1) Strategy teacher To Improve Your Speaking Skills Arabic Pupils Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah Tawang Sari these strategies diwujutkan with Environment Arabic, students and teachers to use the Arabic language every day, wherever located, teachers form a group of lovers of the language, giving new vocabulary and formulation into sentences, conversation every morning according to the given theme, story-telling, speech, drama speak Arabic, the game speak Arabic, debate using the Arabic language, video playback Arabic language, punishment for students who violate the language, giving a gift or reward for students the Arabic language baik.2) Problems faced by teachers in Improving students Speaking Skills Arabic Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah Tawang Sari students' lack of awareness of the importance of the Arabic language, only some students who use Arabic, weak Arabic language vocabulary, students do not like the Arabic language , many syntax errors among students .3) Solution teachers in solving problems in Improving Arabic Speaking Skills to students Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah Tawang Sari namely by way of vocabulary and preparation of vocabulary each morning, providing motivation and improvement of language errors among students , awarding prizes for students who either Arabic language, learning Arabic is menyenangkan.4) Results of Guru strategies To Improve Your speaking Skills Arabic Pupils Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah that of all the strategies have improved the ability to speak from the mastery of vocabulary, kefashihan in speaking Arabic language, familiar with the Arabic language, the courage to express an opinion, courage addressed the public, recalled using the Arabic language. Addition of custom diterapkanya some of the strategies the students a lot of follow-speaking race, which can be proved with the acquisition prize trophies as awards speak Arabic.
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