The first animal that we learned is that the weak ants, but has a wisdom of preparation, namely providing food in the summer. We may be small, but do not feel small so desperate. As a result, we will be trampled by demons until pulverized into dust. Dr. Lin Yun Tang once said, "When we walk we see a shadow bigger than ourselves, it was a sign it was already dusk. But during the day, if we live in the light, the shadows we were small, even non-existent. "If we see a shadow bigger than ourselves in temaramnya dusk, then we hope to be thinned. Therefore let us not be defeated by the shadow of a feeling that says, "I'm smaller than shadows." Ants store food in the summer, when the right to collect food. Although there is still a storehouse of food, but he was not relaxed sunbathing at the beach enjoying the summer sunshine. Ants keep preparing food. Ant attitudes like these that need to be replicated Christians. First, children need to know what the Lord needs to be collected. Not only add to the collection of securities and all things material. Indeed, we need the physical property, but the property was only for limited purposes. The food that we have collected in the summer it is the Word of the Lord, the true treasure that can not be replaced by worldly possessions.
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