In ancient times, there lived a couple of farmers who have long been married never blessed with children. then after he prayed, he was walking in the forest and find a giant golden cucumbers. and he heard the sound of a crying baby, which was derived from the giant cucumber. after which he met with Buto Ijo, Buto Ijo said that, mbok could bring the child, but on the condition that he would pick it up again at the age of 17 years old to eat. once approved, Simbok went home carrying a child named cucumber mas. after 17 years had passed with very pleasant, Buto ijopun back to take cucumber mas. while Simbok had not the heart to know his son will segerajadi Buto Ijo meal. and he sent cucumber left with 3 weapon to destroy Buto Ijo if that meets the road. and indeed, when the third weapon, namely shrimp tossed and turned into mud kubanga, Buto ijopun entrance into it. and perish he cucumbers kepelukan Simbok back and re-live a happy life.
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