job interview. Interviewer: "what was your motivation to work on
Alay: "you know ga yaa?..Mw tau ajjah what mw tw bangeeeet? (eye kya ngedipin org smbil intestinal worms) "
Interviewer:" do you seriously yg org type in bkerja? " Alay: "Ciiyyuuuuzzz,,,, enelan dund"
Interviewer: "you need to know that this company is the largest FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT in indonesia"
Alay: "" Trz w got surprised kejengkang guling2an over broken glass while saying "gtu" woooowww .....???? "
Interviewer:" sorry mba, here not to show debus!!! "
Teruuuzz: "Alay. .... problem bwt Lo ... haaahh??? "
Interviewer: "I'm sorry, you don't get accepted to work here,"
Alay:.Lo think Lo tuh siapaa??? maseh kalee yg mw trima lot w what ada'y .... .so what gtuh
looohh!!! "
Interviewer: "The exit next to it,
please keluuuaaaarrrr. ....!!!!!!!!!"
"Cie Cieee Alay ciieeee,,,, ngambeg ni yeeee ...."
Interviewer: "Heh, Lo aronan centong gw End" (u. U) "Alay" booo,, Capcuuusss,, da Gorilla ngamuk,
yuuukk,,, yaaakk,,,, yuukk ". # Working ngelamar Mau mau minta bacok ya ato?
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