UNFAIR..Chap. III..Pengusiran Kouki oleh Tetsuya menjadi bahan pembica terjemahan - UNFAIR..Chap. III..Pengusiran Kouki oleh Tetsuya menjadi bahan pembica Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

UNFAIR..Chap. III..Pengusiran Kouki




Chap. III



Pengusiran Kouki oleh Tetsuya menjadi bahan pembicaraan yang ramai di antara pelayan-pelayan istana, terlebih sikap Tetsuya yang biasanya dikenal baik hati dan juga ramah berubah menjadi dingin dan menyeramkan. Bahkan sampai beredar isu kalau Kouki dirantai layaknya hewan. Isu-isu negatif semakin ramai dan tentunya mengganggu Seijuurou yang sebenarnya malas mengurusi hal-hal yang tidak penting. Mengganggu karena Seijuurou tidak ingin Tetsuya merasa tertekan dengan isu-isu itu karena tentu tidak baik untuk kondisi kehamilannya. Seijuurou sendiri tidak menanyakan alasan Tetsuya mengusir Kouki dari Istana utama karena bagi Seijuurou semua yang Tetsuya lakukan sudah benar karena hanya seorang ratulah yang bisa tinggal di istana utama.

"Penggal kepala orang yang sudah membuat isu negatif tentang Tetsuya, aku sudah jengah dengan isu-isu busuk itu."

Satu titah Seijuurou dan membuat semua pelayan istana bungkam untuk tidak membicarakan isu-isu tentang Tetsuya kembali.




Tetsuya menoleh dan menemukan sosok Ogiwara yang kini sudah duduk dibangku yang berada disebelahnya.

"Doumo Ogiwara-kun."

"Bagaimana kabarmu Tet-chan ?"

"Seperti yang Ogiwara-kun lihat, aku baik-baik saja, Sei-kun sudah sangat baik menjagaku."


Tetsuya terus memperhatikan sosok astral yang duduk disebelahnya. Tetsuya tahu kalau ada sesuatu yang ingin Ogiwara sampaikan padanya namun Ogiwara terlihat ragu untuk menyampaikannya.

"Kalau ada yang mau Ogiwara-kun katakan lebih baik katakan saja, aku mau mendengarkan ko semua cerita Ogiwara-kun."

"Hah… Sulit memang menyembunyikan sesuatu darimu Tet-chan. Tapi aku ragu sekali mengatakannya tapi entah kenapa kalau tidak aku katakan kelak akan menjadi sesuatu yang buruk padamu."

"Aku mendengarkanmu Ogiwara-kun jadi katakanlah."

"Ini tentang Kouki."

"Kouki ?"

"Iya, selir itu entah kenapa setiap kali aku melihatnya di menara ia selalu saja dikelilingi aura menyeramkan bahkan saat aku pertama kali melihatnya pun demikian. Aku merasa kalau Kouki berbahaya jadi lebih baik Tet-chan harus berjaga diri, aku pasti mengawasinya untuk Tet-chan hanya saja Tet-chan harus bisa lebih menjaga diri."

"Ogiwara-kun, terima kasih sudah mengkhawatirkanku. Sebenarnya aku merasakan hal yang sama. Malam itu saat kembali ke istana dan aku melihat Kouki rasanya aneh, ada aura negatif yang berada didekat Kouki itulah alasanku memindahkannya ke menara belakang istana. Aku sudah meminta Kazunari untuk mencari tahu tentang Kouki, terima kasih kalau Ogiwara-kun mau membantuku untuk mengawasi Kouki."

"Sudah mengatakannya pada Sei-chan ?"

"Belum, kalau Sei-kun mengetahuinya, bisa dipastikan kalau ia akan memerintahkan seseorang untuk memenggal Kouki dan bukankah itu tidak adil, Sei-kun yang membawa Kouki ke dalam istana dan Sei-kun juga yang membunuhnya, setidaknya bila akhirnya Sei-kun membunuh Kouki harus ada alasan yang jelas."

"Jadi itu alasan Tet-chan memindahkan Kouki ke menara belakang ?"

"Ya. Tapi aku sendiri ragu apakah keputusan itu tepat atau tidak."

"Tet-chan melakukannya untuk melindungi selir itu, jadi aku rasa harusnya selir itu tahu diri untuk tidak menyalahkanmu."

"Tetsuya ?"

Tetsuya menoleh dan menemukan Seijuurou yang berjalan menghampirinya dan ketika ia melihat bangku yang diduduki oleh Ogiwara sebelumnya kini sudah kosong.



