“ “Saya perintahkan kepada Jenderal Mayor Soeharto, sekarang Angkatan  terjemahan - “ “Saya perintahkan kepada Jenderal Mayor Soeharto, sekarang Angkatan  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

“ “Saya perintahkan kepada Jenderal

“ “Saya perintahkan kepada Jenderal Mayor Soeharto, sekarang Angkatan Darat pimpinannya saya berikan kepadamu, buatlah Angkatan Darat ini satu Angkatan dari pada Republik Indonesia, Angkatan Bersenjata daripada Republik Indonesia yang sama sekali menjalankan Panca Azimat Revolusi, yang sama sekali berdiri di atas Trisakti, yang sama sekali berdiri di atas Nasakom, yang sama sekali berdiri di atas prinsip Berdikari, yang sama sekali berdiri atas prinsip Manipol-USDEK.
Manipol-USDEK telah ditentukan oleh lembaga kita yang tertinggi sebagai haluan negara Republik Indonesia. Dan oleh karena Manipol-USDEK ini adalah haluan daripada negara Republik Indonesia, maka dia harus dijunjung tinggi, dijalankan, dipupuk oleh semua kita. Oleh Angkatan Darat, Angkatan Laut, Angkatan Udara, Angkatan Kepolisian Negara. Hanya jikalau kita berdiri benar-benar di atas Panca Azimat ini, kita semuanya, maka barulah revousi kita bisa jaya.
Soeharto, sebagai panglima Angkatan Darat, dan sebagai Menteri dalam kabinetku, saya perintahkan engkau, kerjakan apa yang kuperintahkan kepadamu dengan sebaik-baiknya. Saya doakan Tuhan selalu beserta kita dan beserta engkau!” ”
Dalam sebuah Konferensi Tiga Benua di Havana di bulan Februari 1966, perwakilan Uni-Sovyet berusaha dengan segala kemampuan mereka untuk menghindari pengutukan atas penangkapan dan pembunuhan orang-orang yang dituduh sebagai PKI, yang sedang terjadi terhadap rakyat Indonesia. Pendirian mereka mendapatkan pujian dari rejim Suharto. Parlemen Indonesia mengesahkan resolusi pada tanggal 11 Februari, menyatakan "penghargaan penuh" atas usaha-usaha perwakilan-perwakilan dari Nepal, Mongolia, Uni-Sovyet dan negara-negara lain di Konperensi Solidaritas Negara-Negara Afrika, Asia dan Amerika Latin, yang berhasil menetralisir usaha-usaha para kontra-revolusioner apa yang dinamakan pergerakan 30 September, dan para pemimpin dan pelindung mereka, untuk bercampur-tangan di dalam urusan dalam negeri Indonesia."

11. Penangkapan dan pembantaian
11.1 Pembantaian di Indonesia 1965-1966

Penangkapan Simpatisan PKI
Dalam bulan-bulan setelah peristiwa ini, semua anggota dan pendukung PKI, atau mereka yang dianggap sebagai anggota dan simpatisan PKI, semua partai kelas buruh yang diketahui dan ratusan ribu pekerja dan petani Indonesia yang lain dibunuh atau dimasukkan ke kamp-kamp tahanan untuk disiksa dan diinterogasi. Pembunuhan-pembunuhan ini terjadi di Jawa Tengah (bulan Oktober), Jawa Timur (bulan November) dan Bali (bulan Desember). Berapa jumlah orang yang dibantai tidak diketahui dengan persis - perkiraan yang konservatif menyebutkan 500.000 orang, sementara perkiraan lain menyebut dua sampai tiga juta orang. Namun diduga setidak-tidaknya satu juta orang menjadi korban dalam bencana enam bulan yang mengikuti kudeta itu.
