PERJANJIAN SEWA MENYEWA KAPALPihak Pertama (yang menyewakan);Pihak Ked terjemahan - PERJANJIAN SEWA MENYEWA KAPALPihak Pertama (yang menyewakan);Pihak Ked Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



Pihak Pertama (yang menyewakan);
Pihak Kedua (yang menyewa);

-bahwa Pihak Pertama dengan ini menyewakan dan menyerahkan serta memindahkan kepada Pihak Kedua yang dengan ini menyewa dan menerima penyerahan serta pemindahan dari Pihak Pertama berupa:
-sebuah kapal ___ bernama ___, sebagaimana diuraikan dalam Surat Ukur tertanggal ___, Nomor ___, dibuat dari baja, dengan ___ geladak, dan ___ cerobong asap dan dilengkapi dengan mesin induk merek ___ BHP dipergunakan untuk pelayaran laut dengan ukuran-ukuran sebagai berikut:

-Panjang : ___ M
-Lebar : ___ M
-Dalam :___ M
-Isi kotor (GT) : ___ M3
-Isi bersih (NT) : ___M3
-Tanda selar : ___ Nomor ___.
kapal tersebut dibuat di ___, dalam tahun ___ sebagaimana diuraikan dalam Grosse Akta Pendaftaran Hak Milik Kapal yang dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Perhubungan Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut Direktorat Perkapalan dan Pelayaran Kantor Pendaftaran Kapal-Kapal di ___ Nomor ___ tertanggal ___ tertulis atas nama Pihak Pertama, yakni ___ berkedudukan di Jakarta, demikian berikut segala apa yang berada dan ditempatkan di atas dan di dalam kapal tersebut sebagai perlengkapannya, tidak ada yang dikecualikan.

-Selanjutnya para pihak tersebut di atas menerangkan bahwa sewa menyewa ini dilangsungkan dan diterima baik dengan harga ___.

-Jumlah uang mana akan dibayar seluruhnya oleh Pihak Kedua kepada Pihak Pertama dengan tunai dan sempurna setelah penandatanganan perjanjian sewa menyewa ini dan perjanjian ini berlaku sebagai tanda pembayaran yang sah.

-Bahwa sewa menyewa ini selanjutnya dilangsungkan dan diterima dengan memakai ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut:

-Perjanjian sewa menyewa ini berlaku sejak ditandatanganinya perjanjian ini, yakni tanggal ___ sampai dengan tanggal ___, dengan harga yang telah disepakati oleh kedua belah pihak, yakni ___.

-Apa yang disewakan dengan perjanjian ini pada hari ini berpindah ke dalam pegangan dan penguasaan Pihak Kedua dan segala keuntungan atau kerugian yang didapat atau diderita dengannya serta segala hak dan kewajiban mulai hari ini menjadi miliknya atau dipikul oleh Pihak Kedua.

-Apa yang disewakan dengan perjanjian ini berpindah ke dalam pegangan dan penguasaan Pihak Kedua dalam keadaan nyata pada hari ini dan mengenai keadaan itu Pihak Kedua kemudian hari tidak akan mengajukan tuntutan apapun juga.

-Pihak Pertama menjamin Pihak Kedua bahwa apa yang disewakan dengan perjanjian ini benar-benar miliknya Pihak Pertama tidak digadaikan atau dipertanggungkan dengan cara lain kepada orang/pihak lain, bebas dari sitaan, tidak tersangkut sesuatu perkara dan belum dijual kepada orang lain.

-Semua beban dan pajak yang terhutang sebelum tanggal perjanjian ini tetap menjadi tanggungan dan harus dibayar oleh Pihak Pertama, sedangkan yang terhutang selama masa sewa menyewa ini yang berhubungan dengan pemakaian kapal tersebut, menjadi tanggungan dan harus dibayar oleh Pihak Kedua.

-Tentang perjanjian sewa menyewa ini dengan segala akibatnya kedua belah pihak memilih domisili yang tetap dan umum di Kantor Panitera Pengadilan Negeri di ___.

-Akhirnya para pihak untuk diri sendiri dan sebagai mana tersebut di atas menerangkan bahwa apa yang disewakan dengan perjanjian ini telah diserahkan dengan oleh Pihak Pertama kepada Pihak Kedua dengan selayaknya dimana kapal tersebut berada.