Menara belakang istana, adalah tempat yang tidak pernah dijamah oleh penghuni istana sejak terjadi kebakaran besar didalamnya. Tempat itu dibiarkan kosong walau sudah mendapat renovasi, tempat pos penjagaan untuk mengawasi aktivitas didalam istana dulunya yang kini sudah dipindahkan ke bangunan baru yang terletak cukup jauh. Menara yang jauh keberadaannya dari hiru-pikuk kehidupan didalam istana nan megah kerjaan Teiko.

Didalam menara itu kini terisi oleh seorang selir istana yang baru saja menginjakan kakinya di kerjaan Teiko yang bahkan belum genap satu minggu. Semuanya karena titah sang ratu, selir itu tinggal dan menetap didalam menara dengan penjagaan ketat dan aturan yang ketat. Selir, dikerjaan manapun harusnya mendapatkan tempat yang layak dengan pelayanan baik selayaknya seorang ratu didalam istana, bukan malah diperlakukan layaknya tahanan istana. Tidak adil memang, tapi itulah titah yang ratu untuk si selir.

Pemuda dengan surai coklat bernama Furihata Kouki atau kini lebih tepatnya Akashi Kouki tengah duduk dengan teh hangat juga beberapa cemilan didepannya. Makanan dan juga minuman yang berada didepannya, tidak membuatnya merasa ingin mencicipi makanan itu yang sudah pasti sangat lezat. Kouki muak dengan semua yang terjadi kepadanya. Menara kotor kini menjadi tempatnya dan penjagaan ketat kini mengawasinya, sungguh sudah layak dikatakan ia adalah seorang tahanan bukan selir.


Semua makanan dan minuman diatas meja terjatuh. Beberapa pelayan istana yang berada diluar pintu ruangan Kouki pun masuk dan langsung membereskan pecahan juga makanan yang berserakan. Sudah tidak aneh bagi pelayan yang memang diutus untuk melayani si selir yang sejak kepindahannya ke dalam menara, senang sekali membuang makanan yang disajikan padanya bahkan tidak jarang pula selir itu menangis meraung-raung dan kemudia tertawa menakutkan.

"Hei kau pelayan, katakan pada paduka raja untuk menemuiku."

"B-baik, Kouki-sama."

Kouki merebahkan dirinya diatas kasur didalam ruangan, ia menyeringai karena tahu kalau permintaannya hanyalah angan-angan kosong karena tidak sekalipun seorang Akashi Seijuurou menemuinya ditempat terkutuk ini.

"Nii-san, apakah sudah waktunya ? Aku lelah sekali, sungguh." Gumam Kouki sembari memandangi kaca besar yang berada disudut ruangan miliknya.



Midorima Shintarou kini memandangi pendamping hidupnya yang tengah duduk didepan meja kerjanya dengan kepala yang direbahkan diatas meja, berkali-kali Midorima Kazunari menghela nafas panjang. Bisanya Shintarou akan mengabaikan semua tingkah yang dilakukan oleh Kazunari dan tetap terfokus pada pekerjaannya tapi kali ini Shintarou tidak bisa fokus dengan Kazunari yang terlihat gelisah didepannya.

"Minta cuti pada Tetsuya atau Akashi kalau lelah."

Tidak ada tanggapan dari Kazunari atas perkataan Shintarou. Shintarou meletakan pulpen ditangannya dan mulai mengelus surai hitam milik Kazunari.

"Ada apa, Kazu ?"

"Teruslah seperti ini Shin-chan, aku mohon."

Shintarou tidak menjawab dan terus melanjutkan elusannya pada surai Kazunari. Bagi Shintarou, sosok Kazunari adalah sosok yang selalu ceria dan bila tengah dalam kondisi gundah seperti saat ini pastilah ada suatu masalah serius yang tengah di hadapinya.

"Bagaimana dengan Kopi dan Cake, aku bisa minta pelayan untuk membawakannya kesini ?" Tawar Shintarou dan ditanggapi dengan anggukan oleh Kazunari.

Dua gelas kopi juga cheese cake tersaji didepan Shintarou dan Kazunari. Shintarou hanya perlu menunggu sampai Kazunari mau mulai bercerita karena memaksa untuk Kazunari menceritakan masalahnya adalah pilihan buruk.

"Shin-chan, kau tidak akan percaya dengan fakta yang baru aku temukan tentang selir istana itu."

"Fakta ? Apa itu sesuatu yang buruk ?"

"Sangat buruk dan aku tidak tahu bagaimana bisa Sei-chan menjadikan dia sebagai selirnya."