Dihasut dan dibantu oleh tentara, kelompok-kelompok pemuda dari organisasi-organisasi muslim sayap-kanan seperti barisan Ansor NU dan Tameng Marhaenis PNI melakukan pembunuhan-pembunuhan massal, terutama di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Ada laporan-laporan bahwa Sungai Brantas di dekat Surabaya menjadi penuh mayat-mayat sampai di tempat-tempat tertentu sungai itu "terbendung mayat".
Pada akhir 1965, antara 500.000 dan satu juta anggota-anggota dan pendukung-pendukung PKI telah menjadi korban pembunuhan dan ratusan ribu lainnya dipenjarakan di kamp-kamp konsentrasi, tanpa adanya perlawanan sama sekali. Sewaktu regu-regu militer yang didukung dana CIA [1] menangkapi semua anggota dan pendukung PKI yang terketahui dan melakukan pembantaian keji terhadap mereka, majalah "Time" memberitakan:
"Pembunuhan-pembunuhan itu dilakukan dalam skala yang sedemikian sehingga pembuangan mayat menyebabkan persoalan sanitasi yang serius di Sumatera Utara, di mana udara yang lembap membawa bau mayat membusuk. Orang-orang dari daerah-daerah ini bercerita kepada kita tentang sungai-sungai kecil yang benar-benar terbendung oleh mayat-mayat. Transportasi sungai menjadi terhambat secara serius."
Di pulau Bali, yang sebelum itu dianggap sebagai kubu PKI, paling sedikit 35.000 orang menjadi korban di permulaan 1966. Di sana para Tamin, pasukan komando elite Partai Nasional Indonesia, adalah pelaku pembunuhan-pembunuhan ini. Koresponden khusus dari Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung bercerita tentang mayat-mayat di pinggir jalan atau dibuang ke dalam galian-galian dan tentang desa-desa yang separuh dibakar di mana para petani tidak berani meninggalkan kerangka-kerangka rumah mereka yang sudah hangus.
Di daerah-daerah lain, para terdakwa dipaksa untuk membunuh teman-teman mereka untuk membuktikan kesetiaan mereka. Di kota-kota besar pemburuan-pemburuan rasialis "anti-Tionghoa" terjadi. Pekerja-pekerja dan pegawai-pegawai pemerintah yang mengadakan aksi mogok sebagai protes atas kejadian-kejadian kontra-revolusioner ini dipecat.
Paling sedikit 250,000 orang pekerja dan petani dipenjarakan di kamp-kamp konsentrasi. Diperkirakan sekitar 110,000 orang masih dipenjarakan sebagai tahanan politik pada akhir 1969. Eksekusi-eksekusi masih dilakukan sampai sekarang, termasuk belasan orang sejak tahun 1980-an. Empat tapol, Johannes Surono Hadiwiyino, Safar Suryanto, Simon Petrus Sulaeman dan Nobertus Rohayan, dihukum mati hampir 25 tahun sejak kudeta itu.
11.2 Surat Perintah (11Maret 1966) SUPERSEMAR
Lima bulan setelah itu, pada tanggal 11 Maret 1966, Sukarno memberi Suharto kekuasaan tak terbatas melalui Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret. Ia memerintah Suharto untuk mengambil "langkah-langkah yang sesuai" untuk mengembalikan ketenangan dan untuk melindungi keamanan pribadi dan wibawanya. Kekuatan tak terbatas ini pertama kali digunakan oleh Suharto untuk melarang PKI. Sebagai penghargaan atas jasa-jasanya, Sukarno dipertahankan sebagai presiden tituler diktatur militer itu sampai Maret 1967.
Kepemimpinan PKI terus mengimbau massa agar menuruti kewenangan rejim Sukarno-Suharto. Aidit, yang telah melarikan diri, ditangkap dan dibunuh oleh TNI pada tanggal 24 November, tetapi pekerjaannya diteruskan oleh Sekretaris Kedua PKI Nyoto.
