ABSTRAKTesis dengan judul “Penerapan Kecerdasan Majemuk dalam Pembelaj terjemahan - ABSTRAKTesis dengan judul “Penerapan Kecerdasan Majemuk dalam Pembelaj Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ABSTRAKTesis dengan judul “Penerapa


Tesis dengan judul “Penerapan Kecerdasan Majemuk dalam Pembelajaran Keagamaan”, disusun oleh Rian Sulistyohadi NIM: 2846134039, Program Pasca Sarjana, Progran Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Tulungagung, pembimbing: 1) Dr. Sokip, M.Pd. I, 2) Dr. H. Zein Aminudin, M. Si.

Kata kunci : Kecerdasan Majemuk, Pembelajaran Keagmaan

Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah manusia memiliki perasaan, akal budi, karakter atau watak yang beragam, yang semuanya itu sebenarnya adalah berbagai macam bentuk kecerdasan. Berdasarkan teori perkembangan siswa, diyakini bahwa setiap siswa lahir dengan lebih dari satu bakat. Setiap siswa mempunyai bakat yaitu kemampuan yang menonjol dalam salah satu aspek kepribadian, yang diperoleh sebagai pembawaan. Oleh karena itu, sejak lahir setiap siswa tidak ada yang bodoh, yang ada anak yang cerdas dalam aspek yang berbeda-beda.
Penelitian ini terfokus dalam Penerapan Kecerdasan Majemuk Dalam Pembelajaran Keagamaan, yang dimana terinci dalam pertanyaan penelitian: 1. Bagaimana penerapan kecerdasan linguistic di MTsN Bandung dan MTs Al Huda Bandung ? 2. Bagaimana penerapan kecerdasan kinestetik di MTsN Bandung dan MTs Al Huda Bandung? 3. Bagaimana penerapan kecerdasan musikal di MTsN Bandung dan MTs Al Huda Bandung? 4. Bagaimana penerapan kecerdasan intrapersonal di MTsN Bandung dan MTs Al Huda Bandung? 5. Bagaimana strategi untuk meningkatkan penerapan kecerdasan majemuk dalam pembelajaran keagamaan di MTsN Bandung dan MTs Al-Huda Bandung? 6. Bagaimana faktor pendukung dan penghambat penerapan kecerdasan majemuk dalam pembelajaran keagamaan di MTsN Bandung dan MTs Al-Huda Bandung?
Metodelogi penelitian ini menggunakan, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan pendekatan penelitian kulitatif. Untuk menghindari kesalahan, maka diadakan pemeriksaan keabsahan data dengan teknik konfirmasi dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat. Kemudian data dianalisis kemudian direduksi, penyajian data selanjutnya diadakan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa 1. Penerapan kecerdasan linguistik di masing-masing lembaga pendidikan. Di MTsN Bandung menitiktekankan pada aplikasi berbahasa dengan tiga tahap, pertama perencanaan yang meliputi kegiatan mendengarkan, diskusi, menirukan, dan mereview. Kedua pelaksanaan, dengan menerapkan penggunaan mahir bahasa. Ketiga, evaluasi siswa secara psikologi yaitu minat anak, kerja sama antara guru dan orang tua. Sedangkan di MTs Al Huda Bandung, kegiatan perencanaan meliputi pengenalan mufrodat, metode Drill, metode ceramah, dan diskusi. Pelaksanaannya, yaitu pembelajaran dengan cara menyenangkan, dan pembinaan siswa yang mengikuti olimpiade. Evaluasi dilakukan meliputi aspek penilaian hafalan, menulis, keaktifan diskusi dan penugasan. 2. Penerapan kecerdasan kinestetik di masing-masing lembaga pendidikan. Di MTsN Bandung kegiatan perencanaan menggunakan metode ceramah dan diskusi. Pelaksanaannya dilakukan dalam 2 macam yaitu praktek dan teknik pembelajaran dengan menyediakan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana. Evaluasi siswa dilihat dari segi kognitif dan psikomotorik. Sedangkan di MTs Al Huda Bandung perencanaannya menggunakan metode ceramah, dan kegiatan diskusi. Pelaksanaannya menitiktekankan pada aspek gerak anak tentang hablum minallah dan hablum minannas. Evaluasi meliputi penilaian tulis, sikap, ketrampilan dan lisan. 3. Penerapan kecerdasan musikal di masing-masing lembaga pendidikan. Di MTsN Bandung, kegiatan perencanaan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan tanya jawab. Pelaksanaannya lebih menitiktekankan pada penggunaan music atau suara-suara dari LCD, sound sistem dan lain-lain. Evaluasi meliputi nilai tes atau kognitif dan praktek atau psikomotorik. Sedangkan di MTs Al Huda Bandung kegiatan perencanaan menggunakan metode ceramah dan CTL (Contekstual Teaching Learning). Pelaksanaannya menggunakan perpaduan media klasik dan modern. Evaluasi meliputi kemampuan siswa dalam materi tulis dan sikap anak. 4. Penerapan kecerdasan intrapersonal di masing-masing lembaga pendidikan. Di MTsN Bandung menitiktekankan pada aplikasi perenungan dan intropeksi diri. Kegiatan perencanaan melalui pembuatan RPP. Pelaksanaannya guru lebih menggunakan kegiatan modern seperti kegiatan upacara dan istighostah. Evaluasi meliputi aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. Sedangkan di MTs Al Huda Bandung kegiatan perencanaan menggunakan metode yaitu ceramah. Pelaksanaannya menggunakan media klasikal yaitu buku pelajaran. Dari segi prakteknya yaitu istighosah dan arahan dari guru BK. Dalam hal evaluasi semua tergantung pada input seorang anak. 5. Strategi penerapan kecerdasan majemuk dalam pembelajaran keagamaan. Di MTsN Bandung, kegiatan perencanaan lebih terprogram di RPP. Dalam pelaksanaannya guru menerapkan strategi pembelajaran yang kondisional, terpimpin dan tanya jawab. Kegiatan evaluasi dengan meminta bantuan dari tim psikologi. Sedangkan di MTs Al Huda Bandung kegiatan perencanaan menekankan pada peningkatan kompetensi pendidik. Evaluasi meliputi aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. 6. Faktor pendukung dan penghambat kecerdasan majemuk dalam meningkatkan pembelajaran keagamaan di masing-masing lembaga pendidikan. Di MTsN Bandung, faktor pendukungnya yaitu dengan diterapkan hardware yang berupa kelas khusus, fasilitas alat media, sarana dan prasarana. Sedangkan faktor penghambat meliputi hardware dan software yang berupa tidak sesuainya jadwal libur dengan kalender pendidikan. Sedangkan di MTs Al Huda Bandung, faktor pendukung diantaranya adanya kelas Full Day, hardware yang berupa fasilitas sarana prasarana dan software berupa kompetensi pendidik. Sedangkan faktor penghambat software yaitu berupa kurang kerjasamanya orang tua dengan guru dalam memberikan motivasi siswa.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ABSTRACTThesis entitled "application of the Intelligence Compound in Religious Learning", composed by Rian Sulistyohadi NIM: 2846134039, Graduate Program, Relating the study of Islamic education (PIE), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung, supervisor: 1) Dr. Sokip, m. Pd. I, 2) Dr h. Zein Aminudin, m. Si.Key words: Compound Intelligence, learning KeagmaanThe background of this research are human beings have feelings, the thoughts, the character or the character, all of which it is actually a variety of forms of intelligence. Based on the theory of the development of students, it is believed that every student born with more than one talent. Each student has a talent that is the outstanding capability in one aspect of personality, obtained as his carriage. Therefore, each student since birth nothing stupid, that there is an intelligent child in different aspects. This research is focused in the application of Multiple Intelligence In Religious Study, which is detailed in the research questions: 1. How the application of linguistic intelligence in Bandung and MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung? 2. how the application of kinaesthetic intelligence in Bandung and MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung? 3. how the application of musical intelligence in Bandung and MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung? 4. How the application sometimes intrapersonal intelligence in Bandung and MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung? 5. how strategies to increase application of the intelligence compound in religious learning in Bandung and MTsN MTs Al-Huda Bandung? 6. How to factor endowments and a barrier to the application of the intelligence compound in religious learning in Bandung and MTsN MTs Al-Huda Bandung?We based this research use, data collection is done using the techniques of observation, interviews, and research approach kulitatif. To avoid errors, then held an examination of the validity of the data by the confirmation technique and discussion with my colleague. Then the data is analyzed and then reduced, rendering the data further withdrawal held conclusion.The research found that 1. The application of linguistic intelligence in each institution. In the menitiktekankan on the application of Bandung MTsN speak with three stages, the first of which includes planning activities listening, discussion, mimicked, and reviewing. The second implementation, by applying advanced use of the language. Third, the evaluation of students in psychology, namely the interest of the child, collaboration between teachers and parents. Whereas in MTs Al Huda Bandung, planning activities include the introduction of mufrodat, Drill method, method of lectures, and discussions. Its implementation, i.e. learning by way of fun, and the construction of the students who follow the Olympics. The evaluation was conducted covering aspects of assessment, writing, memorizing the liveliness of the discussions and assignments. 