Janganlah anda selalu bermimpi untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan dalam hidu terjemahan - Janganlah anda selalu bermimpi untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan dalam hidu Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Janganlah anda selalu bermimpi untu

Janganlah anda selalu bermimpi untuk mendapatkan kesuksesan dalam hidup bila anda tidak mau bangun untuk berusaha keras menjadikan mimpi mimpi itu menjadi kenyataan.
Semua orang tidak mau mengalami kegagalan dalam hidup. Tahukah kamu bahwa sebenarnya tidak ada orang yang bisa mengalami kegagalan bisa asalkan tidak pernah berhenti untuk mencoba? Dengan banyak mencoba anda akan bisa mendapatkan cara yang paling efektif untuk meraih kesuksesan.

Bila kamu ingin selamat dunia dan akhirat, kamu harus melakukan apapun dengan baik. Bekerja dengan baik, bersikap dengan baik beribadah dengan baik dan berpikir secara baik dan benar.

Kehidupan selalu di liputi dengan berbagai macam masalah. Masalah itu sebenarnya ada dua masalah kecil dan masalah besar. Masalah kecil akan menjadi besar bisa anda tidak segera menyelesaikannya dan masalah besar akan menjadi kecil dan hilang bila anda cepat menyelesaikannya. Menyelesaikan masalah hidup dengan cepat dan tepat adalah kunci dari segala kebahagiaan dalam hidup.

Kita memang di wajibkan untuk selalu berusaha, namun demikian ada beberapa hal yang sudah di tentukan tari tuhan. Yaitu jodoh, rejeki dan kematian. Untuk tiga tersebut, kita hanya di wajibkan untuk berusaha dan selanjutnya serahkan pada sang pembuat hidup.

Bekerjalah dengan keras karena tuhan telah menyediakan semua makhluknya dengan rejeki. Kumpulkanlah rejeki sebanyak yang kamu bisa, tapi ketika kamu belum bisa mengumpulkan rejeki seperti yang kamu inginkan. Tetaplah bersabar sesungguhnya rejeki itu sudah di atur dari tuhan.

Hiduplah dengan cara yang baik. Hidup yang baik tidak hanya akan memberimu ketenteraman dalam hidup, tapi bila kamu hidup dengan baik sebenarnya kamu sudah mempersiapkan bekal untuk kematian. Semua yang hidup pasti akan menghadapi kematian.

Hormati dan harga ilah diri sendiri. Bila anda bisa menghargai dan menghormati diri sendiri anda akan bisa menghargai dan menghormati orang lain.

Jadilah pribadi yang mempunyai karakter yang baik. Selalu lah berbuat baik dengan sesama. Degan selalu berbuat baik kepada sesama anda akan menjadi pribadi yang mempunyai karakter yang baik.

Jalanilah hidup ini dengan penuh kebahagiaan. Jangan pernah membangun tembok tapi bangunlah jembatan. Hidup akan lebih indah dengan kebersamaan.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Do not you always dreamed to get success in life when you do not want to get up to go to great lengths making dream that dream become a reality.Everybody don't want to fail in life. Do you know that in fact no one can experience a failure can be as long as it never ceases to try? With many tries you will be able to get the most effective way to achieve success.If you would like to welcome the world and the hereafter, we have to do everything well. Works well, be well serve well and think properly.Life is always in liputi with a wide range of issues. The problem that there are actually two problems of small and big problems. Small problems will be great you can not immediately finish and the big problems will be small and lost when you quickly solve them. Solve the problem of life quickly and appropriately is the key of all the happiness in life.We are indeed in a require to always strive, however there are some things that are already in the specified dance God. IE partner, fortune and death. For these three, we only require in the next to try and pass on the creator's life.Work hard because the Lord has provided all creatures with good fortune. Gather good fortune as much as you can, but when you haven't been able to accumulate a fortune as you want. Keep patient indeed Fortune it already set from the Lord.Live in a good way. The good life will not only give you the serenity in life, but if you live well in fact you've been preparing for death. All that life will inevitably face death.Respect and the price of the gods themselves. When you can appreciate and respect yourself you will be able to appreciate and respect other people.Be a person who has good character. Always the one doing good with each other. As always do good to your fellow will be personally who has good character.Jalanilah life is full of happiness. Never build walls but wake up the bridge. Life will be more beautiful with togetherness.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Do you always dream to get success in life if you do not want to get up to try hard to make that dream a dream come true.
Everybody does not want to fail in life. Did you know that there is no one who can fail as long as it can never stop trying? With many tries you will be able to get the most effective way to achieve success.

If you want to survive this world and hereafter, you have to do anything well. Works well, behave well serve well and thinking well and properly.

Life is always in covered, with a variety of problems. The problem was actually two small problem and a big problem. Small problems will become big you can not get it over and the big problem would be minor and quickly disappear when you finish. Resolve life's problems quickly and correctly is the key to all happiness in life.

We did enjoined to always try, however there are some things that have been determined dance god. Namely mate, fortune and death. For these three, we simply enjoined to try and then let the creator of life.

Work hard for God has provided all creatures with a windfall. Gather fortune as much as you can, but when you have not been able to accumulate a fortune as you wish. Remain patient fortune indeed it is already in the set of gods.

Live a good way. The good life will not only give you peace in your life, but if you live well actually you're already preparing food for death. All that lives will inevitably face death.

Respect and prices gods themselves. If you can appreciate and respect yourself you will be able to appreciate and respect others.

Be personally who have good character. Always the one to do good to others. Degan always do good to others you will become a person who has a good character.

Live life with full of happiness. Never build walls but build bridges. Life will be more beautiful with togetherness.
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