"Maksudmu ?"




Kyaaaa akhirnya bisa update walau mungkin terlalu pendek

Sebelumnya saya, mengucapkan banyak terima kasih untuk semua yang sudah membaca dan mereview cerita ini dan maaf kalau saya tidak bisa membalasnya satu-persatu

Ah yah, sepertinya akhir ini ada salah satu akun yang eksis menjadi seorang flamers dibeberapa fanfic didalam fandom Kurobasu. Ya, semuanya memang berhak untuk berpendapat tentang apa pun tapi tetap saja walau bebas ada aturannya, ya mungkin tata krama dan saling menghargai aturan dasarnya hehehe…

Oke, sekian cuap-cuap dari saya. Diusahakan cepat untuk bisa update karena tugas akhir semester mulai terkikis satu demi satu hehehe…

Sankyu, Jaa na
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
UNFAIR..Chap. III..Kouki expulsion by Tetsuya became the talk of the bustling between Ministers at Court, particularly the attitude of Tetsuya commonly known good natured and friendly, also turn out to be cool and creepy. Even until the outstanding issues if Kouki chained like animals. Negative issues are increasingly crowded and certainly interfere with the actual Seijuurou lazy with things that don't matter. Disturbing because Seijuurou don't want Tetsuya feel depressed with the issues it because it certainly is not good for conditions of her pregnancy. Seijuurou himself did not ask the reason Tetsuya main Palace of expelling Kouki because for all that Seijuurou Tetsuya is doing is correct because it is only a ratulah who can stay in the main Palace."People who have head Wounds make negative issues about Tetsuya, I've jengah with issues that stinks."One edict Seijuurou and made all the waitresses Palace clamming not to discuss issues about Tetsuya again..."Tet-chan."Tetsuya turned and found the figure of Ogiwara who are now already sit dibangku located just next door."Doumo Ogiwara-kun.""How are you Tet-chan?""As Ogiwara-kun see, I'm fine, Sei-kun menjagaku has been very good.""Good Riddance."Tetsuya has continued to pay attention to the figure of the astral sitting next to them. Tetsuya know if there's something I want to tell him but Ogiwara Ogiwara seen feel free to pass it on."If anyone wants to say-kun Ogiwara better just tell me, I want to listen to ko all stories Ogiwara-kun.""Hah ... .... Difficult indeed hiding something from you Tet-chan. but I doubt once say it but somehow otherwise I would say would be something bad to you. ""I mendengarkanmu Ogiwara-kun so lets say.""It's about Kouki.""Kouki?""Yes, the consort it somehow every time I see him in the tower he has always been surrounded by an aura of creepy even when I first saw it was so. I feel if it's dangerous so better Kouki Tet-chan must guard myself, I definitely watched him for Tet-chan just Tet-chan should be able to keep yourself more. ""Ogiwara-kun, thank you for mengkhawatirkanku. In fact I feel the same way. That night on his return to the Palace and I saw strange tastes, there is Kouki aura of negativity which is near Kouki's alasanku move it to the back of the Tower of the Castle. I've asked Hisashi to find out about Kouki, thanks if Ogiwara-kun wants me to oversee the Kouki. ""It's been saying it on Sei-chan?""Yet, if Sei-kun knows, can be ascertained if he will command a person to cut off Kouki and isn't that unfair, Sei-kun who brought into the Palace and Kouki Sei-kun also killed him, at least when the Sei-kun finally kill Kouki there must be a reason.""So that's the reason Tet-chan moved the tower to the rear Kouki?""Ya. But I doubt whether the decision was right or not. ""Tet-chan do it to protect the concubine it, so I think it should be allowed to not know it menyalahkanmu.""Tetsuya?"Tetsuya turned Seijuurou and found that runs over to him and when he saw the bench occupied by Ogiwara before now has been vacant...The tower behind the Castle, is a place that has never been touched by the inhabitants of the Palace since the great fire occurred inside. The place was empty even though it gets a renovation, the checkpoints to monitor activity in the former Palace which has now been moved to a new building which is located far enough. Much of its existence the Tower of hiru-bustle life of the magnificent palaces nan Teiko TODO.Inside the tower is now filled by a consort's Palace that has just menginjakan her feet in a TODO Teiko haven't even fulfilled one week. All because of the commandment of the Queen Consort was stayed and settled in the tower with the care of the strict rules and tight. Consort, any dikerjaan should get a decent place with good service befitting a Queen in the Palace, not even treated as a prisoner of the Palace. It's not fair, but that's the edict Queen Consort for si.Young man with a Brown mane named Furihata Kouki or now rather Akashi Kouki warm tea sitting with also some snacks on the front side. Food and beverages are also located on the front side, it doesn't make it feel like tasting food that it is definitely very tasty. Kouki fed up with everything that happened to him. The tower is now a filthy