In 1918, following his return and the Netherlands, Abdul Muis relocate to Neracakarena Youth Daily has been taken over by Politiek Economische Bond, a Dutch political movement under the leadership of Resident Engelenberg. In 1918, Abdul Muis as a board member of the Volksraad (People's Council Colonies).
The struggle Abdul Muis was not only stopped sampal there. Together with other leaders, Abdul Muis continue to struggle against the Dutch colonists. In 1922, for example, he led his men belonging dalain PPPB (Society Pegawal Pawn Bumiputra) held a strike in Yogyakarta. A year later, he led a protest movement aturanlandrentestelsel (Land Control Act) that will be imposed by the Dutch in West Sumatra. The protest was successful. Landrentestelsel failed to be enacted. In addition, he is also still leading daily newspaper Utusan Melayu and Amended. Through the newspapers he continued to launch attacks.
By Abdul Muis Dutch government actions are deemed able to disturb the peace and public order. Oieh Therefore, in 1926, Abdul Muis 'excluded' from areas outside Java and Madura. As a result, during Iebih less than thirteen years (1926--1939) He is not allowed to leave the island of Java.
Although not allowed to leave the island of Java, does not mean Abdul Muis stop fighting. He later founded The Daily We are in Bandung and Garut People pulpit. However, the newspapers not long life.
In addition to dabbling in the world press, Abdul Muis remain active in politics. In 1926 the Islamic States imencalonkannya (and elected) a member Regentschapsraad Garut. Six years later (1932) he became Regentschapsraad Gontroleur. The post was entrusted to Japan's entry into Indonesia (1942).
In the period of Japanese occupation, Abdul Muis was still strong work despite high blood pressure began to undermine it. He, by the Japanese, was appointed sebgai sociale zaken employees 'social matters'. Because it felt old, in 1944, Abdul Muis stopped working. However, at the time of pascaprokiamasi, he is active again and joined the Assembly of the Union of Struggle Priangan. In fact, he had also asked to be a member of DPA.
Talent actual authorship Abdul Muis new look after he worked in the publishing world, especially in the daily Youth lead. By using the initials AM, he wrote only complains of things. One antananya is a historical romance, Soerapatti. Before it was published as a book, a romance is loaded sebagal UI / .leton 'serialize' in Youth Daily.
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