Pulau Seribu yang merupakan bagian dan kesatuan dari kepulauan Nusanta terjemahan - Pulau Seribu yang merupakan bagian dan kesatuan dari kepulauan Nusanta Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pulau Seribu yang merupakan bagian

Pulau Seribu yang merupakan bagian dan kesatuan dari kepulauan Nusantara, tepatnya berada di Teluk Jakarta. Pada ratusan tahun yang lalu, pulau-pulau karang mulai terbentuk di atas koloni binatang karang yang sudah mati di Teluk Jakarta. Koloni ini tumbuh pada dasar laut yang dangkal, dan lapisan atasnya muncul ke permukaan laut karena proses pelapukan dari karang tersebut. Kemudian di atas daratan karang lapuk tersebut mulailah tumbuh beberapa jenis pohon sehingga jadilah daratan yang ditutupi pasir yang sekarang kita kenal sebagai Pulau Seribu.
Catatan sejarah tertua di Pulau seribu adalah berupa Prasasti peninggalan Belanda dari abad 16, yang tepatnya ada di Pulau Onrust. Namun sebenarnya bangsa Portugis lebih dahulu datang ke Sunda kelapa (pelabuhan di Jakarta) sebelum Belanda, yaitu tepatnya pada tahun 1513 dimana saat itu Kota Jakarta masih masuk dalam wilayah kekuasaan Kerajaan Sunda Pajajaran. Tapi entah mengapa, Bangsa Portugis saat itu tidak meninggalkan jejaknya di Pulau seribu. Selain peninggalan prasasti tersebut, ada juga peninggalan sejarah berupa bangunan benteng pertahanan di Pulau Kelor, Pulau Bidadari dan juga Pulau Onrust yang sampai saat ini masih dapat kita saksikan di tiga pulau tersebut. Dan juga untuk kita ketahui bersama, bahwa pada masa abad ke-17, peta buatan Belanda sudah menandai adanya pulau-pulau di sekitar Pulau Panggang yang telah berpenghuni.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The thousand islands which is part of the archipelago and unity, at the Bay of Jakarta. On hundreds of years ago, the coral islands begin to form above colony reef animals that have died in the Bay of Jakarta. The colony grew on the shallow seabed, overlying layer and surfacing the sea due to weathering processes of the reef. Then over the decayed coral mainland start growing some tree species so be a sand-covered land we now know as the island of a thousand.The oldest historical record on the island of a thousand Inscriptions is a relic of 16th century Netherlands, who exactly is on the island of Onrust. But actually the Portuguese first came to Sunda kelapa (Jakarta port) before the Netherlands, i.e. precisely in 1513 which Jakarta still fall into the realm Of Pajajaran. But somehow, the Portuguese when it leaves no trace in the thousand Islands. In addition to the remains of the inscription, there is also a historical heritage building fortifications on the island, Pulau Bidadari Kelor and also the island of Onrust which until now still we can see in the three islands. And also for shared, we know that during the 17th century, maps of the Netherlands already marks the presence of artificial islands around the island Grill has been uninhabited.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Thousand Island which forms part and parcel of the archipelago, precisely located in the Bay of Jakarta. In the hundreds of years ago, the coral islands begin to form upon colonies of dead coral in the Bay of Jakarta. These colonies grow on the shallow sea floor, and the upper layer of the sea surface due to weathering of the rock. Then on top of the weathered rock land began to grow several species of trees so that the land be covered with sand that we now know as the Thousand Islands.
The historical record is the oldest in the Thousand Islands in the form of Dutch heritage inscription from the 16th century, which is precisely in the island Onrust. But in fact the Portuguese first came to Sunda coconut (port in Jakarta) prior to Holland, which is precisely in 1513 at which time the city of Jakarta is still included in the territory of the Kingdom of Sunda Padjadjaran. But somehow, the Portuguese when it does not leave tracks in the Thousand Islands. In addition to the inscription relics, there is also a historical heritage in the form of building fortifications in Kelor Island, Angel Island and also Onrust that until now we can still see in the three islands. And also for we all know, that in the 17th century, a map made ​​in the Netherlands already indicate the islands around the island Baked has been uninhabited.
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