-Setelah perjanjian sewa menyewa ini berakhir, yakni pada tanggal ___ maka Pihak Kedua wajib menyerahkan kembali apa yang disewakan dengan perjanjian ini, dan mengenai keadaan itu Pihak Pertama kemudian hari tidak akan mengajukan tuntutan apapun juga kepada Pihak Kedua.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
LEASE AGREEMENT-RENT A BOATThe first party (the lease);The second party (the rent);-that the first party to this lease and submit and move to the second Party hereby accepts the submission as well as hiring and removal from the first party in the form of:-a ship named _ _ _ _ _ _, as outlined in Measure dated _ _ _ _ _ _, numbers, made from steel, with deck, ___ and ___ chimney and equipped with the brand's parent _ _ _ BHP used to cruise the sea with measurements as follows:-Length: ___ M-Width: ___ M-In: ___ M-Contents of kotor (GT): ___ M3-The content of the net (NT): ___ M3Signs of trevally: ___ Number ___.the ships made in ___, ___ year as outlined in the Grosse Act of registration of the property rights of Ships issued by the Ministry of Transportation Directorate General of Sea Transportation Directorate of Shipping and cruise ships Registration Office in ___ Number ___ dated ___ inscribed the name of the first party, that is _ _ _ based in Jakarta, so here everything what was and is placed on top and inside of the ship such as equipment, nothing is excluded.-Next the aforesaid Parties explained that this lease is made and accepted either by the price _ _ _.-The amount of money which will be paid entirely by the second party to the first party with cash and perfect after the signing of the lease and agreement is valid as a sign of legitimate payments.-That this lease is made and accepted by the following provisions:Article 1-Rent Agreement is valid since the signing of the agreement, i.e. the date up to ___ ___ date, at a price agreed upon by both parties, that is _ _ _.Article 2-What is leased by the Treaty on this day moved into the handle and the control of Both Parties and all gains or losses earned or suffered with him as well as all rights and obligations starting today for a possession or shouldered by the second party.Article 3-What is rent with this agreement moved into the handle and the control of Both Parties in a State of real on this day and on the State of the Second Party that later on will not be filing any claims.Article 4-The first party Second Party guarantees that what is rent with this agreement really hers the first party is not digadaikan or dipertanggungkan in other ways to the people/the other side, free from confiscated, not snagged something things and have not sold to others.Article 5-All tax burdens and indebted before the date this agreement continues to be dependent and must be paid by the first party, while being indebted for the duration of this lease dealing with the use of the vessel, being dependent and must be paid by the second party.Article 6-About renting this agreement with all the consequences both sides choose a fixed domicile and the public in the Office of the clerk of the District Court in ___.-Finally the parties for yourself and as aforesaid which explains that what is leased by this agreement has been submitted by the first party to the second party with the ship which should reside.-After the end of this lease agreement, i.e. on date ___ then the second party is obligated to submit back what was leased by this agreement, and about the circumstances of that first party later in the day would not file charges whatsoever to the second party.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
RENT SHIP LEASE AGREEMENT First Party (the lease); the Second Party (renting); -that First Party hereby lease and hand over and move to the Second Party are hereby hired and received the surrender and transfer of the First Party in the form of: -a vessel ___ ___ named, as outlined in Measure Letter dated ___, No. ___, made ​​of steel, with a deck ___, and ___ chimney and equipped with main engine brand ___ BHP used for ocean shipping with sizes as follows: -Length: ___ M -wide: ___ M -In: ___ M -Fill gross (GT): ___ M3 -Fill net (NT): ___M3-mark trevally: Number ___ ___, the vessel is made ​​in ___, ___ year as described in the Deed Grosse Registration Hak vessel issued by the Ministry of Transportation Directorate General of Sea Transportation Directorate of Shipping and Shipping Registration Office Ships in ___ No. ___ dated ___ written on behalf of the First Party, namely ___ domiciled in Jakarta, according to the following things which were and are placed above and inside the vessel as equipment, nothing is excluded. -Selanjutnya the aforementioned parties explained that a lease is held and received both a price ___. -Number of money which will be paid entirely by the Second Party to the First Party with cash and perfect after The signing of the lease agreement and the agreement is valid as a sign of legal tender. -That lease is then held and accepted by means of the following provisions: Article 1 -Perjanjian lease is valid since the signing of this agreement, which is up to date ___ ___ date, at a price agreed upon by both parties, namely ___. ARTICLE 2 -What are rented with this agreement today moved into the grip and control of the Second Party and any gains or losses earned or suffered by him as well as all rights and liabilities from today be his or borne by the Second Party. ARTICLE 3 -What are rented with the agreement to move into the grip and control of the Second Party in a real situation today and the state that the Second Party later will not file any charges. ARTICLE 4 -Pihak Second Person First ensure that what is leased by this agreement really hers First Party is not mortgaged or insured by other means to the people / other party, free of encumbrances, is not caught on something and the case has not been sold to someone else. ARTICLE 5 -All burden and tax due prior to the date of this agreement remains a dependent and must be paid by the First Party, while outstanding during this lease associated with the use of the vessel, be borne and paid by the Second Party. ARTICLE 6 -About this lease agreement with all its consequences both parties choose a fixed and common domicile in the District Court Clerk's Office at ___. -Akhirnya the parties to themselves and as to which of the above explains that what is leased by this agreement has been submitted to the Party First to the Second Party with appropriate where the vessel is located. -After the lease agreement expires, ie on the date ___ Second Party shall hand back what was leased by this agreement, and regarding the situation later First Party will not file any charges to the Second Party.

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