Dari hasil Nugroho dkk kadar INH dan rifampisin dalam sediaan FDC obat TB sesuai dengan standar yang tertera dalam USP yakni 100,04%, 99,03% dan 95,90% untuk INH dan 94,62%, 99,21% dan 93,94% untuk rifampisin.
From the results of Nugroho dkk levels of INH and rifampin in TB drug FDC preparations in accordance with the standards listed in the USP i.e. 99.03%, 100,04% and 95.90% for INH and 99.21% 94,62% and% 93.94 for rifampin.
From the results Nugroho et al levels of INH and rifampicin in FDC dosage TB drugs in accordance with the standards set forth in the USP 100.04%, 99.03% and 95.90% for INH and 94.62%, 99.21% and 93, 94% for rifampin.