SantetSantet adalah upaya seseorang untuk mencelakai orang lain dari j terjemahan - SantetSantet adalah upaya seseorang untuk mencelakai orang lain dari j Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

SantetSantet adalah upaya seseorang


Santet adalah upaya seseorang untuk mencelakai orang lain dari jarak jauh dengan menggunakan ilmu hitam. Santet dilakukan menggunakan berbagai macam media antara lain rambut, foto, boneka, dupa, rupa-rupa kembang, paku dan lain-lain. Seseorang yang terkena santet akan berakibat cacat atau meninggal dunia. Santet sering di lakukan orang yang mempunyai dendam karena sakit hati kepada orang lain.

Santet secara umum sering disebut sebagai Teluh (Ilmu hitam), hal ini sudah dikenal sejak zaman dahulu. Tapi hingga kini misteri itu belum (dan sulit) diungkap. Sejalan dengan kemajuan zaman, santet berkembang jadi lebih canggih. Bahkan seperti dalam era digital, santet pun ada yang diklasifikasi sebagai santet krah putih. Melibatkan kalangan atas dengan cara yang modern dan canggih.

Santet atau sihir dalam bahasa Arab dinamakan ainun saqhirah, atau sesuatu yang menyilaukan mata. Lebih jauh, bermakna menakjubkan. Atau sebuah kemampuan luar biasa yang sulit diterima akal sehat. Dalam masyarakat Jawa, terdapat fenomena teluh braja. Menurut kesaksian dan cerita turun-temurun dari leluhur, teluh braja juga merupakan sinar terang benderang yang melesat amat cepat. Atau seperti ainun saqhirah. Kemunculan teluh braja biasanya disusul mewabahnya penyakit. Kalau menuju ke rumah tertentu, salah satu penghuninya biasanya lalu menderita sakit berat,tak jarang mengakibatkan kematian.

Di Jawa, ada beberapa jenis tanaman bisa menangkal datangnya teluh braja sehingga tidak memakan korban. Dengan menanam pohon pepaya di muka rumah, bisa mengalihkan datangnya teluh braja ke pohon tersebut. Sehingga si empunya rumah selamat dari serangan guna-guna atau santet.
Kalau memang sedang mendapat ancaman serangan santet, ada lagi kiat untuk menangkalnya. Yakni dengan membawa merang padi ketan hitam ke mana pun pergi. Menurut paranormal, merang padi ketan hitam memiliki power positif untuk mentralisir ilmu santet.Bila seseorang terancam santet dipersilakan selalu tidur di atas lantai. Tanah atau bumi dinilai memiliki energi positif. Itulah maka tidak ada gendruwo atau lelembut yang berani menginjak bumi, sebab akan terasa panas. Santet, biasanya bergerak sekitar 50 cm di atas permukaan tanah. Maka bila seseorang tidur di atas lantai, tidak mungkin terkena tembakan santet.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
WizardsWitchcraft is the attempt to harm another person remotely by using sorcery. Witchcraft is carried out using a variety of media, among others, hair, photos, puppets, incense, varieties of hibiscus, spikes and others. Someone affected by witchcraft will result in disability or death. Witchcraft is often do people who have a grudge because it hurt to others.Witchcraft in general are often referred to as Teluh (black), this has been known since ancient times. But up to now the mystery of it yet (and difficult) is revealed. In line with the advancement of age, witchcraft is growing so more sophisticated. Even as in the digital age, witchcraft is ever there are classified as white krah wizards. Involving haves with modern and sophisticated way.Witchcraft or sorcery in Arabic called ainun, saqhirah or something that dazzle the eye. Further, meaningful. Or an uncanny ability of difficult accepted common sense. In the Java community, there is the phenomenon of teluh of braja. According to the testimonies and stories passed down through generations of ancestors, braja teluh is also a brightly lit a ray streaking very quickly. Or like ainun saqhirah. The emergence of braja teluh usually followed by mewabahnya disease. If headed to a certain House, one of the occupants is usually then heavy illness, often resulting in death.In Java, there are a few types of plants could ward off the arrival of braja teluh so did not eat the victim. By planting trees papaya on the face of the House, could have averted the oncoming teluh braja to the tree. So the owner of the House survived the attack to action or witchcraft.If it is being received threats of attacks witchcraft, there is another tip for menangkalnya. Namely by bringing black glutinous rice merang wherever go. According to the paranormal, black glutinous rice merang have positive power for mentralisir science wizards. When someone threatened witchcraft are welcome always sleep on the floor. Ground or earth rated has a positive energy. That's no gendruwo or lelembut who dare step on the Earth, because it will feel the heat. Witchcraft, typically moving around 50 cm above ground level. So if someone is sleeping on the floor, is unlikely hit wizards.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Witchcraft Witchcraft is an attempt to harm someone else remotely by using black magic. Witchcraft is done using a variety of media including hair, photos, dolls, incense, assorted fireworks, nails and others. A person who is exposed to witchcraft would result in disability or death. Witchcraft is often done in people who have a grudge because it hurt to others. Witchcraft in general is often referred to as witchcraft (black Sciences), it has been known since ancient times. But until now the mystery has not been (and difficult) revealed. In line with the progress of time, develop into more sophisticated witchcraft. Even as the digital age, witchcraft was there that are classified as white collar black magic. Involving the upper class in a way that is modern and sophisticated. Witchcraft or magic in Arabic is called Ainun saqhirah, or something dazzling. Furthermore, meaningful amazing. Or an extraordinary capability that is difficult to accept common sense. In the Java community, there is the phenomenon of witchcraft Braja. According to testimonies and stories passed down from ancestors, witchcraft Braja also a bright light that shot very quickly. Or like Ainun saqhirah. Emerging teluh Braja usually followed by outbreaks of disease. If heading to a particular house, one of the occupants usually suffer severe pain, often resulting in death. In Java, there are several types of plants can prevent it from teluh Braja so that no casualties. By planting papaya trees in front of the house, can divert the arrival teluh Braja into the tree. So the owner of the house survived the attack witchcraft or black magic. If it is being threatened attacks witchcraft, no more tips for countering them. Namely by bringing black glutinous rice straw wherever he went. According to the paranormal, black glutinous rice straw has a positive power to neutralize the science santet.Bila someone threatened witchcraft are always welcome to sleep on the floor. Ground or earth is judged to have positive energy. That there is no devils or lelembut who dared to step on the earth, because it will be hot. Witchcraft, usually moves about 50 cm above the ground. So if a person sleeping on the floor, it may not hit witchcraft.

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