (= ‘Putih’); kelompok mandong yang beranggotakan kultivar ‘Manalagi’ (= ‘Mentega’), ‘Kayan’, ‘Likol’, dan ‘Mas’; dan lai yang terdiri atas 19 kultivar. Ciri trikoma dapat digunakan untuk membedakan kultivar ‘Belimbing’, ‘Sahang’, ‘Mahakam’, ‘Kuning’, ‘Manalagi’, ‘Mentega’, ‘Kayan’ dan ‘Mas’ dari kultivar-kultivar lai lainnya. Data genetik dapat memisahkan kultivar ‘Kamundai’ (= ‘Putih’) dengan kultivar-kultivar lai yang lain. Kultivar-kultivar lai yang dianalisis dengan UPGMA menghasilkan pengelompokan tidak berdasarkan tempat tumbuhnya namun berdasarkan ciri morfologi generatif.Potential characteristics of the varieties ' Batuah Kutai ', ' ', and ' parent ' i.e. Mahakam trees can produce fruits 140 400 per year. Varieties-varieties have the texture of a soft and dry aryl, taste sweet, aryl and not flavorful. These traits have become reference in the determinations as varieties of ' lai ' superior nationwide. ISSR markers capable of producing 143 ribbons with the number of polymorphic bands 127. PCR products from each polymorphic primer ranges between 33 100%. Identification of cultivar-cultivar lai can be done with ISSR markers.
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