2. The application of intelligence of kinesthetic in each institution. In Bandung MTsN planning activities using the method of lecture and discussion. Its implementation is done in 2 kinds i.e. practice and technique of learning by providing facilities and infrastructure. Evaluation of student views in terms of cognitive and psychomotor. Whereas in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning method using lectures, discussions and activities. Menitiktekankan on the implementation aspects of the motion of the child about hablum minallah hablum and minannas. The evaluation includes assessment of written, oral, skills and attitude. 3. The application of musical intelligence in each institution. MTsN in Bandung, planning activities using the method of lecture, discussion, and faqs. Its implementation is more menitiktekankan on the use of music or sounds from the LCD, sound systems and others. The evaluation covers the value of the tests or cognitive and psychomotor or practice. Whereas in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities using methods lecture and CTL (Contekstual Teaching Learning). Its implementation using a blend of classic and modern media. The evaluation covers the ability of students in writing material and the attitude of the child. 4. The application of intelligence sometimes intrapersonal in each institution. In the menitiktekankan on the application of Bandung MTsN contemplation and self intropeksi. Planning activities through the making of the RPP. Its implementation more teachers use activities such as ceremonies and istighostah activities. The evaluation includes aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Whereas in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities using methods i.e. lectures. Its implementation using media namely classical textbooks. In terms of practice, namely istighosah and referrals from teachers BK. In terms of the evaluation of all depends on the input of a child. 5. The strategy of the application of the intelligence compound in religious learning. MTsN in Bandung, planning activities are more hard-wired in the RPP. In practice teachers applying learning strategies that conditionally, guided and faqs. Evaluation activities by requesting assistance from the team psychology. Whereas in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities emphasize on improving the competence of educators. The evaluation includes aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. 6. supporting and restricting Factors of intelligence compound in raising religious learning in each institution. In Bandung, MTsN factors supporting the applied hardware in the form of special classes, on-site media tools and infrastructure. While the factors restricting includes hardware and software that is not sesuainya holiday schedule with calendar of education. Whereas in MTs Al Huda Bandung, factor endowments include the existence of a class Full Day, hardware in the form of on-site infrastructure and software form the competence of educators. While the factors restricting the software i.e. be less cooperation with parents in providing the motivation of students.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
ABSTRACT The thesis entitled "Application of Multiple Intelligences in Religious Education", prepared by Rian Sulistyohadi NIM: 2846134039, Graduate Program, program as the Islamic Religious Education Studies (PAI), the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Tulungagung, supervisor: 1) Dr. Sokip, M.Pd. I, 2) Dr. Aminudin H. Zein, M. Si. Keywords: Multiple Intelligences, Learning Keagmaan background of this research is the human being has feelings, intellect, character is diverse, all of it is actually a variety of forms of intelligence. Based on student development theory, it is believed that every student is born with more than one talent. Each student has a talent: the ability that stands out in one of the aspects of personality, which is obtained as innate. Therefore, since the birth of each student no fool, that there is a bright child in different aspects. This study focused on Application of Multiple Intelligences In Religious Education, which is where the detailed research questions: 1. How is the application of linguistic intelligence in MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung and Bandung? 2. How is the implementation of kinesthetic intelligence in MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung and Bandung? 3. How does the application of musical intelligence in MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung and Bandung? 