12. Pertemuan Jenewa, Swiss
Menyusul peralihan tampuk kekuasaan ke tangan Suharto, diselenggarakan pertemuan antara para ekonom orde baru dengan para CEO korporasi multinasional di Swiss, pada bulan Nopember 1967. Korporasi multinasional diantaranya diwakili perusahaan-perusahaan minyak dan bank, General Motors, Imperial Chemical Industries, British Leyland, British American Tobacco, American Express, Siemens, Goodyear, The International Paper Corporation, US Steel, ICI, Leman Brothers, Asian Development Bank, dan Chase Manhattan. Tim Ekonomi Indonesia menawarkan: tenaga buruh yang banyak dan murah, cadangan dan sumber daya alam yang melimpah, dan pasar yang besar.
Hal ini didokumentasikan oleh Jhon Pilger dalam film The New Rulers of World (tersedia di situs video google) yang menggambarkan bagaimana kekayaan alam Indonesia dibagi-bagi bagaikan rampasan perang oleh perusahaan asing pasca jatuhnya Soekarno. Freeport mendapat emas di Papua Barat, Caltex mendapatkan ladang minyak di Riau, Mobil Oil mendapatkan ladang gas di Natuna, perusahaan lain mendapat hutan tropis. Kebijakan ekonomi pro liberal sejak saat itu diterapkan.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
"" I instructed Major General Suharto, the army now I give him to you, make this one of The Army of the Republic of Indonesia, the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia entirely run Five Amulets of the same revolution, once stood on the same Trisakti, once stood on the top of the Nasakom, an entirely standing on the principle of Autonomy, which is absolutely stand on principle Manipol-in the 1970S. Manipol-in the 1970S, has been determined by our institutions, the highest as the bow of the Republic of Indonesia. And co-conspirator in the 1970S, this is the bow rather than the Republic of Indonesia, then she must uphold high, run, nurtured by all of us. By The Army, Navy, Air Force, Police Force Of The State. Only if we truly stand above the Five Talismans, we were all, then revousi then we can be victorious.Suharto, Commander of the army, and as a Minister of the kabinetku, I command you, do what I command you with their best. I pray the Lord is always with us and with you! " ”In a three-Continent Conference in Havana in February 1966, Soviet-Union representatives are trying with all their ability to avoid condemnation of arrest and murder of people who were accused of being PKI, is going against the people of Indonesia. The establishment they get praise from the Suharto regime. Indonesia's Parliament passed a resolution on February 11, expressed "full recognition" for the efforts of representatives from Nepal, Mongolia, Soviet-Union and other countries in the solidarity of the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, which managed to neutralize the efforts of the contra-revolutionary so-called 30 September movement, and leaders and their protectors, to mixed-hands in the domestic affairs of Indonesia. "11. The capture and massacre11.1 the massacre in Indonesia of 1965-1966 Arrest PKI SympathizersIn the months after this event, all the members and supporters of the INDONESIAN COMMUNIST PARTY, or those who are considered to be members and sympathizers of the PKI, all the known working class party and hundreds of thousands of workers and farmers in Indonesia who else was killed or put into camps prisoners to be tortured and interrogated. These killings took place in Central Java (October), East Java (last November), and Bali (month of December). How the number of people killed is not known exactly-a conservative estimate mention 500,000 people, while other estimates call two to three million people. But at least one million people are thought to be victims in a disaster six months that followed the coup.Instigated and assisted by the army, the youth groups from organizations such as right-wing muslim ranks Ansor NU and Shield Marhaenis ADDITION, do mass killings, mainly in Central Java and East Java. There are reports that the Brantas River near Surabaya became full of corpses to certain places in the river "the unstoppable undead".At the end of 1965, between 500,000 and one million members and supporters-supporters of the PARTY have become the victims of murders and hundreds of thousands more were imprisoned in concentration camps, without any resistance at all. During