The negative impact of the demonstration:1. The occurrence of personal amenities pengerusakan da public.2. Self-defeating and the wider community.3. Disrupt public order.4. Making the public fear of anarchist action done against the demonstrators.5. Garbage strewn on the streets due to the anarchist action done, like a stone/gravel, broken glass.6. soil pollution can cause due to melt the tires that have been burned, the air pollution caused by the sounds of screams, smoke caused air pollution caused by burning tires.7. Reduce the interest from overseas investors.The positive impact of the demonstration:1. Pull out the aspirations of the people for this tertahanka.2. the Mengeritik Government in running a better government in accordance with the expectations of the people.3. Pull out the opinion of the people who have terelasikan.4. Where the Government would kebijakannnya in decision-making related to living people.5. Open the minds of all the people, both the Government and society of the problems demonstrated.6. Is the hallmark of democracies that can not be eliminated as a result of the democratic Government, which is a Government that comes from the people, by the people, and for the people.7. To determine the success of government programs that have been run.
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