4. How does the application of intrapersonal intelligence in MTsN MTs Al Huda Bandung and Bandung? 5. How do strategies to improve the application of multiple intelligences in religious learning in MTsN Bandung and Bandung MTs Al-Huda? 6. What factors supporting and inhibiting the application of multiple intelligences in religious learning in MTsN Bandung and Bandung MTs Al-Huda? Methodology This research uses, data collection is done by using observation, interviews, and qualitative research approaches. To avoid mistakes, then held data validity checking with confirmation techniques and discussions with colleagues. Then the data is analyzed then reduced, presenting further data held conclusion. The research found that 1. Application of linguistic intelligence in their respective educational institutions. The Bandung MTsN menitiktekankan on application speak with three stages, the first planning activities include listening, discussion, imitating, and reviewing. The second implementation, by applying the advanced use of language. Thirdly, the evaluation of students' interest in child psychology, namely, cooperation between teachers and parents. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung, planning activities include the introduction mufrodat, Drill method, lectures, and discussions. Implementation, ie learning in a fun way, and coaching students who follow the Olympics. Evaluation was conducted covering aspects of assessment of memorizing, writing, active discussions and assignments. 2. Application of kinesthetic intelligence in their respective educational institutions. The Bandung MTsN planning activities using methods of lecture and discussion. The implementation is done in 2 kinds of practices and learning techniques to provide infrastructure facilities. Evaluation of students in terms of cognitive and psychomotor. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning methods lectures, and discussions. Menitiktekankan on the implementation aspects of the child motion hablum minallah and hablum minannas. Evaluation includes the assessment board, attitudes, skills and oral. 3. Application of musical intelligence in their respective educational institutions. The MTsN Bandung, planning activities using methods lecture, discussion, and frequently asked questions. Implementation more menitiktekankan on the use of music or sounds of LCD, sound systems and others. Evaluations include test scores or cognitive or psychomotor and practices. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities using the lecture method and CTL (Contekstual Teaching Learning). Implementation using a combination of classic and modern media. Evaluation includes students' skills in writing materials and children's attitudes. 4. The application of intrapersonal intelligence in their respective educational institutions. The Bandung MTsN menitiktekankan on the application of self reflection and introspection. Planning activities through the creation of the RPP. Implementation more teachers to use modern activities such as ceremonies and istighostah. Evaluation includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities using methods that lecture. Implementation using classical media, namely textbooks. In terms of practice, namely istighosah and direction of teacher BK. In terms of evaluating all depends on the input of a child. 5. Strategy implementation of multiple intelligences in religious learning. The MTsN Bandung, more planning activities programmed in the RPP. In practice teachers implement instructional strategies that conditional, guided and debriefing. The evaluation by asking the help of a team of psychology. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung planning activities emphasize on improving the competence of educators. Evaluation includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor. 6. The supporting factors and inhibitors of multiple intelligences in improving religious learning in their respective educational institutions. The MTsN Bandung, namely by supporting factor is applied in the form of a special class hardware, facilities media tools, facilities and infrastructure. While inhibiting factors include the hardware and software in the form of a holiday schedule incompatibility with the education calendar. While in MTs Al Huda Bandung, supporting factors include the Full Day class, in the form of hardware and software infrastructure facilities in the form of competence educators. While inhibiting factors such as lack of collaboration software that parents and teachers in motivating students.

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