a military squad-squad who supported funding the CIA [1] began arresting all the members and supporters of the PKI which terketahui and do heinous massacres against them, "Time" magazine spread:"The killings were done in scale such that the disposal of dead bodies cause a serious sanitation problem in Northern Sumatra, where humid air that brings the smell of rotting corpses. The people from these areas tell us about small streams really unstoppable by corpses. River transport is being hampered seriously. "On the island of Bali, which before it was considered a stronghold of the PKI, at least 35,000 people victimized in the beginning of 1966. There the Tamin, elite commandos of the national party of Indonesia, are the perpetrators of these killings. Special correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper told of corpses on the roadside or thrown into dugouts and occupied about half the villages burned where the farmers do not dare leave their homes framework-a framework that's been scorched.In other areas, the defendant was compelled to kill their friends to prove their loyalty. In the major cities of Manhunt-hunting racialist "anti-Chinese" going on. The workers and Government officials held a strike action as a protest over the events contra-revolutionary was fired.At least 250,000 people and farmers workers imprisoned in concentration camps. Approximately 110,000 people are still imprisoned as a political prisoner at the end of 1969. Executable executable still performed until now, including a dozen people since the 1980s. Four political prisoners, Johannes Hadiwiyino, Safar As Surono, Simon Peter Figures and That Latief, executed almost 25 years since the coup.11.2 Warrants (11Maret 1966) BRITISH PSYOPSFive months later, on March 11, 1966, Sukarno give Suharto unlimited power through Supersemar. He ruled Suharto to take "appropriate measures" to restore peace and order to protect the personal safety and authority. Infinite power was first used by Suharto to ban the PKI. In recognition of his services, Sukarno defended as titular President of military dictatorship until March 1967.The PKI leadership continues to call upon the masses to obey the authority of Sukarno regime-Suharto. Aidit, who had fled, was captured and killed by the ARMY on November 24, but his work was continued by the Second Secretary of the PCI, Nyoto.12. The meeting Geneva, SwitzerlandFollowing the transition of power into the hands of Suharto, held meetings between economists of the new order by the CEO of multinational corporations in Switzerland, in November 1967. Multinational corporations were represented oil companies and banks, General Motors, Imperial Chemical Industries, British Leyland, British American Tobacco, American Express, Siemens, Goodyear, The International Paper Corporation, U.s. Steel, ICI, Leman Brothers, the Asian Development Bank, and Chase Manhattan. Indonesia Economic team offers: a lot of labor and cheap, and abundant natural resources and a huge market.This is documented by Jhon Pilger in The film The New Rulers of the World (available at google video site) describing how natural resources are shared the spoils as Indonesia by foreign companies after the fall of Sukarno. Freeport gets gold in West Papua, the Caltex oilfields in Riau gain, Auto Oil in Natuna gas fields get, other companies got the tropical forests. Pro liberal economic policy since it was implemented.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
"" I commanded the Major General Suharto, the army leadership now I give unto you, make this one of the Army Forces of the Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia Armed Forces rather than completely run Panca Talismans of the Revolution, which completely stands on Trisakti, which totally stand on Nasakom, completely stand on principle Berdikari, completely stand on principle Political Manifesto.
Political Manifesto has been determined by our highest institution as a state policy of the Republic of Indonesia. And because of this Political Manifesto is the bow than the Republic of Indonesia, then she must be upheld, run, nurtured by all of us. By the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Police Force. Only if we stand completely on top of Panca Talismans, we are all, only then can we be victorious revousi.