place tight and now watching him, it's been worth it says he was a prisoner not a consort.PRANGAll meals and drinks on the table has been dropped. Some of the servants of the Palace that sits outside the door of the room of any entry and Kouki directly deal with fractions as well as scattered food. It is not strange to the waitress who was sent to serve the consort since moving into the Tower, loved to throw away food that is served to him also not uncommon even concubines were bawl and then laugh scary."Hey you're a waiter, tell your Majesty the King to become Muslim.""B-good, Kouki-sama."Kouki crash into him on a mattress in a room, he grinned knowing if his request is simply wishful thinking, empty as it is not even a place to see her damned Seijuurou Akashi this."Nii-san, is it time? I'm tired as hell, seriously. " Gumam Kouki while staring at the edge of the large glass room hers...Midorima Shintarou is now staring at his companion sitting in front of his desk with his head that direbahkan on the table, many times Midorima Hisashi heaved a long breath. Usually Shintarou will ignore all the vagaries committed by Hisashi and remains focused on his job but this time Shintarou can't focus with Hisashi that looks uneasily on the front side."Ask for a leave of absence on Tetsuya or Akashi if tired."There was no response from the word Shintarou Hisashi. Shintarou put pen in his hand and began stroking the black mane of Hisashi."What is it, Kazu?""Keep this kind of Shin-chan, I beg."Shintarou does not answer and continue elusannya at mane Hisashi. For Shintarou, Hisashi figure is a figure who was always cheerful and when the middle in conditions like this is surely the moment gundah there is a serious problem that is central in hadapinya."What about coffee and Cake, I can ask the waiter to bring it here?" Shintarou and taken with a Lenten nod by Hisashi.Two glasses of coffee cheese cake served in front of Shintarou and Hisashi. Shintarou need only wait until it would start telling stories as Hisashi forced to Hisashi told the problem is a bad choice."Shin-chan, you're not going to believe with the new facts I found about the Palace concubines.""The Facts? What is it something bad? ""Very bad and I don't know how to get to Sei-chan made her as his concubine.""Do You Mean?"..T.B.CKyaaaa finally able to update even though it may be too shortMy earlier, say many thanks to all who have read and review this story and sorry if I can't reward the individual commandments themselvesAh well, it looks like these days there is one account that existed a few flamers in fandom fanfic Kurobasu. Yes, they are indeed entitled to argue about anything but nonetheless there is a rule-free though, yes maybe manners and mutual respect basic rules hehehe ...Okay, so a piece of piece of me. Quick and tried to update the task due to the end of the semester start eroded one by one hehehe ...Sankyu, Jaa na
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Unfair . . Chap. III . . Expulsion Kouki by Tetsuya be the talk of the bustling among the servants of the palace, especially the attitude of Tetsuya are usually known kind and friendly also turned cold and creepy. Even until the outstanding issues that Kouki chained like an animal. Negative issues increasingly crowded and certainly interfere with the actual Seijuurou lazy to take care of things that are not important. Annoying because Seijuurou not want to feel pressured by Tetsuya issues because certainly not good for the condition of pregnancy. Seijuurou itself did not ask the reason Tetsuya expel Kouki of the main palace as for Seijuurou all Tetsuya doing is correct because only a ratulah who can stay in the main palace. "Cut the head of the person who has made ​​a negative issue about Tetsuya, I was embarrassed with issues rotten. " The word of the Seijuurou and make all silent palace servants not to discuss issues about Tetsuya back. . . "Tet-chan." Tetsuya Ogiwara turned around and found a figure who is now sitting bench that are next to them. "Doumo Ogiwara- kun. " "How are you Tet-chan?" "As Ogiwara-kun see, I'm fine, Sei-kun has been very good care of me." "Good." Tetsuya continue to consider the astral figure who sat next to him. Tetsuya know if there is something you want to say to him but Ogiwara Ogiwara hesitated to deliver it. "If anyone would Ogiwara-kun said better say, I want to listen to all the stories Ogiwara co-kun." "Huh ... It is hard to hide something from you Tet-chan. But I doubt all say but somehow otherwise I say will become something bad to you. " "I'm listening to Ogiwara-kun so say." "It's about Kouki." "Kouki?" "Yeah, it's concubine somehow every time I saw him in the tower he was always surrounded by an aura of creepy even when I first saw it too. I feel that dangerous so better Kouki Tet-chan must be exercised, I definitely watch for Tet-chan's just Tet-chan should be more care of myself. " "Ogiwara-kun, thank you for worrying about me. Actually, I feel the same