nursing articles nursing profession Profession nurse. Nursing initially unclear in scope and limitations, gradually began to grow. Understanding nurses and nursing itself interpreted by experts nursing in various ways in various forms of the formulation, such as by Goodrich, Imogene King, Virginia Henderson, and so on. There are many in our society that the profession of nurses when the hospital is 'auxiliary doctor'. A nurse many interpreted and perceived as someone who just followed the doctor said, and could be in order-order arbitrarily. All were clearly wrong. And the assumption that there are still many in this community had to be annihilated. it is not the doctor auxiliary nurse but a real professional level with the doctor. If the doctor is in terms of medical, while nurses with nursing profession is certainly the duty and role in the field of nursing itself. We are slightly revisited bahwasannya understanding of nursing is a form of professional service that is an integral part of health care, based on nursing science and troubleshooting, in the form of services bio-psycho-social-spiritual comprehensive, aimed at individuals, families, and communities, both sick and healthy covering the entire process of human life. Based on the use of nursing care in nursing practice, then nursing and the nursing profession can be regarded as a profession parallel to the medical profession, pharmacists, dentists, radiologists, and others. So that is why it is said that nursing is a profession. Well ... Profession nurses. Nursing can be regarded as a profession because it has a few things. Some things that make nursing as a profession is as follows: The foundation of knowledge that is usable (Scientific Nursing). The cornerstone of the science of nursing in question is among the branch of clinical nursing, basic nursing, community nursing branch, the branch of the support. Having a professional code of ethics. One thing that nursing is a profession one of which has a code of ethics of nursing. Nursing code of ethics in each country is different but the principle is the same that is based on ethics of nursing has, and in the Indonesian state has a nursing code of ethics that has been assigned to the national congress with the name of code of ethics of nursing Indonesia. Education based on expertise in higher education , Nurses as a profession because in Indonesia the various levels of nursing education has been developed by the standards of competence which is different from the level D III Nursing up to S3 will be developed. Providing service to the community through the practice of the profession. Nursing was developed as an integral part of the National Health System. Therefore, the system of nursing care (askep) was developed as an integral part of the health care delivery system to the people who are in every order of health care. Services / askep developed is humanistic / holistic based on the client's needs, based on the standard of nursing care and nursing ethics. Having a professional organization meetings. The nurse said to be due to the nursing profession has its own professional organization that is PPNI. The nursing profession of nursing is recognized as it should have a professional organization that is called PPNI. This professional organization determine the success in the development of the image of nursing as a profession and be able to play an active role in efforts to build a professional nursing and was at the forefront of nursing innovation in Indonesia. Enforcement of the Code of ethics of nursing. Said the nursing profession as a profession because of the implementation of nursing care, professional nurse always shows the attitude and behavior of professional nursing accordance nursing code of ethics. Autonomy. Nursing has the independence, authority and responsibility to regulate the profession of life, including autonomy in providing askep and set the standard of nursing care through the nursing process, education, nursing research and nursing practice nursing in the form of legislation (Kepmenkes No.1239 of 2001). WHAT SIH NURSING PROFESSION THAT? Nursing is a profession in which there is a "body of knowladge 'clear. Nursing profession has a strong educational foundation, so it can be developed as high. This causes the Profession of Nursing always required to develop themselves to actively participate in the Health Care System in Indonesia in an effort to increase the professionalism of nursing in order to advance the public services of health in this country. LBerdasarkan this understanding and to achieve, established a Higher Education System of Nursing, which aims to maintain and increase the quality of health services. In implementing this is certainly necessary resources including medical practitioners are good nursing personnel, both in quantity and in quality. Education Nursing Education Nursing in Indonesia refers to Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System. Types of nursing education in Indonesia include: Education Vocational; the type of diploma in accordance with hierarchically to have expertise applied science nursing recognized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia. Education Academic; namely higher education undergraduate and graduate programs are directed primarily on the acquisition of specific scientific disciplines Professional Education; namely higher education after an undergraduate program that prepares students to have a job with a particular skill requirements. The nursing education includes diplomas, bachelor's, master's, specialist and doctoral degrees. In accordance with the mandate of the National Education Law No.20 of 2003 was that the Union of Professional Organizations Indonesian National Nurses (PPNI) and Education Association Ners Indonesia (AIPNI), together with the support of the Ministry of National Education (MONE), has compiled and renew completeness as a profession. The development of nursing education is extremely long with the various dynamics of the development of education in Indonesia, but since In 1983 when the declaration and the National Congress of nursing education Indonesia escorted by PPNI and followed by all components of the nursing Indonesia, as well as the full support of the government's Ministry of National Education and the MoH that time and facilitated by the Education Consortium health science at the time, agreed that nursing education Indonesia is professional education and therefore must be at Tinggi.dan level education since it is also the start examined and dirangcang a form of Indonesia's first nursing education at the University of Indonesia namely pertamannya program was opened in 1985. Since 2008 PPNI, AIPNI and support and cooperate with the Ministry of National Education through the project Health Profession Educational Quality (HPEQ), menperbaharui and reconstruct Indonesian Competency Standards Nurses, Nursing Education Academic Paper Indonesia, Education Standards nurses, nurses educational standards accreditation forms Indonesia. and all of these standards refer to the Presidential Regulation Nomor.8 in 2012 on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and currently has settled into state documents relating to the direction and policies of the Indonesian nursing education. The standards referred to above also refers to the development nursing science, the development of an ever-changing world of work, the following glance I say a few things which are written in Nursing Education academic paper documents, relating to the type, level, academic degree and Level KKNI; type Indonesia Nursing Education: Vocational Education; namely education directed primarily at the application readiness and mastery of certain nursing skills as a nurse Academic Education; namely education directed mainly towards the acquisition and development of disciplines which caps a nursing undergraduate, master, doctorate. Education Profession; namely education geared to achieve professional competence of nurses. Study of Higher Education Nursing Indonesia and designations Degree: Education Diploma Three nursing graduates received the designation of Nursing Associate Expert (AMD.Kep) Education level nurses (Nurse), namely (Bachelor + Profession), the graduates received designation nurses (Nurse), designations title (Ns) Education Master of Nursing degree, graduates receive a degree (M.Kep) Education Specialist Nursing levels, consisting of: 1) Specialist of Medical Surgical Nursing, graduates (Sp.KMB) 2) Specialist Maternity Nursing , graduates (Sp.Kep.Mat) 3) Specialist Community Nursing, graduates (Sp.Kep.Kom) 4) Specialist Child Nursing, graduates (Sp.Kep.Anak) 5) Specialist Psychiatric Nursing, graduates (Sp.Kep.Jiwa ) 5. Nursing Doctoral level education, graduates (Dr.Kep) Graduates of higher education in accordance with the nursing KKNI level, is as follows: Diploma three of Nursing - Level KKNI 5 nurses (Bachelor + Ners) - Level KKNI 7 Master of Nursing - Level KKNI 8 nurses Specialist Nursing - Level KKNI 8 Doctoral Nursing - Level KKNI 9 Excerpt from Indonesia Nursing Education Academic Paper by PPNI, AIPNI, AIPDIKI and support of the Ministry of National Education (Project HPEQ 2009-2015) - Sunardi- organizations of the field, the first component Members HPEQ vice PPNI
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