Health Promotion period (1974 – present)
Until the mid-1970s, it seems clear that the biggest possible to save lives and lower the cost of health care in America can be achieved without having to go through the health service.
"mostly academics, decision-makers, and practitioners in the field of health promotion will vote in 1974 as a turning point that marked the beginning of health promotion as an important component of the national health policy in the 20th century. in that year Canada publish policy importance, A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians. In the United States, Congress confirms PL 94-317,the Health Information and Health Promotion Act, which became the basis of the establishment of the Office of Health Information and Health Promotion, which was later renamed the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. "
In the late 1970s, the Centers for Disease Control conducted a study about premature death (defined as death before age 65, but now the death before the age of 75) in the United States in 1977. the results revealed that 48% of cases of premature death can be traced the cause of someone's lifestyle to health behaviors — choice made. a lifestyle characterized by lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, smoking, uncontrolled hypertension, and the inability to control stress, is a factor in the causes of early death. This provides a way for the United States Government publications, Healthy People: The Surgeon General's Report on health Promotion and Disease Prevention. This document brings together everything that was known about the relationship of personal behavior and health status. the dikumen also contains a model of "personal responsibility" that equip American population recipes to reduce the risk to their health and increase their chances to gain better health.
healthy People is then followed by the promulgation of the first set of health goals and objectives for national level called Promoting Health/Preventing Disease: Objectives for the Nation. Targets and specific purpose that, now in its third edition, called the Healthy People2010, has set a national health agenda and direct the health policy since its creation. In addition, the goals and objectives that, in part, also keep the importance of good health can be seen by the entire American population.
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