Soeharto, as army commander, and as Minister in kabinetku, I command thee, do what I tell you as well as possible. I pray that God is always with us and is with you! ""
In a Tricontinental Conference in Havana in February 1966, the Soviet delegation tried with all their ability to avoid the condemnation of the arrest and killing of people accused of being PKI, which is being occurred against the people of Indonesia. Establishment they get praise from the Suharto regime. Indonesian parliament passed a resolution on February 11, expressed "full appreciation" for the efforts of the representatives of Nepal, Mongolia, the Soviet Union and other countries at the Solidarity Conference of Countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, which successfully neutralized the efforts of the counter-revolutionary movement of the so-called Sept. 30, and the leaders and their patrons, for interfering in Indonesia's domestic affairs. " 11. The arrest and massacre 11.1 massacre in Indonesia 1965-1966 Investigators Arrest PKI In month -bulan after these events, all the members and supporters of PKI, or those considered as members and sympathizers of the PKI, all working class parties, and hundreds of thousands of Indonesian workers and peasants others killed or put into detention camps to be tortured and interrogated. These killings occurred in Central Java (in October), East Java (November) and Bali (December). How many people are killed is not known exactly - a conservative estimate says 500,000 people, while other estimates call two to three million people. But suspected at least one million people were affected in the disaster six months that followed the coup. Instigated and supported by the army, youth groups from organizations such as the right-wing Muslim ranks and shield Marhaenis NU Ansor PNI commit mass killings , especially in Central Java and East Java. There are reports that the Brantas River near Surabaya become full corpses up in certain places the river was "unstoppable corpse". At the end of 1965, between 500,000 and one million members and supporters of the PKI had been slaughtered, and hundreds of thousands of others were imprisoned in concentration camps, without any opposition at all. While military squads backed CIA funds [1] arresting all PKI members and supporters were unknowable and perform heinous massacres against them, the magazine "Time" proclaiming: "The killings were carried out in such a scale that the disposal of corpses causing sanitation problems serious in North Sumatra, where the damp air carried the smell of rotting corpses. People from these areas tell us about the small rivers are literally clogged with bodies. River transportation has become seriously impeded. " In Bali island, which before was considered a stronghold of the CPI, at least 35,000 people have been affected in the beginning of 1966. There Tamin, elite commandos of the National Party of Indonesia, were the perpetrators of the killings. Special correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung told of corpses in the streets or dumped into the pits, and about half of the villages were burned where the farmers do not dare leave their homes frameworks that have been scorched. In other areas , the defendants were forced to kill their friends to prove their loyalty. In the big cities racist pogroms "anti-Chinese" occur. Workers and government employees who went on strike in protest over the events counter-revolutionary fired. At least 250,000 workers and peasants were imprisoned in concentration camps. An estimated 110,000 people are still imprisoned as political prisoners by the end of 1969. Executions are still carried out until now, including dozens of people since the 1980s. Four prisoners, Johannes Surono Hadiwiyono, Safar Suryanto, Simon Peter Sulaiman and Norbertus Rohayan, sentenced to death nearly 25 years since the coup. 11.2 Warrant (11Maret 1966) SUPERSEMAR Five months after that, on March 11, 1966, Sukarno gave Suharto the power not limited through the Order of March. He ruled Suharto to take "appropriate measures" to restore order and to protect the personal safety and authority. Limitless power was first used by Suharto to ban the PKI. In recognition of his services, Sukarno was retained as the titular president of the military dictatorship until March 1967 PKI leadership continued to urge the masses to the authority of the regime of Sukarno and Suharto. Aidit, who had fled, was captured and killed by the military on November 24, but the work was continued by the Second Secretary of the CPI Nyoto. 12. Meetings Geneva, Switzerland Following the transfer of power into the hands of Suharto, organized a meeting between the new order economists with CEOs of multinational corporations in Switzerland, in November 1967. Multinational corporations represented among oil companies and banks, General Motors, Imperial Chemical Industries, British Leyland, British American Tobacco, American Express, Siemens, Goodyear, The International Paper Corporation, US Steel, ICI, Leman Brothers, Asian Development Bank, and Chase Manhattan. Indonesia's economic team offers: labor is plentiful and cheap, reserves and abundant natural resources and large market. This is documented by John Pilger in The New Rulers of the World (available on the website google video) that describes how the natural wealth Indonesia is divided like spoils of war by foreign companies after the fall of Sukarno. Freeport gets gold in West Papua, Caltex get oil field in Riau, Mobil Oil get in Natuna gas fields, other companies got the tropical forests. Pro liberal economic policies implemented since that time.

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