way. That night when she returned to the palace and I saw Kouki feels strange, there is a negative aura Kouki adjacent to the tower that's why I moved it to the back palace. I've asked Kazunari to find out about Kouki, thank you if Ogiwara-kun wants to help to oversee Kouki. " "I said it to Sei-chan?" "Not yet, if Sei-kun know, we can be sure that he would order someone to decapitate Kouki and not that unfair, Sei-kun who brings Kouki into the palace and Sei-kun who killed him, at least when it finally kills Kouki Sei-kun should be no apparent reason. " "So that's the reason Tet-chan move Kouki to tower back? " "Yes. But I do doubt whether the decision was right or not. " "Tet-chan do to protect the concubines, so I guess it should concubine know myself not to blame." "Tetsuya?" Tetsuya turned around and found Seijuurou who walked up to him and when he saw bench occupied by previous Ogiwara now empty. . . The tower behind the palace, is a place that never touched by the palace occupants since a major fire in it. The place was left empty even though they had received a renovation, a checkpoint to monitor activity in the former palace which has now been moved to a new building which is located quite far. The tower that is much existence of Hiru-bustle of life in the magnificent palace Teiko work. In the tower is now occupied by a palace concubine who had just set foot on the job Teiko that not even one weeks. All because of the commandment of the queen, concubines lived and settled in the tower with tight security and strict rules. Concubines, anywhere in the kingdom should get a decent place with good service should a queen in the palace, instead of being treated like prisoners palace. Indeed unfair, but that's decree that the queen for the concubines. Youth with brown mane named Furihata Kouki or rather Akashi Kouki now sitting with hot tea also some snacks in front of him. Food and beverages are also located in front of him, does not make it feel like to taste the food that is definitely very tasty. Kouki fed up with all that happened to him. The tower is now the place is dirty and heavy guard watching him now, it is feasible to say he was a prisoner not concubine. Prang All food and drinks on the table is dropped. Some of the palace servants who are outside the door of the room Kouki entered and immediately clean up the scattered shards also food. It was not strange for the waiter who is sent to serve the concubine who since his move to the tower, happy to throw away food that was served to him even not infrequently concubine was wailing and later laughing scary. "Hey you're a waiter, tell your majesty the king to see me. " "W-well, Kouki-alike." Kouki lay down on the mattress in the room, he grinned, knowing that the demand is wishful thinking empty because not even a Akashi Seijuurou meet this godforsaken place. "Nii-san, whether it's time? I'm tired of all, really. " Kouki muttered while looking at a large glass which is the corner of his room. . . Midorima Shintarou now looking at his companion who was sitting in front of his desk with his head resting on the table, many times Midorima Kazunari sighed. Usually Shintarou will ignore all behavior performed by Kazunari and stay focused on the job but this time Shintarou can not focus with Kazunari who looks nervous in front of him. "Get off at Tetsuya or Akashi when tired." No response from Kazunari top Shintarou words. Shintarou put a pen in his hand and began stroking his black mane Kazunari. "What is it, Kazu?" "Keep on like this Shin-chan, I beg." Shintarou not answer and continued her strokes on Kazunari mane. For Shintarou, Kazunari figure is a figure who is always cheerful and if the middle in such miserable conditions at this time there must be a serious problem in the middle of the handle it. "What about Coffee and Cake, I could ask the waiter to bring me here?" Shintarou bargaining and responded with a nod by Kazunari. Two cups of coffee are also presented in front Shintarou cheese cake and Kazunari. Shintarou just have to wait until Kazunari would begin to tell because it forces to Kazunari told the problem was a bad choice. "Shin-chan, you're not going to believe the fact that I recently discovered about the palace concubine." "The fact? Is that a bad thing?" "Very bad and I do not know how to Sei-chan made ​​him as his concubine." "You mean?" . . TB Kyaaaa can finally update although it may be too short Previous me, say a big thank you to all who have read and review this story and sorry if I can not repay one by one Ah well, it seems these days there is one account that exists in some flamers into a fandom fanfic in Kurobasu. Yes, everyone is entitled to argue about anything but still free though there are rules, so maybe manners and respect the basic rules hehehe ... Okay, so-burble burble from me. Quickly sought to be updated since the end of the semester assignment eroded one by one hehehe ... Sankyu, Jaa na

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