It has also responded positively to the Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Prof. Emil Salim. In the event Kaleidoscope Control Consumption of Cigarettes: Quo Vadis FCTC at the Double Tree Hotel, Jakarta, he said, damage to health must be paid to the cost of cigarettes more expensive.
"When cigarette prices go up, then this can help the development of health. As is the case in developed countries likewise, the highest increase cigarette taxes and make health priority, "he said, Monday (21/12/2015).
In addition, he said, a cigarette price increase aims to reduce the number of smokers continues to rise. "Smokers we mostly fishermen, farmers and so on, it does not stimulate the bar to enable them to buy cigarettes," he said.
However, Emil said, it is still an issue for the government as a pro in the cigarette industry. "If the government wants, in fact we can just raise the price of cigarettes. But if later there is no resistance? It is a multifactorial problem," he concluded.
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